qnap plex安装_如何在Apple TV上安装Plex

qnap plex安装

qnap plex安装

While Apple might pitch the Apple TV as the center of your streaming video universe, we know there’s no place like home when it comes to high quality content. Let’s take a look at how to access your vast home media server selection with Plex.

尽管Apple可能将Apple TV定位为您的流媒体视频世界的中心,但我们知道,就高品质内容而言,没有像家一样的地方。 让我们看一下如何使用Plex访问广泛的家庭媒体服务器选择。

Whether we’re talking Apple TV, Chromecast, or Roku boxes, the big thing these days is on-demand streaming content. While that’s all well and good–we love Netflix and Hulu as much as the next cord cutter–there’s still something to be said for using local media. TV shows, movies, and music stored on your local network put less demand on your internet connection, usually offer higher quality, and they work even when the internet is out.

无论我们是在谈论Apple TV,Chromecast还是Roku盒子,如今的大事都是点播流媒体内容。 尽管这一切都很好,但我们对Netflix和Hulu的热爱与对下一个剪裁工的热爱一样多,但使用本地媒体还有很多话要说。 本地网络上存储的电视节目,电影和音乐对互联网连接的需求较少,通常质量更高,即使互联网不在,它们也可以正常工作。

So for readers with a large collection of media they’ve ripped from disc or DVR’ed to store locally on their PC (or a dedicated media server), it just makes sense to take the perfectly-capable Apple TV and link it to their local collection. Thankfully doing so is ridiculously easy thanks to Plex. Plex is a free media organization tool and server platform that makes it dead simple to share your movies, TV shows, music, and photo collections across devices–including the Apple TV.

因此,对于拥有大量媒体的读者来说,他们已经从光盘或DVR中抓取到了本地存储在PC(或专用媒体服务器)上的音频,选择功能完善的Apple TV并将其链接到当地收藏。 幸运的是,借助Plex,这样做非常容易。 Plex是一个免费的媒体组织工具和服务器平台,它使跨设备(包括Apple TV)共享电影,电视节目,音乐和照片集变得非常简单。

Note: This guide is for the official Plex application for Apple’s tvOS, which limits it to the 4th generation Apple TV and above. If you have a 2nd or 3rd generation Apple TV and don’t mind jumping through more than a few hoops, you might be interested in PlexConnect (a no-jailbreak-needed way to connect your older Apple TV units to your Plex Media Server).

注意:本指南适用于Apple的tvOS的官方Plex应用程序,该应用程序仅限于第四代Apple TV及更高版本。 如果您拥有第二代或第三代Apple TV,并且不介意跳几圈, 那么您可能会对PlexConnect感兴趣 (一种无需越狱的方法即可将较旧的Apple TV单元连接到Plex Media Server) 。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

To follow along today you’ll need a few things. First and foremost you’ll need an Apple TV, a free copy of Plex for tvOS (we’ll download that during the setup phase), and, of course, a Plex media server to connect to.

要跟随今天,您需要做一些事情。 首先,最重要的是,您需要一台Apple TV,免费的Plex for tvOS副本(我们将在安装阶段下载该副本),当然,还需要一个Plex媒体服务器进行连接。

This Plex media server could be your own or it could be a friend’s who has shared their Plex media server with you. We’ve already described the process of installing and setting up Plex Media Server here, so if you haven’t done that yet, go do that now. Then come back here, where we’ll show you how to install the Plex client app on your Apple TV.

该Plex媒体服务器可以是您自己的,也可以是与您共享其Plex媒体服务器的朋友的。 我们已经在此处描述了安装和设置Plex Media Server的过程,因此,如果您还没有这样做,请立即执行。 然后回到这里,我们将向您展示如何在Apple TV上安装Plex客户端应用程序。

如何在Apple TV上安装Plex (How to Install Plex On Your Apple TV)

The user-friendly aspect of the entire Plex experience really shines through during the installation phase. Not only is the Apple TV Plex app polished, but the Plex team has made the process of linking the app to your Plex system completely painless.

整个Plex体验中用户友好的方面在安装阶段确实非常出色。 不仅完善了Apple TV Plex应用程序,而且Plex团队使将应用程序链接到Plex系统的过程变得非常轻松。

To start, fire up your Apple TV and head to the App Store by selecting in on the main screen, as seen below.

首先,启动Apple TV,然后在主屏幕上选择进入App Store,如下所示。

Select the search option in the App Store application and search for “Plex”. Be sure to select plain old “Plex” and not any of the similar sounding applications like “Simple X – for Plex”.

