禁用传统支持和启用安全引导_在Windows 8中启用,使用和禁用安全模式




If you’ve installed the Windows 8 Developer Preview and have run into some problems (after all, it’s pre-beta software), you may want to boot into Safe Mode to try and fix the problems.

如果您已经安装了Windows 8 Developer Preview并且遇到了一些问题(毕竟,它是beta版软件),则可能需要启动到安全模式以尝试解决问题。

By default, Windows 8 does not enable Safe Mode. You have to manually enable it. This article shows you how to enable Safe Mode, boot into it, and then disable it.

默认情况下,Windows 8不启用安全模式。 您必须手动启用它。 本文向您展示如何启用安全模式,启动它,然后禁用它。

To enable Safe Mode, you must open the Command Prompt window. There are a few ways you can do this. You can use the Metro UI, the Windows 7 Start menu, or Windows Explorer to search for the “cmd.exe” command.

要启用安全模式,必须打开命令提示符窗口。 有几种方法可以做到这一点。 您可以使用Metro UI,Windows 7“开始”菜单或Windows资源管理器搜索“ cmd.exe”命令。

To use the Metro UI, open the Desktop from the Metro Start screen. Move the mouse over the Start icon and then select Search from the Start menu to open the Search pane.

要使用Metro UI,请从Metro Start屏幕中打开桌面。 将鼠标移到“开始”图标上,然后从“开始”菜单中选择“搜索”以打开“搜索”窗格。


Scroll down in the list on the right and select Apps. Enter “cmd” in the Search box. As you type, the results display on the left side of the screen. Right-click on “cmd.exe” in the results list.

在右侧列表中向下滚动,然后选择应用程序。 在搜索框中输入“ cmd”。 键入时,结果显示在屏幕的左侧。 右键单击结果列表中的“ cmd.exe”。


A check mark displays next to cmd.exe and an Advanced icon displays in the lower, right corner of the screen. Click the Advanced icon and select Run as administrator from the popup menu.

在cmd.exe旁边显示一个复选标记,在屏幕的右下角显示一个高级图标。 单击高级图标,然后从弹出菜单中选择以管理员身份运行。


If you don’t like the Metro UI, you can enable the Windows 7 Start menu and use the Windows 7-style Start menu to search for the “cmd” command. Right-click on “cmd.exe” in the results and select Run as administrator from the popup menu.

如果您不喜欢Metro UI,则可以启用Windows 7的“开始”菜单并使用Windows 7样式的“开始”菜单来搜索“ cmd”命令。 右键单击结果中的“ cmd.exe”,然后从弹出菜单中选择“以管理员身份运行”。

NOTE: The Windows 7 Start menu is useful if you are trying to open cmd.exe or msconfig.exe while in Safe Mode using the Metro UI Search function. We could not find cmd.exe or msconfig.exe using the Metro UI in Safe Mode. Another way to find these programs is using Windows Explorer and searching in the C:\Windows directory.

注意:如果要在安全模式下使用Metro UI搜索功能打开cmd.exe或msconfig.exe,则Windows 7的“开始”菜单很有用。 在安全模式下使用Metro UI找不到cmd.exe或msconfig.exe。 查找这些程序的另一种方法是使用Windows资源管理器,然后在C:\ Windows目录中搜索。


If the User Account Control dialog box displays, click Yes to continue.



At the command prompt, enter the following command and press Enter.


bcdedit /enum /v

bcdedit /枚举/ v


Enter the following at the command prompt, with a space at the end. DO NOT press Enter yet.

在命令提示符下输入以下内容,并在末尾加一个空格。 请勿按Enter。

bcdedit /copy

bcdedit /复制

This is only part of the command. To add to the command, you need to copy the identifier for the Windows Boot Loader with the description, “Windows Developer Preview.” To do this, right-click on the window and select Mark from the popup menu.

