android 手机型号_如何找出您拥有的Android手机型号

android 手机型号

android 手机型号

Because of the sheer number of Android phones out there, it can be a challenge to figure out (or remember) which handset you have. Here’s how you can find out.

由于存在大量的Android手机,因此弄清(或记住)您拥有的手机可能是一个挑战。 这是您如何找到的。

自行在手机上寻找型号 (Look For the Model On the Phone Itself)

The first thing you should try is looking on the phone itself to see if the model number is printed there, so start by flipping your phone over. If you’re running a Samsung or LG handset, there’s a good chance the model is listed right there on the back. Pretty simple!

您应该尝试的第一件事是查看手机本身,看是否在上面印有型号,因此请先将手机翻转过来。 如果您使用的是Samsung或LG手机,则很有可能在背面列出该型号。 很简单!

But if there isn’t anything on the back of the phone, or you need more info (like a specific model number), you can find this info in the phone’s settings.


在手机设置中找到手机的型号 (Find Your Phone’s Model Number in Its Settings)

Regardless of what phone you’re using, you should be able to find detailed information about the model in the Settings menu. Pull the notification shade down, and then tap the gear icon to get there.

无论您使用哪种手机,都应该能够在“设置”菜单中找到有关该型号的详细信息。 下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标到达那里。

Note: On some phones, you may need to pull the shade down twice to expose the gear icon.

注意 :在某些手机上,您可能需要拉下两次阴影以露出齿轮图标。

On the Settings screen, scroll all the way down to the bottom and look for the About Phone section. On some phones—like those running stock Android Oreo (8.x)—you may need to head into the System menu first to see the About Phone item.

在“设置”屏幕上,一直向下滚动到底部,然后找到“关于电话”部分。 在某些手机上(例如正在运行库存Android Oreo(8.x)的手机),您可能需要先进入“系统”菜单才能看到“关于手机”项。

Left: Samsung Galaxy S9; Center and right: Pixel 2 XL

左:三星Galaxy S9; 中央和右侧:Pixel 2 XL

You should see the most basic info here—like your phone’s name. This is generally the “generic” name of the phone, like LG G5 or Samsung Galaxy S8. The Galaxy S9 has a totally resigned About Phone menu that shows most of the info you need on one screen.

您应该在这里看到最基本的信息,例如手机的名称。 通常,这是手机的“通用”名称,例如LG G5或Samsung Galaxy S8。 Galaxy S9的“关于电话”菜单完全被拒绝,可以在一个屏幕上显示您所需的大多数信息。

If this is all you need, then you’re done. But if you need something more specific, like the handset’s model number, you may need to go deeper. This information may be displayed elsewhere on the About Phone screen, so just scroll down a bit.

如果这是您所需要的,那么您就完成了。 但是,如果您需要更具体的信息(例如手机的型号),则可能需要更进一步。 此信息可能显示在“关于电话”屏幕上的其他位置,因此只需向下滚动一下即可。

Some manufacturers even hide this information one level deeper. If you don’t see the model number on the main About Phone screen, look for a “Hardware Info” entry and tap that.

一些制造商甚至将此信息隐藏得更深一层。 如果在“关于电话”主屏幕上没有看到型号,请查找“硬件信息”条目,然后点击该条目。

Boom—should be there.


如果仍有问题,请使用第三方应用程序 (Use a Third-Party App If You’re Still Having Trouble)

And if you’re still having trouble finding this information on your phone, there’s one more solution for you: a third-party app named Droid Hardware Info.

而且,如果您仍然无法在手机上找到此信息,则还有另一种解决方案:名为Droid Hardware Info的第三方应用程序。

This isn’t the first time we’ve recommended this app, as it’s great for getting all the details about your phone. Give it a quick install and fire it up. The very first bit of info here should be the model number. Easy peasy.

这不是我们第一次推荐此应用 ,因为它非常适合获取有关手机的所有详细信息。 快速安装并启动它。 信息的第一位应该是型号。 十分简单。

It really shouldn’t be this hard to find the model number of your phone, but there we are. There are a lot of different manufacturers making Android phones, and a lot of different versions of Android out there in the wild. With a little digging, though, you can find the information you’re after.

找到您的手机的型号确实不难,但是我们到了。 有很多不同的制造商在生产Android手机,并且有很多不同版本的Android在野外使用。 不过,只需稍作挖掘,就可以找到所需的信息。


android 手机型号





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