chrome 时钟桌面_每日新闻摘要:Chrome操作系统上的虚拟桌面进展顺利

chrome 时钟桌面

chrome 时钟桌面

Virtual Desktops are coming to Chrome OS. The first glimpse of how this is going to work showed up in February, and now there’s a new video of how the feature is progressing. And it looks amazing.

虚拟桌面即将推出Chrome OS 。 关于此功能如何工作的第一印象出现在2月份 ,现在有一个有关该功能如何进行进展的新视频。 而且看起来很棒。

As Chromebooks have grown in both feature and popularity, this is a feature that many users have asked for—myself included. Having the option to switch between multiple screen layouts for various tasks seamlessly would dramatically improve workflow on Chrome OS, and the implementation shown in the video looks great.

随着Chromebook的功能和普及度的增长,这是许多用户要求的功能(包括我自己)。 可以选择在多种屏幕布局之间无缝切换以执行各种任务,这将大大改善Chrome OS上的工作流程,并且视频中显示的实施效果很好。

All that said, this is still a very early—and notably unfinished—look at how “virtual desks,” as they’re being called, will work. First off, we know that the number of desks will be limited to four. That’s understandable, especially given the lightweight hardware found in most Chromebooks. Comments on the video also note that desk switch animations or mini view haven’t been implemented yet. Again, understandable since this is still very much in development.

综上所述,这仍然是一个非常早期的工作,尤其是未完成的工作,要看看被称为“虚拟办公桌”的工作方式。 首先,我们知道办公桌的数量将限制为四个。 这是可以理解的,特别是考虑到大多数Chromebook都具有轻巧的硬件。 关于视频的评论还指出,尚未实现桌面切换动画或迷你视图。 同样,这是可以理解的,因为这仍然处于开发阶段。

Chrome OS Virtual Desks

While we’re getting a better look at how the feature will work, there’s still a lot of unanswered questions. For one, how much of a hit is this going to have on the system—especially lower-end Chromebooks? I’ve been able to peg my Pixelbook’s 8 GB of RAM on more than one occasion with little more than a slew of Chrome tabs, so I can only imagine what it will be like when I can keep multiple apps open across several desktops.

尽管我们可以更好地了解该功能的工作原理,但仍有许多未解决的问题。 首先,这将对系统(尤其是低端Chromebook)造成多大的冲击? 我已经能够多次使用Pixelbook的Pixelbook的8 GB RAM,而不仅仅是使用一系列Chrome标签,所以我只能想象当我可以在多个桌面上保持多个应用程序打开时的状态。

Secondly—and probably the more significant question—when can we try it? As About Chromebooks’ Kevin Tofel points out, it’ll probably be Chrome OS 76 at the earliest. I’m just glad I keep my Pixelbook on the developer channel, as this is one feature that I absolutely can’t wait to try out. [via About Chromebooks]

其次-也许是更重要的问题-我们什么时候可以尝试? 正如About Chromebook的Kevin Tofel指出的那样, 最早可能是Chrome OS 76 我很高兴我将Pixelbook保留在开发人员频道上,因为这是我绝对迫不及待想要尝试的功能。 [通过关于Chromebook ]

In other news, Google is having a hard time selling Pixel phones, older Huawei routers were found to have hidden backdoors, Energizer’s massive-battery phone flopped hard, and more.


  • Google reported “lower than expected” Pixel sales: Smartphone sales are down overall this year, but it seems that Google is taking an even harder hit than expected. One analyst even went as far as comparing Pixel sales to Windows Phone. Ouch. [Android Police]

    谷歌报告称Pixel销售“低于预期”:今年智能手机的销售总体下降,但似乎谷歌遭受的打击甚至比预期还要严重。 一位分析师甚至将Pixel的销售与Windows Phone进行了比较。 哎哟。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Backdoors in Huawei routers: Vodafone Italy says it found “hidden backdoors” in Huawei routers that allowed the Chinese company to access users’ home networks and Vodafone’s fixed-line network. The now-patched backdoors were discovered between 2009-2011; there was also no evidence of breached data. [Bloomberg]