这只是命令的一部分。 要添加到命令中,您需要复制Windows Boot Loader的标识符,并带有“ Windows Developer Preview”描述。 为此,请在窗口上单击鼠标右键,然后从弹出菜单中选择“标记”。


Highlight the identifier, including the brackets, and press Enter to copy it.



Right-click on the window and select Paste from the popup menu.



The identifier is pasted into the command on the command prompt line. Type a space after the identifier and finish the command with the following:

标识符将粘贴到命令提示符行中的命令中。 在标识符之后键入一个空格,并使用以下命令完成命令:

/d “Windows 8 Developer Preview (Safe Mode)”

/ d“ Windows 8开发人员预览(安全模式)”

Press Enter to execute the command.



Close the command prompt window by clicking the X in the upper, right corner of the window.



Open msconfig.exe the same way you opened cmd.exe. You don’t need to run it as administrator.

以与打开cmd.exe相同的方式打开msconfig.exe。 您无需以管理员身份运行它。

NOTE: You can also use the Windows 7-Style menu or search for msconfig.exe in Windows Explorer to run it.

注意:您也可以使用Windows 7样式菜单或在Windows资源管理器中搜索msconfig.exe来运行它。


To get Safe Mode to start, select Windows 8 Developer Preview (Safe Mode) in the list and then select the Safe boot check box. Accept the default Minimal option below the check box. Safe Mode should start automatically when you reboot.

要启动安全模式,请在列表中选择Windows 8 Developer Preview(安全模式),然后选择“安全启动”复选框。 接受复选框下方的默认“最小”选项。 重新启动时,安全模式应会自动启动。


The following dialog box displays asking if you want to restart. Click Restart to reboot your computer immediately.

将显示以下对话框,询问您是否要重新启动。 单击重新启动以立即重新启动计算机。


Sometimes, Safe Mode may not automatically start. Instead, you may see the following screen display when the computer restarts. Select the Windows 8 Developer Preview (Safe Mode) option to start in Safe Mode.

有时,安全模式可能不会自动启动。 而是,计算机重新启动时,您可能会看到以下屏幕显示。 选择Windows 8 Developer Preview(安全模式)选项以在安全模式下启动。


Windows boots directly into the Desktop view rather than the Metro UI screen view. The Windows Help and Support window also displays, providing information about Safe Mode.

Windows直接引导到桌面视图,而不是Metro UI屏幕视图。 Windows帮助和支持窗口也会显示,提供有关安全模式的信息。


To delete the Safe Mode boot option, open cmd.exe as administrator again.


NOTE: As mentioned earlier in this article, you may need to use the Windows 7-Style Start menu or search for cmd.exe in the C:\Windows directory in Windows Explorer.

注意:如本文前面所述,您可能需要使用Windows 7样式的“开始”菜单或在Windows资源管理器的C:\ Windows目录中搜索cmd.exe。

Enter the following at the command prompt, adding a space at the end. DO NOT press Enter yet.

在命令提示符下输入以下内容,并在末尾添加一个空格。 请勿按Enter。

bcdedit /delete

bcdedit /删除

Use the same Mark and Paste procedure mentioned earlier in the article to copy the identifier for the Windows Boot Loader section with the description, “Windows 8 Developer Preview (Safe Mode)” and paste it into the above command. Press Enter to execute the command. You should get a message that the operation completed successfully.

使用本文前面提到的相同的“标记和粘贴”过程,复制带有描述“ Windows 8 Developer Preview(安全模式)”的Windows Boot Loader部分的标识符,并将其粘贴到上述命令中。 按Enter执行命令。 您应该收到一条消息,说明操作已成功完成。


You can also turn off Safe Mode by unchecking the Safe boot check box for the Windows 8 Developer Preview (Safe Mode) option in msconfig.exe, and then reboot.

您还可以通过取消选中msconfig.exe中Windows 8开发人员预览(安全模式)选项的“安全启动”复选框来关闭安全模式,然后重新启动。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/96980/enable-use-and-disable-safe-mode-in-windows-8/






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