


Every week we dip into our tips bag to share some handy reader tips with you. This week we’re looking at tips to help you share folders between Linux and Windows installs, upgrading your Canon’s firmware, a simple way to clean your keyboard.

每周我们都会放入提示包,与您分享一些方便的读者提示。 本周,我们正在寻找技巧,以帮助您在Linux和Windows安装之间共享文件夹,升级佳能固件,这是一种清洁键盘的简单方法。

通过符号链接协调双引导系统 (Harmonizing Dual Boot Systems with Symbolic Links)


Fodaro writes in with his experience dual booting Windows and Fedora:


I read your article on harmonizing a Windows/Ubuntu dual-boot setup before I bought a Dell laptop that I was planning to install Ubuntu on. However, when it came I discovered that it already had two other partitions beside the Windows one (a recovery partition, and one that displayed a license agreement), so I fit in a common partition. I thought I’d share my solution with you, in case some other Linux users find it helpful.

在购买打算安装Ubuntu的戴尔笔记本电脑之前,我阅读了有关协调Windows / Ubuntu双引导设置的文章。 但是,当它出现时,我发现它在Windows之外已经有另外两个分区(一个恢复分区,一个显示许可协议的分区),因此我适合一个公共分区。 我想与您分享我的解决方案,以防其他Linux用户发现它有用。

First, I set the Windows partition to auto-mount when I booted up, for which I used the ntfs-config package from the Software Centre.


Then I tried modifying .config/user-dirs.dirs as you showed in your article, but it didn’t work for some reason, so instead I deleted some of the folders in my home directory and replaced them with symbolic links. For example, after deleting the Documents folder (after checking that it was empty, of course), I launched terminal in my home directory and typed:

然后,我尝试按照您在文章中显示的那样修改.config / user-dirs.dirs ,但是由于某些原因它没有起作用,所以我删除了主目录中的某些文件夹,并用符号链接替换了它们。 例如,删除Documents文件夹后(当然,在确认它为空之后),我在主目录中启动了终端并输入:

ln -sf “/media/OS/Users/Fodaro/Documents” Documents

ln -sf“ / media / OS / Users / Fodaro / Documents”文件

This created a link to my Windows documents folder in place of the Documents folder in my home directory. So if a program tries to save or open a file at ~/Documents/hello.txt, it will still work, but Linux will direct it to /media/OS/Users/Fodaro/Documents/hello.txt instead. I repeated this process for some other folders in my home directory, like Pictures, Music, Videos etc., so that all of my data can be kept in one place.

这将创建一个指向Windows文档文件夹的链接,而不是我的主目录中的Documents文件夹。 因此,如果程序尝试在〜/ Documents / hello.txt上保存或打开文件,它仍然可以工作,但是Linux会将其定向到/media/OS/Users/Fodaro/Documents/hello.txt 。 我对主目录中的其他一些文件夹(如图片,音乐,视频等)重复了此过程,以便将所有数据保存在一个位置。

Thanks for writing in Fodaro; we’re sure other readers have found themselves in a similar situation and will benefit from your tip.

感谢您在Fodaro中撰写文章; 我们相信其他读者也会遇到类似情况,并且会从您的建议中受益。

升级佳能相机的固件 (Upgrading Your Canon Camera’s Firmware)


Bill writes in with a great tip for Canon camera users:


This website has software (the Canon Hack Development Kit)for a multitude of Canon cameras that gives them features such as; RAW, Bracketing, Motion Detection to capture lightning.  Best of All its not permanent and free. It goes along well with HDR, Tilt Shift, and RAW photography.

该网站具有适用于多种佳能相机的软件(佳能Hack开发工具包),这些软件具有以下功能: RAW,包围曝光,动态侦测以捕捉闪电。 最好的是它不是永久的和免费的。 它与HDR,倾斜移位和RAW摄影效果很好。

The CHDK is one of the more compelling reasons to opt for a Canon camera over other DSLR brands. If you have a Canon camera that you’d like to squeeze a little more life/better features out of, we can’t recommend hitting up the CHDK wiki enough. It’s amazing what some third-party firmware can do.

CHDK是选择佳能相机优于其他数码单反相机的原因之一。 如果您要使用佳能相机,以增加更多生活/更好的功能,我们不建议您充分使用CHDK Wiki。 某些第三方固件可以完成的工作令人惊奇。

简易键盘清洁 (Easy Keyboard Cleaning)


Last week we shared a Tips Box submission regarding software you could use to lock your keyboard down. Leon wrote in with his simple no-software-needed solution:

上周,我们分享了有关可以用来锁定键盘的软件的“提示框”提交内容。 Leon用他简单的无需软件的解决方案写道:

You do not need to download any software to lock you keyboard for cleaning a Windows machine.  Hold down the Windows key and press the L key.  That will lock you keyboard but allow your mouse to work to unlock it.  First turn the keyboard over and jiggle it on the desk top.  Hold it up a couple of inches above the desk and drop it.  It won’t hurt the key board and will dislodge lots of tiny stuff in between the keys.  Then do your wipe down and use the mouse to turn the keyboard back on.

您无需下载任何软件即可锁定键盘以清洁Windows计算机。 按住Windows键,然后按L键。 这样可以锁定键盘,但允许您的鼠标解锁。 首先将键盘翻转过来,然后在桌面上轻摇它。 将其举到桌子上方几英寸处,然后放下。 它不会伤及键盘,并且会在键之间移走许多细小的东西。 然后擦拭干净并使用鼠标重新打开键盘。

We’ve used the Win+L trick before, but be forewarned that if you’re vigorously wiping down your keyboard with an alcohol wipe or some such thing it *is* possible to mash the right combination of keys to reboot your computer. Not that we’ve, uh, done that before. Looking for a more in depth cleaning session? Check out our guide here.

我们之前曾使用过Win + L技巧,但请注意,如果您用酒精擦拭物或类似的东西大力擦拭键盘,可能会破坏正确的按键组合以重新启动计算机。 不是说我们以前做过那件事。 寻找更深入的清洁课程吗? 在这里查看我们的指南

Have a tip you’re dying to share? Shoot us an email at and you might just see it on the front page.

有您想分享的小费吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址 ,您可能会在首页上看到它。







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