outlook2013升级_Microsoft Outlook 2013入门指南



Many of us crave organization and productivity. If you already use Microsoft Office, then you already have the ultimate tool to sate that craving: Outlook 2013.

我们许多人渴望组织和生产力。 如果您已经使用Microsoft Office,那么您已经拥有了满足这一需求的终极工具:Outlook 2013。

Outlook is vital in many organizations, not simply for its obvious email skills, but it’s calendaring, tasks, and contacts talents as well. A typical company can connect Outlook to an Exchange server, and everyone can share the same address book and calendars, making it a great tool for enterprise level collaboration.

Outlook在许多组织中至关重要,不仅因为其明显的电子邮件技能,而且还包括日历,任务和联系人才。 典型的公司可以将Outlook连接到Exchange服务器,并且每个人都可以共享相同的通讯簿和日历,这使其成为企业级协作的绝佳工具。

Unfortunately, most folks don’t have an Exchange server set up in their home and probably don’t even know what that is. But, that’s okay, Outlook functions just as well on your home computer, and will still provide all the features that make it such a powerful productivity tool: e-mail, tasks, appointments, address books, and much more!

不幸的是,大多数人没有在家中安装Exchange服务器,甚至可能都不知道这是什么。 但是,没关系,Outlook在家用计算机上也能正常运行,并且仍将提供使其成为如此强大的生产力工具的所有功能:电子邮件,任务,约会,通讯录等等!

使用Outlook –入门入门 (Working with Outlook – A Tiny Primer)

Outlook isn’t going to dazzle you when you first open it. For all intents and purposes, it’s another application in the Microsoft Office ecosystem and as such, it’s going to have quite a few familiar elements.

首次打开Outlook时,它不会让您眼花azz乱。 出于所有目的和目的,它是Microsoft Office生态系统中的另一个应用程序,因此,它将具有许多熟悉的元素。

Unlike other popular Office apps, however, Outlook is largely built around its different functions – Word is primarily for creating text documents, Excel is all about spreadsheets, PowerPoint does presentations – but Outlook is a app of many hats.

但是,与其他流行的Office应用程序不同,Outlook在很大程度上是围绕其不同功能构建的– Word主要用于创建文本文档,Excel仅用于电子表格,PowerPoint用于演示文稿–但是Outlook是一款功能强大的应用程序。

Outlook’s default view is the inbox, along the top is the Ribbon, which is hidden in this view to save screen space.


Love them or hate them, Ribbons are everywhere throughout Office. We don’t need to spend any more time going over the relative merits of their existence, obviously they’re here to stay. That said, always remember, if you want to quickly hide or show the Ribbon, just use CTRL+F1.

爱他们或恨他们,缎带遍布办公室各处。 我们不需要花费更多的时间来研究它们存在的相对优点,显然它们会留下来。 也就是说,请始终记住,如果要快速隐藏或显示功能区,只需使用CTRL + F1。


If you click on any of the menu functions at the top, the Ribbon shows and you can choose functions and tools. If you want the Ribbon to persist, you can use “CTRL+F1” or click the small pushpin icon in the bottom-right corner.

如果单击顶部的任何菜单功能,将显示功能区,然后可以选择功能和工具。 如果希望功能区保留下来,可以使用“ CTRL + F1”或单击右下角的小图钉图标。


The Home tab on the Ribbon changes contextually depending on the mode you’re in. In the above screenshot, we see our options for Mail.


Below, the Home tab has changed to reflect the Calendar’s options. Note, the Ribbon is pinned so the pushpin has changed to an arrow in case you want to collapse it again (or use “CTRL+F1”).

在下面,“主页”选项卡已更改以反映日历的选项。 请注意,功能区已固定,因此图钉已更改为箭头,以防您要再次折叠它(或使用“ CTRL + F1”)。

The remaining Ribbon tabs – Send/Receive, Folder, View and, of course File – are all largely consistent for whatever mode you’re in. We’ll take a closer look at all of them in the next section.


Let’s take a quick look at how to move between modes and change your view. Along the left edge, you see the folder pane. At the bottom of this pane are shortcuts to Outlook’s modes. In this example, you see icons for the Inbox, Calendar, People, Tasks, and so on.

让我们快速看一下如何在模式之间切换和更改视图。 在左侧,您会看到文件夹窗格。 该窗格的底部是Outlook模式的快捷方式。 在此示例中,您将看到“收件箱”,“日历”,“人员”,“任务”等图标。

If you click on the arrow at the top of navigation pane, it will expand the pane, which will display the folder tree for your email account.



