

Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag and answer your pressing tech questions. This week we’re taking a look at what makes portable apps, well, portable,  how to set up an Ubuntu-based Firefox kiosk, and tangle-free headphone storage.

每周一次,我们浸入阅读器邮袋,并回答您紧迫的技术问题。 本周,我们将探讨可移植应用的成因,可移植性,如何设置基于Ubuntu的Firefox信息亭以及无纠结的耳机存储。

是什么使便携式应用程序具有便携性? (What Makes a Portable App Portable?)


Dear How-To Geek,


I have read a few articles talking about portable apps and find myself confused as to why they are considered portable?  Most recently, their was a question about one-way syncing and a portable version of SyncBack.  Is there a guide somewhere that explains what makes apps portable and maybe a set of must-have’s?

我已阅读了几篇有关便携式应用程序的文章,但对于为什么将它们视为便携式应用程序感到迷惑不解? 最近,他们的问题是有关单向同步和SyncBack的便携式版本。 某处是否有指南解释什么使应用程序可移植,甚至可能是一些必备软件?

Sincerely, Portable Confusion


Dear Portable Confusion,


At the most basic level a portable application is an application that was either designed from the outset or later optimized to run off removable media without excessive dependency on the host operating system. PortableApps.com, one of the oldest and certainly the most respected portable application web sites around, offers this handy list:

在最基本的级别上,便携式应用程序是从一开始就设计的应用程序,或者后来经过优化以运行可移动媒体而又不过度依赖主机操作系统的应用程序。 PortableApps.com是周围最古老,当然也是最受尊敬的便携式应用程序网站之一,它提供了以下便捷列表

  • A portable app works from any device (USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod, etc)

  • A portable app works as you move computers and your drive letter changes

  • A portable app’s features continue working as you move computers

  • A portable app doesn’t leave files or folders behind on the PC

  • A portable app doesn’t leave registry entries behind except those automatically generated by Windows

  • A portable app is optimized for use on removable drives

  • A portable app doesn’t require additional software on the PC

  • A portable app doesn’t interfere with software installed on the PC


Let’s look at the regular version of Firefox and the portable version of Firefox to see how things play out in regard to that list.


When you install Firefox on your desktop computer a lot of things are going on. The application is making changes to the host operating system’s file structure, the registry (if on a Windows machine), and file associations (URL shortcuts and HTML files will now be associated with Firefox). The portable version never tries to change the registry, set up file associations, or establish itself as the primary web browser on the computer you load it on. It’s also optimized to do less disk writing; this is an important feature for portable apps since many of them are run off of flash drives. Flash drives have a limited number of read/write cycles and excessive writing to the browser cache, for example, would both shorten the lifespan of the removable drive and slow the browser down.

在台式计算机上安装Firefox时,发生了很多事情。 该应用程序正在更改主机操作系统的文件结构,注册表(如果在Windows计算机上)和文件关联(URL快捷方式和HTML文件现在将与Firefox关联)。 便携式版本从不尝试更改注册表,设置文件关联或将其自身设置为加载它的计算机上的主要Web浏览器。 它还进行了优化,以减少磁盘写入。 这是便携式应用程序的一项重要功能,因为许多应用程序都使用闪存驱动器。 闪存驱动器具有有限的读/写周期,并且过多地写入浏览器缓存,例如,这将缩短可移动驱动器的寿命并降低浏览器的速度。

So how is using portable apps useful to you on a practical level? There are two great ways to take advantage of portable applications. You can keep a flash drive on your keychain, use your smartphone like a portable drive, or keep a copy of your favorite apps in Dropbox and they will be available to you wherever you are. This means if you like using Firefox with a certain set of extensions and customizations, reading your email in Thunderbird, and editing files in Notepad++ you can take them with you and easily use them at work, on a friend’s computer, and so on.

那么,在实际使用水平上,使用便携式应用程序对您有用吗? 有两种利用便携式应用程序的好方法。 您可以将闪存驱动器保留在钥匙串上,可以将智能手机用作便携式驱动器,也可以将自己喜欢的应用程序的副本保存在Dropbox中,无论您身在何处,都可以使用它们。 这意味着,如果您喜欢将Firefox与一组特定的扩展名和自定义项一起使用,在Thunderbird中阅读电子邮件并在Notepad ++中编辑文件,则可以随身携带它们并轻松地在工作中,在朋友的计算机上使用它们,等等。

Even if you don’t intend to cart your apps around a lot some people enjoy using portable apps because you don’t have to install them and they’re easy to backup. There is nothing tricky about backing up portable applications; you just archive the folder they’re all stored in and boom, you’re all done.

即使您不打算随身携带您的应用程序,有些人还是喜欢使用便携式应用程序,因为您不必安装它们,而且它们很容易备份。 备份便携式应用程序没有什么棘手的问题。 你刚才存档他们都存储在文件夹和繁荣 ,你就大功告成了。

Finally, portable apps are great for testing out software you’re not sure if you want to install and fully integrate into your system. If an app comes in an installer and a portable version you can easily grab the portable version and take it for a spin. Don’t like it? Just delete the folder you extracted from the archive it came in.

最后,便携式应用程序非常适合测试您不确定是否要安装并完全集成到系统中的软件。 如果应用程序带有安装程序和便携式版本,则可以轻松获取便携式版本并将其试用。 不喜欢吗 只需删除从存档中提取的文件夹即可。

For more information on portable apps and some must-have portable applications definitely check out PortableApps.com; it’s a trusted resource for well packaged and optimized portable applications. Also check out the comments on our Ask the Readers: What’s In Your Flash Drive Toolkit post and the What You Said follow up.

