qt android 例程_如何在Android的Google Clock中设置助手例程

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qt android 例程

Google Clock Alarm with Google Assistant Routine

If your Android phone is your alarm clock, you can make it a lot smarter. Google’s Clock app now has Google Assistant-powered routines that can control your smarthome or play audio of choice when you wake up in the morning.

如果您的闹钟是Android手机,则可以使其更加智能。 Google的Clock应用程序现在具有由Google Assistant支持的例程,可以在您早晨起床时控制您的智能家居或播放选择的音频。

在没有Google Home的情况下获取例程 (Get Routines Without A Google Home)

Perhaps the most significant problem with alarms is that they are easy to snooze—multiple times. And before you know it, you’re running late, skipping breakfast, and hoping for a string of green lights so you won’t be late for work for the fifth day this week.

警报的最重要问题也许是它们很容易多次贪睡。 在不知不觉中,您来晚了,不去吃早餐,并希望获得一连串的绿灯,这​​样您本周第五天就不会迟到。

Smarthome routines can help with that problem; in fact, automation is still the real superpower of smarthomes. With a morning routine, a voice assistant can greet you, turn on the lights, raise the shades, and start reading the news, or playing music. Even if you snooze the alarm, the blaring lights and music will help you wake up.

智能家居例程可以解决该问题。 实际上, 自动化仍然是智能家居的真正超级大国 。 在早上的例行活动中,语音助手可以向您打招呼,打开灯光,抬起阴影,开始阅读新闻或播放音乐。 即使您暂停闹钟,明亮的灯光和音乐也会帮助您醒来。

But if you don’t own a Google Home, Lenovo Smart Clock, or Amazon Echo—or you don’t want such a device in your bedroom—then you’ll lose out on any of the audio portions of the routine. If you’re on Android, you can run routines without a Google Home in your bedroom thanks to an update in the Google Clock’s alarm feature. And it’s fairly straightforward to use.

但是,如果您没有Google Home, Lenovo Smart Clock或Amazon Echo,或者您不希望在卧室中使用这样的设备,那么您将失去例程中的任何音频部分。 如果您使用的是Android,则由于Google Clock闹钟功能的更新,您可以在卧室没有Google Home的情况下运行例程。 而且使用起来非常简单。

Unfortunately, this feature is part of the Google Clock app, which isn’t available on the iPhone. You need an Android phone to do this.

不幸的是,此功能是Google Clock应用程序的一部分,iPhone上不提供。 您需要使用Android手机才能执行此操作。

如何在您的Google Clock Alarms中添加例程 (How to Add Routines to Your Google Clock Alarms)

To add a routine, open the Google Clock app and tap “Alarms” at the top of the screen.


Google Clock app with arrow pointing to alarm option

If you have an existing alarm you’d like to use, tap its down arrow. Otherwise, tap the plus symbol to create a new alarm.

如果您要使用现有的警报,请点击其向下箭头。 否则,请点击加号以创建新警报。

Google Alarm with arrows pointing to down arrow and plus symbol

Either way, you should see an option called “Google Assistant Routine” now. Tap the “+” button to the right of “Google Assistant” routine to add a routine to that particular alarm.

无论哪种方式,您现在都应该看到一个名为“ Google Assistant例程”的选项。 点击“ Google助手”例程右侧的“ +”按钮,将例程添加到该特定警报中。

If you don’t see this option, you must set up Google Assistant in the Google Search. Skip to the next section and follow the setup instructions.

如果看不到此选项,则必须在Google搜索中设置Google Assistant。 跳至下一部分,并按照设置说明进行操作。

Tap the “Set Up Routine” button.


Use the options on the screen to tell Google Assistant what you want. Check whichever options you like, such as “Adjust lights, plugs, and more,” “Adjust thermostat,” “Tell me about the weather” or “Tell me today’s reminders.” You can also tap the “Change Order” option to determine the order of events, for instance, to make the commute information read before the weather.

使用屏幕上的选项告诉Google助手您想要什么。 检查您喜欢的任何选项,例如“调整灯,插头等”,“调整恒温器”,“告诉我天气”或“告诉我今天的提醒”。 您还可以点击“更改顺序”选项来确定事件的顺序,例如,使通勤信息在天气之前被读取。

When Google Assistant is finished, it will play news, podcasts, an audiobook, or nothing. Tap an option under “And then play” to select your preference.

Google Assistant完成后,它将不播放新闻,播客,有声读物或什么都不会播放。 点击“然后播放”下的选项以选择您的偏好。

If you regularly silence your phone, you should also check the top “Adjust media volume” option, or you may not hear anything because your phone is muted.


Tap the check mark at the upper right corner of the screen when you’re done.


Google Assistant routines options in Android's Clock app

Tap “Allow” to give Google Assistant access to your lock screen. This lets Assistant play your routine even while your phone is locked.

点按“允许”以授予Google助手访问锁定屏幕的权限。 即使您的手机处于锁定状态,助手也可以使用它来播放例行程序。

Google App prompt with Allow option call out

You’re all set! When you are alarm goes off, everything will start as you’re used to. But, when you dismiss the alarm, your routine will kick in.

你们都准备好了! 当您的闹钟响起时,一切都将按照您的习惯开始。 但是,当您解除警报时,您的例程将启动。

If you don’t hear anything, your phone’s media volume is probably silenced. Change the routine and enable the “Adjust Media Volume” option to prevent this issue.

如果您听不到任何声音,则可能是手机的媒体音量已静音。 更改例程并启用“调整媒体量”选项以防止出现此问题。

如何在时钟中启用Google Assistant例程 (How to Enable Google Assistant Routines in Clock)

If you don’t see the option in the Clock app, follow these instructions to enable it.


Open Google Search, and if prompted tap yes to set up Google Assistant. If you don’t see that prompt, tap  “More” and then tap “Settings.”

打开Goog​​le搜索,如果出现提示,请点击是来设置Google助手。 如果没有看到该提示,请点击“更多”,然后点击“设置”。

Google Search app with arrows pointing to More and Settings

Tap “Google Assistant” on the Settings screen.

在“设置”屏幕上点击“ Google助手”。

Google Search Settings with Google Assistant call out

Tap the “Assistant” tab, scroll down, and tap “Phone” under “Assistant devices.”


Google Search App with arrows pointing to Assistant and Phone option

Enable the “Google Assistant” option by tapping its toggle.

轻按[Google Assistant]选项,即可启用它。

Google Search app with arrow pointing to Google Assistant toggle

Follow any prompts to finish setting up Google Assistant. When you’re done, head back to the Alarm app and set up your routines.

按照所有提示完成对Google Assistant的设置。 完成后,返回“警报”应用程序并设置例程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406742/how-to-set-up-routines-in-google-clock-on-android/

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