Similarly, if you switch to the Calendar mode, you will see the applicable view in the folder pane.



Click on the three dots to access further Outlook modes, such as Notes, Folders, and Outlook shortcuts. Choose the “Navigation Options” and you can change the order in which the navigations elements appear.

单击三个点以访问其他Outlook模式,例如Notes,Folder和Outlook快捷方式。 选择“导航选项”,您可以更改导航元素的显示顺序。


Turning off “Compact Navigation” will appeal to users with larger resolution displays. You can also increase or reduce how many items appear and the order they appear.

关闭“紧凑导航”将吸引具有更大分辨率显示的用户。 您还可以增加或减少出现的项目数量和显示顺序。

发送/接收 (Send/Receive)

The Send/Receive tab is geared specifically toward Inbox functions but it will appear in the other modes (Calendar, Tasks, etc.) too, though they won’t have the same functionality.


For example, here we see the Calendar’s Send/Receive tab, which eschews the Server section.


Depending upon what type of mail protocol you’re using (in the first screenshot, we’re working with an IMAP account), you may or may not have the ability to only download headers, or mark/unmark messages to download, etc.


Send/Receive options are thus dependent upon how you set up your e-mail accounts, but long story short: we highly recommend IMAP.

因此,发送/接收选项取决于您如何设置电子邮件帐户,但是总之, 我们强烈建议使用IMAP


Overall, the Folder tab is fairly consistent across all modes, with the notable exception of the Calendar. Below, you see the Inbox Folder tab, which lets you do all sorts of folder administration (if you’re not using an IMAP account, then you won’t see the IMAP tab).

总体而言,“文件夹”选项卡在所有模式下都相当一致,但“日历”除外。 在下面,您可以看到“收件箱文件夹”标签,该标签可用于进行各种文件夹管理(如果您未使用IMAP帐户,则不会看到“ IMAP”标签)。


The AutoArchive Settings button is a little confusing since it doesn’t really affect how your inbox automatically archives old mail. If you want to keep your mail footprint small and easier to manage, you’ll need to open the options and attend to the AutoArchive setting there. Open the Options and select the “Advanced” category.

“自动存档设置”按钮有点令人困惑,因为它并没有真正影响收件箱自动存档旧邮件的方式。 如果您希望使邮件占用空间较小并易于管理,则需要打开这些选项,并在其中进行“自动存档”设置。 打开选项,然后选择“高级”类别。


Once you locate the AutoArchive option, click the “AutoArchive Settings…” button to open a far more helpful dialog than what you’re given from the Ribbon.



As we mentioned, most of the Folder tabs are fairly consistent throughout Outlook, except the Calendar, which caters to calendar-specific functions. For example, you don’t copy or move folders, you copy or move calendars, and so on.

正如我们提到的,除“日历”外,大多数“文件夹”选项卡在整个Outlook中都是相当一致的,而“日历”可以满足日历特定的功能。 例如,您不复制或移动文件夹,不复制或移动日历,等等。


For the most part, you’ll do a lot of folder administration with regard to your inbox because obviously e-mail can quickly become unwieldy and overwhelming if you don’t have a good folder structure and organization.


视图 (View)

The View options contain the following essential functions. This is the View tab as seen from the Inbox.

查看选项包含以下基本功能。 这是“收件箱”中的“视图”选项卡。


Note the Reminders Window button, which you can open at any time to check your reminders, such as if you missed one or absent-mindedly dismissed another. If you had any reminders showing, you could choose to dismiss each one, hit the snooze button, or simply dismiss everything in one go.

请注意“提醒窗口”按钮,您可以随时打开它来检查提醒,例如您是否错过了一个提醒,或者是否因疏忽而忽略了另一个提醒。 如果您有任何提醒显示,则可以选择关闭每个提醒,按下贪睡按钮,或者一次关闭所有提醒。


The other View tabs will vary according to the mode. The following is attributed to the Calendar, which adds the ability to change the current view, arrangement, color, and layout. Again, the Layout section does a lot of the same stuff throughout Outlook, but it’s important to note that it’s not universal, so what you enable in the Tasks, or Calendar, or Email modes will not be replicated throughout the entire application.

其他“视图”选项卡将根据模式而有所不同。 以下内容归因于“日历”,它增加了更改当前视图,排列,颜色和布局的功能。 再次,“布局”部分在整个Outlook中做了很多相同的事情,但是需要注意的是它不是通用的,因此您在“任务”,“日历”或“电子邮件”模式中启用的功能不会在整个应用程序中复制。


Also, it’s important to pay attention to the Arrangement section. Here’s what the Arrangement section looks like in the Tasks mode. Notice how you can sort and change the Tasks view for maximum impact.