有关便携式应用程序和某些必备便携式应用程序的更多信息,请务必访问PortableApps.com 。 它是经过精心包装和优化的便携式应用程序的可信赖资源。 另请查看我们的“问读者:闪存驱动器工具包中的内容”以及“您所说的内容”后续内容中的评论。

设置Firefox信息亭 (Setting up a Firefox Kiosk)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I need to set up a browser-only internet kiosk. I’d like to use Firefox and Ubuntu as the underlying operating system. It’s important that the machine boot directly into Firefox, that users cannot exit Firefox, and that they cannot access anything on the system and/or damage the system. How should I go about this?

我需要设置一个仅浏览器的互联网亭。 我想使用Firefox和Ubuntu作为底层操作系统。 重要的是,计算机必须直接启动到Firefox,用户不能退出Firefox,并且他们不能访问系统上的任何内容和/或损坏系统。 我应该怎么做?



Kiosk Building in Kansas


Dear Kiosk Building,


We made a quick list of the things you would need for this particular setup and then set out to start gathering them. In the process we discovered somebody had already done all the heavy lifting for us. Jacob Steelsmith designed an easy to install and configure version of Ubuntu specifically for kiosks deployed by his employer after the Windows-based ones were compromised by a virus/Trojan horse. His build includes all the features you need: the underlying operating system is invisible and inaccessible to the user, Firefox is locked in full screen and protected against user tampering, the entire thing is run on a limited user account, and you can easily customize it for your specific network and browsing needs.

我们快速列出了此特定设置所需的一切,然后着手开始收集它们。 在此过程中,我们发现有人已经为我们完成了所有繁重的工作。 在基于Windows的信息亭被病毒/特洛伊木马入侵后, Jacob Steelsmith设计了一个易于安装和配置的Ubuntu版本,专门用于其雇主部署的信息亭。 他的构建包括所需的所有功能:用户看不见底层操作系统,并且无法访问其操作系统; Firefox处于全屏状态,并且可以防止用户被篡改;整个系统都在受限的用户帐户上运行;您可以轻松地对其进行自定义满足您特定的网络和浏览需求。

Hit up this link to read about the project, his methodology, and how to configure everything. Make sure to grab the most current release here when you’re done reading up o the project.

点击此链接以了解有关项目,他的方法以及如何配置所有内容的信息。 阅读完项目后,请确保在此处获取最新版本

如何整理和安全存放耳机线 (How to Tidy and Safely Store Headphone Cables)


Dear How-To Geek

亲爱的How-To Geek

I am having a bit of a headphone cable dilemma. I’m not quite sure how to store them or tidy them up. They just seem to get tangled together and are prone to being damaged. Should I tie the cable or should I get a clip for them?

我有点耳机线困境。 我不太确定如何存储它们或整理它们。 它们似乎纠缠在一起,容易受到损坏。 我应该绑扎电缆还是应该为它们绑上夹子?



Cables in California


Dear Cables,


There is really only two important things to consider when storing headphones. You never want to wrap a pair of headphones so tightly that there is significant tension where the wires connect to the headphones themselves or to the jack. You’ll stress the joint and wear it out prematurely. Related to that, tightly coiling the wire, depending on the thickness and sheathing material, can lead to a kinked up headphone cord.

存放耳机时实际上只需要考虑两个重要事项。 您永远都不想太紧地缠绕一副耳机,以免电线与耳机本身或插Kong的连接处产生明显的拉力。 您会给关节施加压力并过早磨损。 与此相关的是,根据线的粗细和护套材料的不同,将线圈紧紧缠绕会导致耳机线扭结。

So working within those parameters—don’t wrap it so tight you bend the connection points and kink up the wire—you have a lot of flexibility. The cheaper the headphones and the less concerned you are about replacing them the more flexibility you have. Some people use a candy tin, like an Altoids tin or similar container, loosely coiling the headphones and placing them inside. Others use a cord minder; this Mashable roundup showcases ten cord minders including Cable Turtles (a type of cord minder we’ve found useful for managing headphone cables).

因此,在这些参数范围内工作-不要将其包裹得太紧,以免弯曲连接点并扭结导线-您将具有很大的灵活性。 耳机越便宜,您更换耳机的担心就越少,您拥有的灵活性就越大。 某些人使用糖果锡罐(例如Altoids锡罐或类似的容器)来松散地缠绕耳机并将其放在里面。 其他人则使用电线看守器; 此Mashable综述展示了十个线缆管理器,​​包括Cable Turtles (我们发现一种用于管理耳机电缆的线缆管理器)。

If you’d like to manage your cords without any (often over-priced) accessories you can always check out YouTube videos of wrapping demonstrations. This particular video, if you can excuse the smugness of the presenter, is a great demonstration of the over-under loop technique that keeps cords unkinked and tangle free.

如果您想在没有任何(通常价格过高)配件的情况下管理电源线,可以随时查看有关包装演示的YouTube视频。 如果您可以原谅主持人的自鸣得意,则可以观看此特殊视频该视频很好地演示了过暗循环技术,该技术可以避免绳索弯曲和缠结。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71168/ask-htg-portable-apps-building-a-firefox-kiosk-and-tangle-free-headphones/





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