如何在Windows 10上删除已保存的Wi-Fi网络

Windows 10 saves a list of Wi-Fi networks you connect to along with their passphrases and other settings. If you want to stop your PC from connecting to a network automatically, you’ll need to make Windows “forget” the Wi-Fi network.

Windows 10将保存您连接到的Wi-Fi网络的列表以及其密码短语和其他设置。 如果要停止PC自动连接到网络,则需要使Windows“忘记” Wi-Fi网络。

The process was obvious in Windows 7, where you could just select “Manage Wireless Networks” in the Control Panel’s Network and Sharing Center and delete saved networks. Windows 8 removed this option and forced you to use Command Prompt commands. But in Windows 10, Microsoft once again provides a graphical interface for this.

该过程在Windows 7中显而易见,您可以在控制面板的“网络和共享中心”中选择“ 管理无线网络 ”并删除保存的网络。 Windows 8删除了此选项,并强制您使用命令提示符命令。 但是在Windows 10中,Microsoft再次为此提供了图形界面。

如何快速忘记保存的Wi-Fi网络 (How to Quickly Forget a Saved Wi-Fi Network)

Microsoft finally streamlined this process in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, so you don’t have to dig through the Settings app or Control Panel.

微软最终在Windows 10的Fall Creators Update中简化了此过程,因此您不必深入研究“设置”应用程序或“控制面板”。

Just open the Wi-Fi popup from your notification area, also known as the system tray. Right-click or long-press the name of the network you want to forget and select “Forget”.

只需从通知区域(也称为系统托盘)中打开Wi-Fi弹出窗口即可。 右键单击或长按您要忘记的网络的名称,然后选择“忘记”。

This only works if you’re near the Wi-Fi network and it appears in the list. If you want to delete a Wi-Fi network your device can’t see at the moment, you’ll need to use the Settings app.

仅当您位于Wi-Fi网络附近并且显示在列表中时,此方法才有效。 如果您要删除设备当前无法看到的Wi-Fi网络,则需要使用“设置”应用。

如何从设置中忘记保存的Wi-Fi网络 (How to Forget a Saved Wi-Fi Network from Settings)

To forget a saved Wi-Fi network that isn’t nearby, you’ll need to leave the old Control Panel behind and use the new Settings app. The “Manage Wireless Networks” function is no longer available in the Network and Sharing Center.

要忘记附近不存在的已保存Wi-Fi网络,您需要将旧的“控制面板”留在后面,然后使用新的“设置”应用。 网络和共享中心中不再提供“管理无线网络”功能。

Head to Settings > Network & Internet to get started.


Select the “Wi-Fi” category and click the “Manage known networks” link.

选择“ Wi-Fi”类别,然后单击“管理已知网络”链接。

You’ll see a list of every Wi-Fi network you’ve connected to. To forget a network, click it and click “Forget.” You can use the search, sort, and filtering options to find a network in this list.

您会看到已连接的每个Wi-Fi网络的列表。 要忘记网络,请单击它,然后单击“忘记”。 您可以使用搜索,排序和过滤选项在此列表中查找网络。

The next time you connect to a network, you’ll be asked for its passphrase and Windows will set it up from scratch.


如何从命令提示符中删除保存的网络 (How to Forget a Saved Network From the Command Prompt)

You can also do this from the Command Prompt, if you prefer. On Windows 8 and 8.1, this was the only built-in way to forget Wi-Fi networks because Microsoft didn’t provide any graphical tools.

如果愿意,您也可以从命令提示符处执行此操作。 在Windows 8和8.1上,这是忘记Wi-Fi网络的唯一内置方法,因为Microsoft没有提供任何图形工具。

Launch a Command Prompt window as Administrator to get started. To do so, open the Start menu, search for “Command Prompt”, right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and select “Run as Administrator.

以管理员身份启动命令提示符窗口以开始使用。 为此,请打开“开始”菜单,搜索“命令提示符”,右键单击“命令提示符”快捷方式,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。

Type the following command and press “Enter” to show a list of your saved Wi-Fi networks:

键入以下命令,然后按“ Enter”以显示已保存的Wi-Fi网络的列表:

netsh wlan show profiles

Locate the profile name of the network you want to forget. Type the following command, replacing “PROFILE NAME” with the name of the network you want to forget:

找到您要忘记的网络的配置文件名称。 键入以下命令,将“ PROFILE NAME”替换为您要忘记的网络名称:

netsh wlan delete profile name="PROFILE NAME"

For example, let’s say you want to remove a network named “BTWiFi”.  You’d type the following command:

例如,假设您要删除一个名为“ BTWiFi”的网络。 您将输入以下命令:

netsh wlan delete profile name="BTWiFi"

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/246104/how-to-delete-a-saved-wi-fi-network-on-windows-10/





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