在App Store应用程序中选择搜索选项,然后搜索“ Plex”。 请确保选择普通的旧“ Plex”,而不要选择任何类似的发音应用程序,例如“ Simple X – for Plex”。

In the detailed view, as seen below, select the “Install” button.


Once the installation is complete the “Install” button will turn to “Open”. Click it again to launch the Plex application.

安装完成后,“安装”按钮将变为“打开”。 再次单击它以启动Plex应用程序。

After the Plex splash screen you’ll be prompted to log into your Plex account. The app will give you a security code, like so:

在Plex初始屏幕之后,系统将提示您登录Plex帐户。 该应用程序将为您提供安全代码,如下所示:

Take that four character alpha-numeric code and visit Plex.tv/link and enter the code to link the Apple TV Plex app to your Plex account. You’ll receive nearly simultaneous confirmations on both the website and the Apple TV app thanking you for using Plex.

获取这四个字符的字母数字代码,然后访问Plex.tv/link,然后输入代码以将Apple TV Plex应用程序链接到您的Plex帐户。 您将在网站和Apple TV应用程序上几乎同时收到确认,感谢您使用Plex。

After the confirmation screen, you’ll see all the Plex media server linked to your account. In the screenshot below you can see our one very-cleverly-named media server “plexmediaserver_1”. Select the server to access the media on it.

在确认屏幕之后,您将看到所有链接到您帐户的Plex媒体服务器。 在下面的屏幕快照中,您可以看到我们的一个非常巧妙的媒体服务器“ plexmediaserver_1”。 选择服务器以访问其上的媒体。

Select the server you wish to connect to.


如何在Plex中播放电影,节目和音乐 (How to Play Your Movies, Shows, and Music in Plex)

In the screenshot below, you can see the main screen for the Apple TV Plex app. You can select from your movies, TV shows, music, and photo collections (although our test server houses only movies and TV shows, thus the limited selection). In addition, you can pull up any playlists you’ve made, as well as browse Plex channels (which are like an app-within-an-app that offer access to streaming sources like PBS, the BBC, and so on).

在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到Apple TV Plex应用程序的主屏幕。 您可以从电影,电视节目,音乐和照片集中进行选择(尽管我们的测试服务器仅容纳电影和电视节目,因此选择有限)。 此外,您可以拉出您创建的所有播放列表,以及浏览Plex频道(就像是一个应用内应用,可以访问PBS,BBC等流媒体源)。

Let’s select “TV shows” to demonstrate the playback selection and on-screen controls. Here we can pick out a show with ease thanks to the menu options like “Recently Added” as well as the local-media cover art.

让我们选择“电视节目”来演示播放选择和屏幕上的控件。 在这里,借助“最近添加”等菜单选项以及本地媒体的封面,我们可以轻松挑选节目。

Since we’re enjoying the fruits of technology and the magic of living in the future, we’ll use Futurama as our demo show. Here you can see there’s a full overview of the show with show information, available seasons, and you can easily start at the last watched episode or shuffle the episodes into a random playlist.

由于我们享受着科技的成果和未来生活的魔力,因此我们将使用Futurama作为我们的演示节目。 在这里,您可以看到该节目的完整概述,其中包括节目信息,可用的季节,并且您可以轻松地从上次观看的情节开始或将情节改编为随机播放列表。

Once the media is loaded, you can use the Apple Remote to pause, play, adjust volume, or leap forward and backward during playback via swiping left and right on the touchpad. In addition, you can even read detailed meta-information by swiping down on the remote touch pad, as seen below.

加载媒体后,您可以使用Apple Remote遥控器在播放过程中通过在触摸板上左右滑动来暂停,播放,调节音量或向前和向后跳跃。 此外,您甚至可以通过向下滑动远程触摸板来阅读详细的元信息,如下所示。

We’d describe the Apple TV Plex app controls as “just enough”. They cover practically everything you’d want to when sitting down to binge watch your favorite show, and they retain the trademark simplicity that makes Plex such a beloved media center platform.

我们将Apple TV Plex应用程序控件描述为“足够”。 它们几乎涵盖了您坐下来狂欢观看您喜爱的节目时想要的所有内容,并且保留了使Plex成为​​深受喜爱的媒体中心平台的商标简单性。

With a few very easy minutes of setup, you can go from a small library on your Apple TV to enjoying all the media your home network can serve up, all thanks to the free and easy to use Plex app for Apple TV.

只需几分钟的设置,您就可以从Apple TV上的一个小型资料库,欣赏家庭网络可以提供的所有媒体,这一切都要归功于Apple TV的免费和易于使用的Plex应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252081/how-to-install-plex-on-your-apple-tv/

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