如何与Nintendo Switch上的朋友一起玩Mario Kart(在线和面对面)

The new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is out for the Switch, and it’s awesome. There are more ways to play with your friends (and subsequently lose them) than ever before. Some of those options are a little confusing, so we’re going to break down how to play with your friends, no matter where you are or how many Switches you have.

新的Mario Kart 8 Deluxe即将推出Switch,而且很棒 。 与您的朋友一起玩耍(然后失去他们)的方式比以往任何时候都多。 其中一些选项有些令人困惑,因此无论您身在何处或拥有多少台Switch,我们都将细分如何与您的朋友一起玩。

Several people can play on one console with a split-screen. Up to eight people can play on their own Switches with wireless play. You can also play with up to twelve friends over the internet with online play. The Switch also supports several controller configurations. Let’s go over how to do each of these one by one.

几个人可以在一个带有拆分屏幕的控制台上玩。 最多八个人可以通过无线播放在自己的交换机上播放。 您还可以通过互联网在线与多达十二个朋友一起玩。 交换机还支持多种控制器配置。 让我们逐一讨论这些步骤。

Note: The Switch’s controllers work a little differently than most consoles. Each Switch comes with a pair of Joy-Con controllers that can be used as a single large controller for one person, or as individual, smaller controllers for two people. So, if you want to play with four people, you only need two pairs of Joy-Con controllers. You can also use Pro controllers, though those are obviously limited to one per player.

注意:Switch的控制器与大多数控制台的工作方式略有不同。 每个Switch都带有一对Joy-Con控制器,这些控制器可以用作一个人的单个大型控制器,也可以用作两个人的单个较小的控制器。 因此,如果您想和四个人一起玩,则只需要两对Joy-Con控制器即可 。 您也可以使用Pro控制器 ,尽管显然每个玩家只能使用一个。

在一台交换机上最多可播放四名玩家,以播放本地分屏 (Play Local Split-Screen With Up to Four Players On One Switch)

The easiest (and cheapest) way to play Mario Kart with your friends is local multiplayer. This mode only requires one Switch and one copy of Mario Kart (plus controllers for everyone). It will also be familiar to everyone who’s been hurling blue shells at their friends and relatives since the Super Nintendo.

与您的朋友一起玩《马里奥赛车》最简单(最便宜)的方法是本地多人游戏。 此模式仅需要一个Switch和一个Mario Kart副本(每个人都需要控制器)。 自从超级任天堂以来一直向朋友和亲戚投掷蓝壳的每个人都将熟悉它。

To use this mode, choose Multiplayer from the main menu. Here, you can select how many people you want to play with—up to four players.

要使用此模式,请从主菜单中选择“多人游戏”。 在这里,您可以选择要和多少人一起玩(最多四个人)。

Next, choose your game mode. If you choose Grand Prix, you’ll need to choose your difficulty (50cc, 100cc, etc.) before moving on to the next step.

接下来,选择您的游戏模式。 如果选择大奖赛,则需要选择难度(50cc,100cc等),然后再继续下一步。

You’ll see a screen like the one below where you can assign controllers to players. Press and hold the L and R (or SL and SR) buttons on your controller in the configuration you want to use. At the top of the screen, you’ll see the three different configuration options you can use your controllers in.

您会看到类似下面的屏幕,您可以在其中为玩家分配控制器。 在要使用的配置中,按住控制器上的L和R(或SL和SR)按钮。 在屏幕顶部,您将看到可以在其中使用控制器的三个不同的配置选项。

For example, if you want to use the left and right portion of a Joy-Con controller separately, you would turn the controllers sideways and hold the SL and SR buttons on each controller. Your screen should look something like this.

例如,如果要分别使用Joy-Con控制器的左右部分,则可以将控制器向侧面转动,并按住每个控制器上的SL和SR按钮。 您的屏幕应该看起来像这样。

If you want to use both Joy-Cons to make a full size controller, press L and R on the two halves of the Joy-Con at this screen. Your controller configuration should look something like this.

如果要使用两个Joy-Con来制作全尺寸控制器,请在此屏幕上,在Joy-Con的两半上按L和R。 您的控制器配置应如下所示。

You can add up to four players using any combination of controllers. For example, if you have two Joy-Con pairs, each half can be a standalone controller, allowing four people to play. In that case, your screen would look like this.

您可以使用任意组合的控制器添加最多四个播放器。 例如,如果您有两个Joy-Con对,则每个半部都可以是一个独立的控制器,允许四个人一起玩。 在这种情况下,您的屏幕将如下所示。

During this phase, you can easily pair controllers from other consoles to your Switch. To pair a Joy-Con controller with your Switch, hold the small round button along the flat edge of the controller until the green row of lights start blinking.

在此阶段,您可以轻松地将其他控制台上的控制器与Switch配对。 要将Joy-Con控制器与Switch配对,请沿着控制器的扁平边缘按住圆形的小按钮,直到绿色的指示灯行开始闪烁。

Joy-Con controllers will also automatically pair with any Switch they’re physically connected to. So, if you want to share controllers between consoles, it’s as easy as sliding them onto the Switch.

Joy-Con控制器还将自动与其物理连接的任何交换机配对。 因此,如果要在控制台之间共享控制器,就像将它们滑到Switch上一样简单。

Once you’ve paired and configured all of your controllers, you can choose your characters, customize your vehicles, and pick your track to start racing just like normal.