    华为路由器的后门:意大利沃达丰表示,它在华为路由器中发现了“隐藏的后门”,这使中国公司可以访问用户的家庭网络和沃达丰的固网。 现在修补的后门是在2009年至2011年之间发现的; 也没有证据表明有数据泄露。 [ 彭博 ]

  • Energizer’s big bet on a big phone: Remember the ridiculously huge Energizer phone announced back in February? Well, unsurprisingly, it completely flopped on Indiegogo, only grabbing about one percent of its goal. lol. [The Verge]

    劲量在大电话上的大赌注:还记得二月份宣布的可笑的巨大劲量电话吗? 好吧,毫不奇怪,它完全在Indiegogo上失败了,只获得了目标的百分之一。 大声笑。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Netflix will need ads…according to advertisers: Because that’s exactly what advertisers would say. [Tech Radar]

    Netflix将需要广告……根据广告商的说法:因为这正是广告商会说的。 [ 科技雷达 ]

  • Moto’s new RAZR foldable breaks cover: A new supposed leak shows off the rumored RAZR foldable Motorola has been working on. And man, it looks…pretty good. [Engadget]

    Moto的新RAZR折叠式折页套:传闻中的新泄漏显示了传闻中的摩托罗拉RAZR可折叠折线的研究。 而且男人,看起来……还不错。 [ Engadget ]

  • Vudu is getting OC: Original content is coming to Vudu next year, according to a new report. The best part? It’s all going to be free with ads. Well, free is the best part. Not the ads. [MacRumors]

    Vudu正在获得OC:根据一份新报告 ,原始内容将于明年进入Vudu。 最好的部分? 广告全部免费。 好吧,免费是最好的部分。 不是广告。 [ MacRumors ]

  • Anki is shutting down: No more toy robots for us. :( [Axios]

    Anki正在关闭:不再为我们提供玩具机器人。 :( [[ Axios ]

  • Alexa is getting support for Spanish: Right now, Alexa can only speak English. Starting later this week, she’ll also speak Spanish. Good. [Digital Trends]

    Alexa正在获得西班牙语的支持:现在,Alexa只能说英语。 从本周晚些时候开始,她还将说西班牙语。 好。 [ 数字趋势 ]

  • T-Mobile-Sprint merger delayed: The Justice Department is still in deliberation, so it pushed back the dealing to July 29th. Maybe one day we’ll let the two become one. For the good of humanity. [Android Police]

    T-Mobile-Sprint的合并延迟:司法部仍在审议中,因此将交易推迟至7月29日。 也许有一天我们会让两者合而为一。 为了人类的利益。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Apple kills Aperture: Apple announced that Aperture will no longer work in macOS versions after Mojave. Makes sense—it’s been out of development since 2014. [MacRumors]

    苹果杀死了Aperture:苹果宣布Mojave之后,Aperture将不再在macOS版本中运行。 有道理-自2014年以来就已经不合时宜。 [ MacRumors ]

  • Burger King does the Impossible: The company announced that it’s bringing the Impossible Whopper—a totally meatless burger that is said to taste like, well, meat—to all BKs by the end of the year. Wild. I’m gettin’ one. [Vox]

    汉堡王做到了不可能:该公司宣布,将在今年年底之前将“不可能的汉堡”(一种完全无肉的汉堡,据说像肉一样的味道)带给所有BK。 野生。 我开始。 [ Vox ]

In a bit of interesting science news, scientists have found that “water worlds”—exoplanets completely covered by one huge ocean—are not only common in our galaxy, but have more water than initially imagined. We’re talking massive amounts of water here; potentially thousands of kilometers deep. Of course, water worlds are still technically hypothetical as it were, but this new research, paired with computer simulations, show that planets that were previously thought to be gas with thick atmospheres are actually water worlds. Neat. [Gizmodo]

在一些有趣的科学新闻中,科学家发现“水世界”(一个被巨大海洋完全覆盖的系外行星)不仅在我们的银河系中很常见,而且比最初想象的拥有更多的水。 我们在这里谈论大量的水; 可能有数千公里深。 当然,水世界在技术上仍然是假设的,但是这项新的研究与计算机模拟相结合,表明以前被认为是具有浓厚大气的气体的行星实际上是水世界。 整齐。 [ Gizmodo ]


chrome 时钟桌面





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