


The moon is a tricky subject to photograph. When you step outside on the night of a full moon, it looks huge, dominating the sky. But then you take a quick photo and…it’s a small indistinct white blob.

月亮是很难拍摄的。 当您在满月的夜晚出门时,它看起来很大,主导着天空。 但是,然后您快速拍照,……那是一个模糊的白色斑点。

There are a few things you need to do to take photos of the moon, so let’s break it down.


是什么使月亮好照片 (What Makes a Good Moon Photo)

Before taking a photo of the moon, you need to know two things: the moon is very very bright, and it’s very very far away. These might sound obvious, but they’re at the heart of what makes taking a photo of the moon so awkward.

在为月亮拍照之前,您需要了解两件事:月亮非常非常明亮,而且非常遥远。 这些听起来似乎很明显,但是它们却是使月亮拍照如此尴尬的核心。

Because the moon is so bright, and the only objects we have to compare it to are the pinpricks of stars and planets, we remember it as appearing much bigger than it is. In reality, it’s actually quite small in the night sky. This means you can’t get a good close up shot without a telephoto lens.

因为月亮是如此明亮,并且我们唯一可以与之进行比较的对象是恒星和行星的针刺,所以我们记得它看起来比现在大得多。 实际上,它在夜空中实际上很小。 这意味着如果没有远摄镜头则无法获得良好的近景。

Second, the moon is much brighter than anything else at night—besides artificial lights. While our eyes have the dynamic range to see both the moon and the surroundings, your camera probably doesn’t. This means that you either have to expose for the moon and have it sit in an empty black photo or expose for the surroundings and get an overexposed white blob.

其次,除了人造光之外,月亮在夜间比其他任何地方都要明亮。 尽管我们的眼睛具有可以看到月亮和周围环境的动态范围 ,但您的相机可能没有。 这意味着您要么必须为月亮曝光,然后将其坐在一张空的黑色照片中,要么就将其曝光为周围环境,并获得曝光过度的白色斑点。

A good moon photo then, solves these problems. Either it’s a close-up of the moon shot with a telephoto lens so that you can see small details, or it finds some way to balance the exposure of the moon so that you can see other details in the image.

一张好的月亮照片就可以解决这些问题。 它是用远摄镜头拍摄的月球特写镜头,以便您可以看到小的细节,或者它找到某种方法来平衡月球的曝光,以便您可以看到图像中的其他细节。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

When you’re shooting a photo of the moon, you will get the best results if you use a tripod, although one is not strictly necessary.


If you want to shoot a close up of the moon, you’ll need a lens that’s at least 200mm on a full-frame camera (that’s about 130mm on a crop sensor). Even longer is better.

如果要拍摄月球的特写镜头,则需要一个在全画幅相机上至少200mm的镜头 (在作物传感器上大约130mm)。 越长越好。

Astrophotographers have a rule for taking photos of the moon (it’s more of a guideline really) called Looney 11. The idea is that if you set your aperture to f/11, the correct shutter speed will be the reciprocal of the ISO. In other words, if your aperture is set to f/11 and your ISO is set to 100, your shutter speed will be 1/100; if your ISO is 400, the shutter speed is 1/400.

天文摄影师有一个拍摄月球的规则(实际上更多是指南),称为Looney11。想法是,如果将光圈设置为f / 11,则正确的快门速度将是ISO的倒数。 换句话说,如果您将光圈设置为f / 11,ISO设置为100,则快门速度将为1/100;否则,您的快门速度将为1/100。 如果ISO为400,则快门速度为1/400。

The Looney 11 rule is a good starting point, but don’t hold it as gospel. You can always tweak things. If you open your aperture by a stop, you’ll need to adjust your shutter speed by a stop too. The best thing is to put your camera in manual mode, set it to f/11, ISO 100 and a shutter speed of 1/100, and go from there.

鲁尼11条规则是一个很好的起点,但不要把它当作福音。 您可以随时进行调整。 如果您通过光圈打开光圈 ,则还需要通过光圈调整快门速度。 最好的方法是将相机置于手动模式,将其设置为f / 11,ISO 100和1/100的快门速度,然后从那里开始。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

If you have a telescope but no telephoto lens, you can get an extension tube that lets you mount your camera to the telescope. If you’re interested in serious astrophotography, this is actually an even better solution because you will be able to take photos of things like Saturn’s Rings.

如果您有望远镜但没有远摄镜头,则可以使用延长管,以便将相机安装到望远镜上 。 如果您对严肃的天文摄影感兴趣,那么实际上这是一个更好的解决方案,因为您将能够拍摄诸如土星指环之类的东西。

You can also get surprisingly good results with just your smartphone and a pair of binoculars. You’ll need an adapter to connect them together and a tripod to keep things stable. The website iAstrophotography is dedicated to using smartphones for astrophotography so is worth checking out if this is something you want to explore.

仅使用智能手机和双筒望远镜,您也可以获得令人惊讶的良好结果。 您需要一个适配器将它们连接在一起,并需要一个三脚架来保持稳定。 iAstrophotography网站致力于将智能手机用于天文摄影,因此值得一查是否是您想探索的东西。

The Looney 11 rule totally ignores the surroundings of your image. It just exposes for the moon. If you’re trying to capture the moon as part of a landscape, the best way to do is to capture two photos: one exposing for the moon, and one exposing for the landscape. You can see an example of the two different photos below.

鲁尼11条规则完全忽略了图像的周围环境。 它只是向月亮露出来。 如果您要捕获月亮作为景观的一部分,最好的方法是捕获两张照片:一张暴露于月球,另一张暴露于风景。 您可以在下面看到两张不同照片的示例。

Then, in Photoshop or your image editor of choice, you can combine the two images. The techniques in this article on creating double exposure images will work. This way you get the best of both worlds: a visible landscape and moon.

然后,在Photoshop或您选择的图像编辑器中,您可以合并两个图像。 本文中有关创建两次曝光图像的技术将起作用。 这样一来,您就可以充分利用两个世界的优势:可见的风景和月亮。

This same trick works regardless of what subject you’re trying to combine the moon with. It will overpower almost everything.

无论您要与月亮组合什么主题,此技巧都有效。 它将压倒几乎所有东西。

The moon seems like a really obvious subject for a photographer, but it’s surprisingly tricky. Now you should have a better idea on how to tackle it.

对于摄影师来说,月球似乎是一个非常明显的主题,但它却非常棘手。 现在,您应该对如何解决有一个更好的想法。

Image Credits: Pedro Lastra/Unsplash, Paul Morris/Unsplash.

图片来源: Pedro Lastra / UnsplashPaul Morris / Unsplash

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324867/how-to-take-good-photos-of-the-moon/






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