
If you have a PC infected with Advanced Virus Remover, you’ll probably find that this is a tough one to get rid of. Thankfully we’ve got the instructions to help you defeat this terrible virus.

如果您的PC感染了Advanced Virus Remover,您可能会发现这是一个很难消除的PC。 值得庆幸的是,我们已经获得了帮助您战胜这种可怕病毒的说明。

Advanced Virus Remover is one of many fake antivirus applications like Antivirus Live or Internet Security 2010, which are really just rogue viruses that hold your computer hostage until you pay the ransom money. They tell you that your PC is infected with loads of viruses, even though it’s the only virus on your computer. The biggest problem with these things is that they block you from doing almost everything—you can’t use task manager, Safe Mode, or even install a real malware removal tool.

Advanced Virus Remover是许多伪造的防病毒应用程序(例如Antivirus LiveInternet Security 2010)之一 ,它们实际上只是流氓病毒,它们将您的计算机作为人质,直到您支付赎金为止。 他们告诉您您的PC感染了大量病毒,即使它是计算机上唯一的病毒。 这些问题的最大问题是,它们阻碍了您执行几乎所有操作-您无法使用任务管理器,安全模式,甚至无法安装真正的恶意软件删除工具。

Advanced Virus Remover is Terrible!


This thing just covers your PC with messages about viruses that they claim you have…



There are popups, messages, and just dozens of windows that open…



Their goal, of course, is to get you to pay them.



Advanced Virus Remover is tricky… if you open an application more than once, it’ll block you from opening it again, preventing you from installing any anti-malware tools (I tried both SUPERAntiSpyware installed edition and MalwareBytes, no luck) Note that it also changes your wallpaper.

Advanced Virus Remover非常棘手……如果您多次打开应用程序,它将阻止您再次打开它,从而阻止您安装任何反恶意软件工具(我尝试过SUPERAntiSpyware安装版本和MalwareBytes,没有运气) 请注意,也会更改您的墙纸。


Advanced Virus Remover also prohibits you from heading into Safe Mode, where you at least might have a better chance of getting rid of it.

Advanced Virus Remover还禁止您进入安全模式,在这种情况下,您至少有更好的机会摆脱它。

Removing Rogue Fake Antivirus Infections (General Guide)


There’s a couple of steps that you can generally follow to get rid of the majority of rogue antivirus infections, and actually most malware or spyware infections of any type. Here’s the quick steps:

通常,您可以遵循几个步骤来消除大多数流氓防病毒感染以及实际上大多数类型的恶意软件或间谍软件感染。 快速步骤如下:

  • Try to use the free, portable version of SUPERAntiSpyware to remove the viruses.


  • If that doesn’t work, reboot your PC into safe mode with networking (use F8 right before Windows starts to load)

  • Reboot your PC and go back into safe mode with networking.

  • If that doesn’t work, and safe mode is blocked, try running ComboFix. Note that I’ve not yet had to resort to this, but some of our readers have.


  • Install MalwareBytes and run it, doing a full system scan. (see our previous article on how to use it).

    安装MalwareBytes并运行它,进行完整的系统扫描。 (请参阅上一篇有关如何使用它的文章 )。

  • Reboot your PC again, and run a full scan using your normal Antivirus application (we recommend Microsoft Security Essentials).

    再次重新启动PC,然后使用常规的防病毒应用程序运行全面扫描(我们建议使用Microsoft Security Essentials)。
  • At this point your PC is usually clean.


Those are the rules that normally work. Note that there are some malware infections that not only block safe mode, but also prevent you from doing anything at all. We’ll cover those in another article soon, so make sure to subscribe to How-To Geek for updates (top of the page).

这些是通常有效的规则。 请注意,有些恶意软件感染不仅会阻止安全模式,而且还会阻止您执行任何操作。 我们将很快在另一篇文章中介绍这些内容,因此请确保订阅How-To Geek以获得更新(页面顶部)。

So, Let’s Remove Advanced Virus Remover!