另外,请务必注意“安排”部分。 这是“任务”模式下“安排”部分的外观。 请注意如何排序和更改“任务”视图以最大程度地发挥作用。


Using the View tab per your preferences will allow you to cut through and sort information quickly as it increases and builds over time. Your calendar won’t stay empty, your tasks will multiply, mail piles up, and so using different arrangements and layouts can help you be a great deal more productive instead of blindly flailing about.

根据您的喜好使用“视图”选项卡,您可以随着信息的增加和积累而快速地对其进行切入和排序。 您的日历不会空着,您的任务将成倍增加,邮件堆积成堆,因此使用不同的排列和布局可以帮助您提高工作效率,而不是盲目地忙碌。

功能带 (Function Ribbons)

Let’s now discuss how your options change from function to function. Here’s everything you need to tap out a basic email message, add attachments, tags, and format your text. There’s nothing overly complicated and you should be able to produce an amazing email message.

现在让我们讨论您的选项如何在函数之间变化。 这是挖掘基本电子邮件,添加附件,标签并设置文本格式所需的一切。 没有什么太复杂的,您应该能够产生出惊人的电子邮件。


Compare that to the Task Ribbon, which is accessible by starting or opening a task. Take a moment to note just how different it is from the Message Ribbon.

将其与“任务”功能区(可通过启动或打开任务来访问)进行比较。 花一点时间注意一下它与消息功能区有何不同。


Compare that to the Insert tab. The Insert tab is static throughout Outlook, you’ll be able to affect the content of your message, task, calendar event, etc. using the same options and functions.

将其与“插入”选项卡进行比较。 插入选项卡在整个Outlook中都是静态的,您可以使用相同的选项和功能来影响消息,任务,日历事件等的内容。


Email messages do add an Options tab, which have quite a few useful features. Beyond the Themes, which may or may not be useful to you, there’s the BCC (blind carbon copy, for when you want to hide recipients from the email header) option and Tracking functions. Overall, there’s nothing here of critical importance, but if you ever need to request a delivery or read receipt, the Options tab is the place to go.

电子邮件确实添加了“选项”选项卡,该选项卡具有许多有用的功能。 除了可能对您有用或可能不有用的主题之外,还有BCC(密件抄送,用于您要从电子邮件标题隐藏收件人的地方)选项和跟踪功能。 总体而言,这里没有什么至关重要的内容,但是如果您需要请求交货或阅读收据,则可以使用“选项”标签。


The Format Text tab is the same no matter what function you’re engaged in, and there’s not a whole lot to talk about. This tab bears a striking resemblance to the formatting functions found in Word, so if you use Word to write and format documents, these controls will likely be familiar to you.

无论您使用什么功能,“格式文本”选项卡都是相同的,而且没有太多要讨论的内容。 此选项卡与Word中的格式化功能极为相似,因此,如果您使用Word编写文档并设置其格式,您可能会熟悉这些控件。


Finally, the Review tab is your “just-in-case” tab. You can use this tab’s proofing tools to check your spelling and grammar, find a better word, and just find out how many words are in your email/task/meeting.

最后,“审阅”选项卡是您的“以防万一”选项卡。 您可以使用此选项卡的校对工具来检查拼写和语法,找到更好的单词,然后找出电子邮件/任务/会议中有多少个单词。


The Review tab is the same throughout the Outlook application. Notice also that it contains Language functions, here you can set your language preferences and proofing preferences. You can also translate items such as if you correspond with a foreign partner or someone sends a bit of text in another language.

在整个Outlook应用程序中,“审阅”选项卡都是相同的。 还要注意,它包含语言功能,在这里您可以设置语言首选项和校对首选项。 您还可以翻译项目,例如与外国伙伴通信或有人用另一种语言发送了一些文本。

That’s a large extent to the further functionality in Outlook. Obviously, we skipped over a lot of specifics, but we feel that once you understand the nature of the Ribbon system. When you want to use a function, you know where to look for it.

这在很大程度上取决于Outlook中的其他功能。 显然,我们跳过了许多细节,但是一旦您了解了Ribbon系统的本质,我们就会觉得。 当您想使用一个函数时,您知道在哪里寻找它。

自动和手动设置您的电子邮件帐户 (Setting Up Your Email Account Automatically and Manually)

Let’s briefly discuss setting up an email account automatically and manually. When you first start Outlook, it’s going to bug you to set up an account.

让我们简要讨论一下自动和手动设置电子邮件帐户。 首次启动Outlook时,您会遇到麻烦来设置一个帐户。


You have a choice, you can set Outlook up immediately with an email account, or you can skip this part and add an account later.



