


The first time I took my camera tripod on an airplane as carry-on luggage I was terrified. Was airport security going to confiscate it? What about the airline staff at the boarding gate? Or at the door of the plane? Or the cabin crew member who gave me a hand to lift my bag to the luggage storage?

我第一次将相机三脚架放在飞机上作为手提行李时,我感到非常恐惧。 机场安全部门会没收吗? 登机口的航空公司员工呢? 还是在飞机的门口? 还是帮助我将行李提起至行李寄存处的机组人员?

Not one of them said a thing because—with some caveats—flying with your tripod is okay. Let’s look at the situation.

他们中没有一个人说一句话,因为有一些警告,但可以用三脚架飞行。 让我们看一下情况。

三脚架合法化吗? (Is a Tripod Legal Carry On?)

The good news is that the TSA doesn’t give a damn about your tripod. Tripods are listed on their website as approved for both carry-on and checked bags.

好消息是,TSA不会对您的三脚架造成任何伤害。 三脚架已在其网站上列出,允许携带和托运行李

Now, this comes with one major caveat: everything is at the discretion of the TSA officer you meet at security. They have pretty broad powers to confiscate anything they want, even if it’s technically on the approved list. If you’re bringing your grandad’s ancient two-meter long wooden tripod with you or just act like an ass, then all bets are off.

现在,有一个主要警告:一切由您在安全部门遇到的TSA官员自行决定。 他们有很广泛的权力没收他们想要的任何东西,即使在技术上已被批准。 如果您随身携带爷爷的古老的两米长木制三脚架,或者只是个笨蛋,那么所有的赌注都没有。

The TSA is also only the security provider in American airports. Most other airport security setups generally follow their lead, but there is an outside chance that some airport somewhere has specifically banned tripods.

TSA还是美国机场的安全提供者。 大多数其他机场安全设置通常都遵循其先例,但外界可能会某个地方的某些机场明确禁止使用三脚架。

三脚架适合您的行李吗? (Does a Tripod Fit In Your Baggage?)

Just because the TSA has let you through the security screening doesn’t mean your tripod is on the plane yet; the airline still has to let you on. And this step is trickier.

仅仅因为TSA允许您进行安全检查,并不意味着您的三脚架已经在飞机上了; 航空公司仍然必须让您上车。 这一步比较棘手。

Different airlines have different cabin baggage allowances—Skyscanner has a good summary—and different levels of enforcement of the rules. I’ve been allowed on a plane blatantly carrying two bags that pushed the limits of what the storage bins could hold and also been pulled aside to have my schoolbag-sized backpack weighed and measured.

不同的航空公司有不同的随身行李限额( Skyscanner提供了很好的摘要)以及规则的不同执行级别。 我被允许公然载着两个书包登上飞机,推开了储物箱可以容纳的极限,还被拉到一边,以对我的书包大小的背包进行称重和测量。

This means that there are no universal rules when it comes to getting your tripod on the plane. In general, if your tripod and bag are combined—whether your tripod is inside the bag or strapped to the outside—and come in under the maximum dimensions and weight limits, you aren’t going to have any issues. It’s when you push things a little bit that something might be said.

这意味着将三脚架放到飞机上没有通用的规则。 通常,如果将三脚架和包袋组合在一起(无论您的三脚架是放在包内还是绑在外面),并且都在最大尺寸和重量限制范围之内,那么您就不会有任何问题。 当您稍微推动一些事情时,可能会说些什么。

The majority of the time I’ve flown with my tripod, it’s been strapped on the outside of a bag that fits the maximum allowed carry-on dimensions. My tripod has generally fallen within the limits of what airlines call a “small bag,” “personal item,” or “laptop/handbag” and that was going to be my defense if I needed it. In around 20 flights, no airline staff member has ever had an issue.

在我骑三脚架的大部分时间里,它被绑在包袋的外面,适合最大允许携带的尺寸。 我的三脚架一般都落在航空公司所谓的“小皮包”,“个人物品”或“笔记本电脑/手提包”的范围内,如果需要的话,这将是我的辩护。 在大约20个航班中,没有航空公司工作人员遇到过问题。

Now, there is one big thing to note here: I am flying with our sister site’s favorite collapsible carbon fiber travel tripod. The MeFOTO Roadtrip folds down to just 15.4” long and weighs 3.1 lbs. While it’s still obviously a tripod strapped to the side of my bag—and it’s far from the smallest tripod you can buy—it’s not obnoxiously oversized and easily fits in the luggage racks. I’d imagine things would have been different if I’d tried flying with a much larger tripod.

现在,这里有一件大事要注意:我和我们姐姐站点最喜欢的可折叠碳纤维旅行三脚架一起飞行。 MeFOTO Roadtrip的折叠长度仅为15.4英寸,重3.1磅。 尽管它显然仍然是绑在我书包侧面的三脚架-距您可以买到的最小的三脚架相去甚远-但这并不是令人讨厌的超大尺寸,可以轻松地放入行李架中。 我以为如果尝试使用更大的三脚架飞行,情况会有所不同。

使用三脚架飞行的提示 (Tips for Flying With a Tripod)

If you’re going to fly with a tripod in your carry-on baggage, then there are a few things you should do:


  • Use a travel tripod: I’ve only really addressed this in passing so far because it kind of goes without saying: use a dedicated travel tripod. Something small and light that fits under the height limit of the cabin baggage allowance when fully folded.

    使用旅行三脚架:到目前为止,我只是真正地解决了这一问题,因为不用说:使用专用的旅行三脚架。 完全折叠后,小巧轻便的物品可放入随身行李限额的限制内。

  • Pay for early boarding: If you’re travelling with your camera gear, it’s always a good idea to get on the plane as early as possible. It massively increases your chance of getting space in the luggage bin without your bag being too closely inspected.

    支付早登机费用: 如果您带着相机装备旅行 ,那么尽早上飞机总是一个好主意。 它极大地增加了您在行李箱中留出空间的机会,而无需对行李进行仔细检查。

  • Be nice: A smile and a friendly manner go along way with airline staff. Don’t be that passenger and they’ll go out of their way to help you. On the other hand, if you are making their lives hell, there’s a good chance they’ll take any opportunities for revenge—like sending your camera bag to the hold.

    保持友善:航空公司的工作人员会带着微笑和友好的态度。 不要成为那个乘客,他们会竭尽所能为您提供帮助。 另一方面,如果您要让他们的生活变得地狱,那么他们很有可能会抓住一切报仇的机会,例如将相机包送入货舱。

  • Think about other passengers: Flying with camera gear is tricky. It’s expensive and delicate, but also heavy. You’re almost always going to toe the lines of what’s actually allowed by the airline’s policies. Have a bit of respect for your fellow passengers and just think about your actions. If you’re bringing too much stuff, you should really check it in.

    想想其他乘客:带着相机装备飞行很棘手。 它既昂贵又精致,但也很重。 您几乎总是会遵循航空公司政策实际允许的界限。 对您的乘客有一点尊重,只是想想您的行为。 如果携带过多的东西,则应该真正检查一下。

Travel and photography go hand in and hand and, since a tripod is often a required bit of kit, it’s worth bringing with you. The good news is, you generally can—as long as you follow the airline’s baggage rules.

旅行和摄影是相伴而生的,由于三脚架通常是必备的工具包,因此值得随身携带。 好消息是,通常来说,只要您遵守航空公司的行李规定,就可以。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/393042/can-you-take-a-camera-tripod-as-carry-on-on-an-airplane/






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