
It used to be so simple. If you liked a video, and wanted to see more videos like it, you’d click the “Subscribe” button. The next time that channel put out a video, you’d see it on the homepage.

它曾经是如此简单。 如果您喜欢某个视频,并且想要观看更多喜欢的视频,则可以单击“订阅”按钮。 下次该频道发布视频时,您会在首页上看到该视频。

But in 2017, there’s probably a few channels you love that you haven’t seen lately, and more than a few channels you hate-watched at some point showing up on your homepage constantly. What gives?

但是在2017年,您可能会喜欢一些您最近没有看过的频道,并且您有时讨厌看到的一些频道会不断出现在您的首页上。 是什么赋予了?

YouTube, in their wisdom, stopped showing users every video from every channel they’re subscribed to, replacing that simplicity with an algorithm designed to get you to watch as much content as possible. So you may or may not see a video from a channel you subscribe to on the homepage, depending on what kind of mood YouTube is in. It’s kind of like Facebook’s cryptic news feed algorithm, but for videos, and it means you might miss great videos from artists you love.

用他们的智慧,YouTube不再向用户显示他们所订阅的每个频道的每个视频,而是用一种旨在让您观看尽可能多的内容的算法取代了这种简单性。 因此,您可能会或可能不会在首页上看到您所订阅频道中的视频,具体取决于YouTube的心情。这有点像Facebook的神秘新闻提要算法 ,但对于视频而言,这意味着您可能会错过您喜爱的艺术家的视频。

If you hate this, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are still a few ways to actually see your subscriptions.

如果您讨厌这个,那么您并不孤单。 好消息是,仍有几种方法可以实际查看您的订阅。

选项一:转到“订阅”页面 (Option One: Head to the Subscriptions Page)

The simplest way to see only your subscriptions is to head to the Subscriptions page. There’s a link to this page on the YouTube homepage, shown above. The subscriptions page has  the the latest videos from the channels you’re subscribed to, and nothing else.

仅查看订阅的最简单方法是前往“订阅”页面。 如上所示,YouTube主页上有此页面的链接。 订阅页面包含您所订阅频道中的最新视频,仅此而已。

I recommend creating a bookmark for youtube.com/feed/subscriptions, so that you’re never exposed to the homepage in the first place, but otherwise clicking “Subscriptions” works fine.

我建议您为youtube.com/feed/subscriptions创建一个书签,这样一来您就永远不会接触到主页,否则单击“ Subscriptions”就可以了。

On mobile, there’s a subscriptions button you can press from the main screen of the app.


Sadly, there’s no way to make this screen the default, so you’ll just have to tap the button. A burden, I know, but one I’m sure you can handle.

可悲的是,没有办法将此屏幕设置为默认屏幕,因此您只需要轻按按钮即可。 我知道这是一种负担,但我确定您可以应付。

选项二:通过电子邮件或手机启用通知 (Option Two: Enable Notifications by Email or Mobile)

If there are a couple of YouTube channels you never, ever want to miss new videos from, you can turn on notifications for those channels. You just need to click the bell for the channel. You’ll see this bell below any video:

如果有几个YouTube频道您从未想过要错过任何新视频,则可以打开这些频道的通知。 您只需要单击该频道的铃声即可。 您会在任何视频下方看到此钟声:

Click it, and you’ll be asked whether you want to see notifications for all videos, or just for highlights.


You can also decide whether you want to see community posts, which are text snippets creators leave for their subscribers, typically announcing an upcoming video.


If you want to enable notifications for a bunch of videos at once, head to the subscription manager. You’ll see a list of all the channels you’re subscribed to, and you can add notifications for as many as you like.

如果您想一次为一堆视频启用通知,请前往订阅管理器 。 您会看到已订阅的所有频道的列表,并且可以添加任意数量的通知。

You’ll get notifications in two ways: email and push notifications on your phone. If you’d like to disable one approach or the other, head to the notification settings panel in your browser.

您将通过两种方式收到通知:手机上的电子邮件通知和推送通知。 如果您想禁用一种方法,请转到浏览器中的“ 通知设置”面板。

You can choose where you want your notifications to end up.


选项三:使用RSS源 (Option Three: Use RSS Feeds)

YouTube’s continued interference with the way subscriptions work means you might not trust them anymore. If you want a different system entirely for keeping track of videos, might we recommend RSS?

YouTube对订阅工作方式的持续干扰意味着您可能不再信任它们。 如果您想要一个完全不同的系统来跟踪视频,我们可以推荐RSS吗?

There are RSS feeds for every YouTube channel. If you use Feedly for RSS feeds, you can just search for channels using the built-in search engine, but you can also quickly discover the feed for any channel using this URL:

每个YouTube频道都有RSS供稿。 如果将Feedly用于RSS feed,则可以使用内置搜索引擎搜索频道,但是也可以使用以下URL快速查找任何频道的feed:


Just replace “CHANNELID” with the ID of the YouTube channel you want an RSS feed for. To find any channel ID, head to the channel’s page in your browser. You’ll find the ID is in the URL, after “/user/”

只需将“ CHANNELID”替换为您想要RSS供稿的YouTube频道的ID。 要查找任何频道ID,请在浏览器中转到频道页面。 您会在网址中的“ / user /”之后找到ID

In this case, the channel ID is “CGPGrey”, so our channel RSS feed is https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=CGPGrey.

在这种情况下,频道ID为“ CGPGrey”,因此我们的频道RSS Feed为https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=CGPGrey

You probably don’t want to repeat this step for every channel you add to your feed reader, which is why YouTube offers an OPML file for all your existing subscriptions. Head to the subscription manager, and scroll to the bottom.

您可能不想对添加到供稿阅读器中的每个频道重复此步骤,这就是YouTube为所有现有订阅提供OPML文件的原因。 转到订阅管理器 ,然后滚动到底部。

You can import this OPML file to your feed reader of choice: all of your current subscriptions will be added to your feed reader. This is a one-time thing: channels you subscribe to in the future will not be automatically added to your feed reader, so you’ll have to add new things manually. But if you’re building an RSS replacement to your YouTube subscriptions, the OPML file is a great place to start.

您可以将此OPML文件导入所选的供稿阅读器:所有当前订阅都将添加到供稿阅读器。 这是一次性的事情:将来订阅的频道不会自动添加到Feed阅读器中,因此您必须手动添加新内容。 但是,如果您要为YouTube订阅构建RSS替代品,则OPML文件是一个很好的起点。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/297340/how-to-find-and-keep-up-with-all-your-youtube-subscriptions/

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