If you choose “No,” then a warning message will result to basically tell you that Outlook is pretty lame without at least one email account. Of course, you can still use it to track tasks, notes, keep a calendar, and other things, but Outlook is really an email-centric experience.

如果您选择“否”,则将出现一条警告消息,基本上告诉您,如果没有至少一个电子邮件帐户,Outlook将会非常la脚。 当然,您仍然可以使用它来跟踪任务,便笺,保留日历和其他内容,但是Outlook实际上是一种以电子邮件为中心的体验。


With that in mind, we’ll set up Outlook with an email account. You can initially try to do so automatically, where you will enter some cursory information about your account and the application will try to automatically detect the settings.

考虑到这一点,我们将使用电子邮件帐户设置Outlook。 最初,您可以尝试自动执行此操作,在其中输入有关您帐户的一些粗略信息,然后应用程序将尝试自动检测设置。


Sometimes this works, something it doesn’t. If it does, then you win, and you can skip ahead to the next section. If it doesn’t or you know you need to set up an additional server type, then select the “Manual setup” option and click “Next” to continue.

有时,这种方法行之有效,有些则行不通。 如果确实如此,那么您就赢了,您可以跳到下一部分。 如果不是,或者您知道需要设置其他服务器类型,请选择“手动设置”选项,然后单击“下一步”继续。

For the sake of expediency, we’ll set up a preexisting account using the automatic method. We’ll describe manual methods in just a bit. If you need to set up an account manually, we suggest you skip ahead to that section. In the meantime, we simply used an Outlook.com account, supplied our password, and you see the result below.

为了方便起见,我们将使用自动方法设置一个预先存在的帐户。 我们将简要介绍手动方法。 如果您需要手动设置帐户,建议您跳到该部分。 同时,我们只使用了一个Outlook.com帐户,提供了密码,您会在下面看到结果。


Using an Outlook.com is kind of an easy way out, if you want to set up a non-Microsoft mail, you’ll probably need to configure it manually. If you don’t know how to do that, we recommend you search for how to set up Outlook with your particular email.

使用Outlook.com是一种简单的方法,如果您要设置非Microsoft邮件,则可能需要手动配置。 如果您不知道该怎么做,建议您搜索如何使用特定电子邮件设置Outlook。

That said, in our easy example, we click “Finish” and Outlook then opens up to our shiny, new inbox.


手动帐户设置 (Manual Account Setup)

Now that you’ve got a fairly good grasp on Outlook’s basic features, let’s return to and discuss how to set up further email accounts. There’s a good chance you’re like many other people and have two or more email accounts. Thankfully, you can set up Outlook to operate with many different email accounts including POP and IMAP, and you can have as many accounts as you can personally handle.

现在,您已经对Outlook的基本功能有了很好的了解,让我们返回并讨论如何设置更多的电子邮件帐户。 您很有可能像许多其他人一样拥有两个或多个电子邮件帐户。 值得庆幸的是,您可以将Outlook设置为可与许多不同的电子邮件帐户(包括POP和IMAP)一起使用,并且您可以拥有尽可能多的帐户。


So what do we mean talk about POP and IMAP?


POP or Post Office Protocol has been around forever, and if you’ve ever used and e-mail client to connect to your ISP-provided email, or fetch your mail from a webmail service, odds are you might have connected using POP. POP is great for downloading your messages.

POP或邮局协议已经存在了很长时间,如果您曾经使用过电子邮件客户端来连接到ISP提供的电子邮件,或者从Webmail服务中获取邮件,那么您可能已经使用POP进行了连接。 POP非常适合下载您的邮件。

If you set up your account to work with IMAP, Outlook will copy your online folder structure and will only typically sync a few weeks’ worth of email at a time. Your email won’t be removed from the server, and you can choose to simply download only message headers, which is fantastic if you have 1000s of messages in your folders.

如果您将帐户设置为使用IMAP,则Outlook将复制您的在线文件夹结构,并且通常一次仅同步几个星期的电子邮件。 您的电子邮件不会从服务器中删除,您可以选择仅下载邮件头,如果文件夹中有数千条邮件,这将是非常不错的选择。

So you have POP, which is obsolete and something like taking a machete to your email, and then there’s IMAP, which is more refined, modern, and better-suited if you want to maintain the same inbox online and as offline.


Like we said, we think IMAP is the far superior method.