Turns out that the answer to getting rid of this virus is really simple—you’ll just need to grab the free, Portable edition of SUPERAntiSpyware, which we’ve featured as our favorite must-have spyware removal tool, and put it on a flash drive (from another computer).

事实证明,摆脱这种病毒的答案非常简单-您只需要获取SUPERAntiSpyware的免费便携式版本 ,我们将其作为我们最喜欢的必备间谍软件清除工具 ,并将其放在了闪存驱动器(来自另一台计算机)。

Then open it up on the PC, making sure to run the scan immediately. Don’t close it and re-open it, or Advanced Virus Remover will figure out what you’re doing and block you!

然后在PC上打开它,确保立即运行扫描。 不要关闭它,然后重新打开它,否则Advanced Virus Remover会弄清楚您在做什么并阻止了您!


Once it’s all done, it’ll get rid of the bad stuff.



Then you’ll be prompted to reboot, which you should probably do.


If Advanced Virus Remover Blocks SUPERAntiSpyware


If you have an issue running SUPERAntiSpyware, you can try and use the following technique. Open up the Windows Run box with the Win+R shortcut key, or through the start menu. Then type in the following commands, hitting enter after each one.

如果您在运行SUPERAntiSpyware时遇到问题,可以尝试使用以下技术。 使用Win + R快捷键或通过开始菜单打开Windows运行框。 然后键入以下命令,每输入一个命令后按Enter。

taskkill /f /im winupdate86.exe

taskkill / f / im winupdate86.exe

taskkill /f /im winlogon86.exe

taskkill / f / im winlogon86.exe

Note that this may or may not help… the goal is to try and shut down the processes that are blocking you, and malware changes filenames all the time. You can also open up Windows Explorer, head into the Windows\System32 folder, and try and locate the bad processes there (hit the properties screen on some recent, odd-looking files), then use the taskkill command to get rid of them. This technique is how I usually figure out what the virus is hiding under, so I can easily kill it with just a few keystrokes.

请注意,这可能有所帮助,也可能没有帮助……目标是尝试关闭阻止您的进程,并且恶意软件始终会更改文件名。 您也可以打开Windows资源管理器,转到Windows \ System32文件夹,然后尝试在此处找到错误的进程(在一些看起来奇怪的新近文件上单击属性屏幕),然后使用taskkill命令将其清除。 这种技术通常是我确定病毒隐藏在什么下面的方法,因此只需几次击键即可轻松杀死它。

Cleanup the Leftovers!


Since I never like to fully trust a single anti-malware tool, I usually run multiple passes from multiple malware removal tools. I highly recommend running a second pass with the free edition of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. (see our previous article on how to use it).

由于我从不喜欢完全信任单个反恶意软件工具,因此我通常会从多个恶意软件清除工具运行多个通道。 我强烈建议您使用免费版的Malwarebytes Anti-Malware运行第二遍。 (请参阅上一篇有关如何使用它的文章 )。


You might notice some more messages popping up from the virus—in this case, my SUPERAntiSpyware definitions were out of date (because I wrote this article before the official portable version came out, so I was using my own hack to create a portable edition).

您可能会注意到该病毒弹出了更多消息-在这种情况下,我的SUPERAntiSpyware定义已过时(因为我在正式的便携式版本发布之前写了这篇文章,所以我使用自己的hack来创建便携式版本) 。

Just ignore any messages, and continue with the scan, letting Malwarebytes remove everything else.



At this point you’ll want to reboot your system, and then install Microsoft Security Essentials and run another full scan. Can’t hurt to be too cautious! We also highly recommend Microsoft Security Essentials for real-time protection against these types of things.

此时,您将需要重新引导系统,然后安装Microsoft Security Essentials并运行另一个完整扫描。 不能太谨慎就不会受伤! 我们还强烈建议使用Microsoft Security Essentials对这些类型的事物进行实时保护。

Note: If you used a thumb drive at any point during this process, you should make sure and scan that as well—I’ve had viruses hop over to the thumb drive, ready to infect the next machine.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9317/how-to-remove-advanced-virus-remover-and-other-roguefake-antivirus-malware/

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