使用无线播放最多可与八个朋友一起玩 (Play With Up to Eight Friends Using Wireless Play)

Split-screen multiplayer is cool, but it’s an old trick. If you want to really want to get the most out of your Switch, Wireless Play mode is where it’s at. In this mode, up to eight players can use up to eight Switches to play a game in the same room, each with their own (or shared) screen. Up to two players can play on a single Switch at a time in split-screen, which means you only need four at least four Switches for eight person racing. Likewise, you can do a four-way race with only two Switches.

分屏多人游戏很酷,但这是一个老把戏。 如果您真的想充分利用Switch,可以使用Wireless Play模式。 在这种模式下,多达八个玩家可以使用多达八个开关在同一个房间内玩游戏,每个开关都有自己的(或共享的)屏幕。 在拆分屏幕中,一次最多可以有两个玩家同时在一个Switch上玩游戏,这意味着您只需要四个(至少四个)Switch就可以进行八人比赛。 同样,您只需要两个开关就可以进行四向比赛。

Wireless Play is slightly more complicated than split-screen, but it’s still pretty easy. To get started, choose Wireless Play from Mario Kart’s main screen. Choose the number of players that will be playing on this Switch console. So, if you’re going to play a two-player race, but each person has their own Switch, you would choose “1P” from the main menu.

无线播放比分屏稍复杂,但是仍然很容易。 首先,请从Mario Kart的主屏幕中选择“无线播放”。 选择将在 Switch控制台上播放的玩家数量。 因此,如果您要参加两人竞赛,但是每个人都有自己的Switch,则可以从主菜单中选择“ 1P”。

The first person to start Wireless Play will need to create a room for everyone to play in. This allows Switches to connect directly to each other without an internet connection. Select Create Room and press A.

第一个开始进行无线游戏的人需要为每个人创建一个游戏室。这使交换机无需互联网即可直接相互连接。 选择创建房间,然后按A。

After that, every Switch that chooses Wireless Play while near the first Switch will see a screen like the one below. The room you just created should be in the list of rooms under Lobby, along with a counter for the number of players in that room. Choose the room you want to join and press A.

此后,在第一个Switch旁边选择“无线播放”的每个Switch都会看到如下屏幕。 您刚创建的房间应该在“大厅”下的房间列表中,并带有该房间中玩家数量的计数器。 选择您要加入的房间,然后按A。

Once everyone has joined the room, you can choose your character and customize your vehicle. In Wireless Play mode, each player gets to vote on which map they’d like to race on next and the game will randomly pick the next track from each player’s selections.

每个人都加入会议室后,您可以选择角色并自定义您的车辆。 在“无线游戏”模式下,每个玩家都可以在下一张想要比赛的地图上进行投票,并且游戏将从每个玩家的选择中随机选择下一条赛道。

与世界各地的朋友一起玩在线游戏 (Play With Your Friends Anywhere In the World With Online Play)

While it’s nice to be in the same room as your friends while playing, so you can hear their rage screams, it’s not necessary. Mario Kart also lets you play with your friends over the internet. Up to twelve people can play in a single race using an online match, though only two people can share a single Switch. For a full twelve person Grand Prix, you’ll need at least six Switches.

可以和朋友一起在同一个房间玩耍,尽管这样可以听到他们的愤怒尖叫,但这不是必须的。 Mario Kart还使您可以通过互联网与朋友一起玩。 使用在线比赛,最多可以有十二个人参加一场比赛,尽管只有两个人可以共享一个Switch。 对于一个完整的十二个人大奖赛,您至少需要六个Switch。

To get started, choose Online Play from the main menu. As with Wireless Play, choose the number of players who will be playing on this Switch, not the number who will be playing overall.

首先,从主菜单中选择“在线播放”。 与“无线游戏”一样,选择将在 Switch上玩的玩家数量,而不是整体上玩的人数。

From the Online Play menu, choose Friends. Worldwide and Regional mode will pair you with Mario Kart players from elsewhere in the world, even if you’re not friends. For this guide, though, we’ll assume that you only want to infuriate the people who know where you live.

从“在线播放”菜单中,选择“朋友”。 即使您不是朋友,“全球和地区”模式也会将您与来自世界其他地方的Mario Kart玩家配对。 不过,对于本指南,我们将假定您只想激怒知道您住所的人。

Just like in Wireless Play, you’ll need to create a room for you and your friends to hang out in. You’ll also see a list of people you’ve added as friends. You can select them from the menu to see if they’re already in a room. If not, you’ll need to create one. Select Create Room and press A.

就像在无线游戏中一样,您需要为您和您的朋友创建一个房间,以供他们闲逛。您还将看到您添加为朋友的人的列表。 您可以从菜单中选择它们,以查看它们是否已在房间中。 如果没有,则需要创建一个。 选择创建房间,然后按A。

When your friends log into Online Play, they’ll see a checkered flag next to your name in their Friends list. To join your room, they should select your name and press A.

当您的朋友登录在线游戏时,他们的朋友列表中您的名字旁边会显示一个方格标志。 要加入您的房间,他们应该选择您的名字并按A。

Your friend will see your name as well as some stats for the games you’ve played against each other. With Join highlighted, they should press A to start the game.

您的朋友会看到您的名字以及您彼此对战的一些统计数据。 突出显示加入,他们应该按A开始游戏。

Currently, Online Play is free for everyone, but Nintendo will start charging for it some time in Fall 2017. While Nintendo hasn’t committed to a price for this service yet, it will be less than $30 per year. Enjoy the free ride while it lasts!

目前,在线游戏对所有人免费,但任天堂将从2017年秋季开始对其收费。 尽管任天堂尚未承诺这项服务的价格,但每年的费用将低于30美元 。 享受持续的免费旅程!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306445/how-to-play-mario-kart-with-your-friends-on-the-nintendo-switch-online-and-in-person/

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