就像我们说的, 我们认为IMAP是更好的方法

添加和管理多个电子邮件帐户 (Adding and Managing Multiple E-mail Accounts)

Adding and managing multiple e-mail accounts in Outlook is very simple. If you want to add a new email account, click the “File” tab on the Ribbon and click “Add Account.” The Auto Account Setup screen will appear. If you want (or need) to manually set up your account, select “Manual setup” and click “Next.”

在Outlook中添加和管理多个电子邮件帐户非常简单。 如果要添加新的电子邮件帐户,请单击功能区上的“文件”选项卡,然后单击“添加帐户”。 将出现“自动帐户设置”屏幕。 如果您想要(或需要)手动设置您的帐户,请选择“手动设置”,然后单击“下一步”。


As we mentioned earlier, your choice between account types will likely be POP or IMAP, and setting up your account as one or the other will usually be detailed by your email provider. That is to say, if you use Gmail or Yahoo!, or even the email your Internet service provider gives you, you should consult them or the Internet for specific instructions and settings you will need to use it with Outlook.

如前所述,您可以在帐户类型之间选择POP或IMAP,并且通常由您的电子邮件提供商详细设置您的帐户。 就是说,如果您使用Gmail或Yahoo !,甚至是Internet服务提供商提供给您的电子邮件,您都应向他们或Internet查询有关在Outlook中使用它们的特定说明和设置。


On the other hand, if you’re using Outlook.com or other Exchange ActiveSync type service, then the information will be pretty simple to provide.

另一方面,如果您使用的是Outlook.com或其他Exchange ActiveSync类型服务,则提供的信息将非常简单。

Once you have added your accounts, if you ever need to manage them you can choose the account you want to deal with from the drop-down selector at the top of the Account Information page found on the File tab.


Click “Account Settings” and “Account Settings,” again. From the resulting window, you can create a new account, repair a current one, remove it, set it as default (if you have more than one) and, of course, change any settings if necessary.

再次单击“帐户设置”和“帐户设置”。 在出现的窗口中,您可以创建一个新帐户,修复当前帐户,将其删除,将其设置为默认帐户(如果有多个帐户),当然,如有必要,可以更改任何设置。

Here we see the settings for an Outlook.com account. There’s not much we can do to it, though if you recently changed your password, you could quickly fix that here.

在这里,我们看到一个Outlook.com帐户的设置。 尽管您最近更改了密码,但是您可以在此处快速解决该问题,我们对此无能为力。

Below is an IMAP setup, which was configured by hand according to settings provided by Google.


Whoa, there’s a whole lot more going on there, and we even have to dig into “More Settings …” to fiddle with server ports.


Remember, you only have to do this kind of stuff once, and then forget it. Unless you later change a password, or want to add/remove an account, then your work with email account settings is effectively over.

记住,您只需要做一次这种事情,然后就忘记了。 除非您以后更改密码或想要添加/删除帐户,否则使用电子邮件帐户设置的工作实际上已经结束。

If you want to learn more about adding Gmail IMAP accounts to Outlook, we have a handy little guide that will help you out with that.

如果您想了解有关将Gmail IMAP帐户添加到Outlook的更多信息, 我们有一个方便的小指南 ,可以帮助您解决这一问题。

准备,设置,发送电子邮件! (Ready, Set, E-mail!)

While you may be satisfied using just Gmail or just Yahoo! Mail for daily use, if you use several e-mail accounts, such as a personal, professional, and/or work account, then having a mail client such as Outlook can eliminate switching between accounts, plugging appointments into your calendar, or managing tasks.

虽然仅使用Gmail或Yahoo!可能会感到满意。 日常使用的邮件,如果您使用多个电子邮件帐户(例如,个人,专业和/或工作帐户),则拥有Outlook等邮件客户端可以消除帐户之间的切换,将约会插入日历或管理任务。

It’s a real, viable, all-in-one-productivity solution, and given Microsoft’s renewed focus on the Office suite, remains a relevant part of many user’s daily routines.

这是一个真实,可行,多合一的解决方案,并且鉴于Microsoft 重新关注Office套件 ,它仍然是许多用户日常工作的重要组成部分。

Once your email accounts are set up and ready, you can start using Outlook and exploring all of its functions. You’ll likely find it pretty easy to use, and there’s a lot more that How-to Geek can help you out with previous articles, or by simply inquiring in our discussion forum.

设置电子邮件帐户并准备就绪后,您就可以开始使用Outlook并探索其所有功能。 您可能会发现它非常易于使用,并且How-to Geek可以为您提供许多其他帮助,帮助您解决以前的文章,或者直接在我们的论坛中进行咨询。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203224/the-beginners-guide-to-microsoft-outlook-2013/






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