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Keyboard shortcuts are an essential tool for dramatically speeding up everything you do on your computer. Geeks make extensive use of keyboard shortcuts, but every computer user can benefit from them.

键盘快捷键是极大地加快您在计算机上执行的所有操作的必不可少的工具。 怪胎广泛使用键盘快捷键,但每个计算机用户都可以从中受益。

Web pages about keyboard shortcuts often overwhelm new users with a long list of shortcuts. We’ll help ease you into the keyboard shortcuts, demonstrating the most helpful ones you should get started with.

有关键盘快捷键的网页通常会以一长串快捷键使新用户不知所措。 我们将帮助您简化键盘快捷键,并向您展示最应该使用的快捷键。

浏览器提示 (Browser Tips)

The most essential keyboard shortcut most people don’t know about is Ctrl+F. Pressing it opens a find dialog, which you can use to search for text on the current web page. Ctrl+F also works in many other programs – you can generally use it to open any application’s find dialog.

大多数人不知道的最基本的键盘快捷键是Ctrl + F。 按下它会打开一个查找对话框,您可以使用该对话框在当前网页上搜索文本。 Ctrl + F还可以在许多其他程序中使用–通常,您可以使用它来打开任何应用程序的“查找”对话框。

Want to create a new tab in your browser? You don’t have to click the new tab button – just press Ctrl+T and you’ll see your browser’s new tab page. The address bar will be automatically focused, so you can press Ctrl+T, type a web address or search phrase, and press Enter to go there without touching your mouse.

是否要在浏览器中创建一个新标签? 您不必单击新标签页按钮,只需按Ctrl + T,您将看到浏览器的新标签页页面。 地址栏将自动聚焦,因此您可以按Ctrl + T,键入网址或搜索词组,然后按Enter进入那里而无需触摸鼠标。

Want to close a browser tab? You don’t have to click the little x, either – just press Ctrl+W to close the current tab.

是否要关闭浏览器标签? 您也不必单击小x –只需按Ctrl + W即可关闭当前选项卡。

If you would like to go directly to a website or perform a new search without opening a new tab, press Ctrl+L to focus your browser’s location bar. You can immediately start typing a new search or website address and press Enter to go there. (If you’re using a browser with a separate location bar and search box, like Firefox, press Ctrl+K if you’d like to focus the search box instead.)

如果您想直接进入网站或执行新搜索而不打开新标签,请按Ctrl + L聚焦浏览器的位置栏。 您可以立即开始输入新的搜索或网站地址,然后按Enter键转到那里。 (如果您使用的浏览器带有单独的位置栏和搜索框,例如Firefox,则如果您想使搜索框聚焦,请按Ctrl + K。)


Instead of using the browser’s navigation buttons, you can press Alt+Left arrow to go back, Alt+Right arrow to go forward, or F5 to refresh the current page.

代替使用浏览器的导航按钮,您可以按Alt +向左箭头以返回,按Alt +向右箭头以向前,或按F5刷新当前页面。

Instead of using the scroll bar, you can use the arrow keys to scroll around on a web page – this much should be obvious. However, you can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys to quickly scroll through a document. Conveniently, the Space bar functions just like the Page Down key, giving you a quick and easy way to scroll down a web page.

除了使用滚动条,您还可以使用箭头键在网页上滚动–这很明显。 但是,您也可以使用Page Up和Page Down键快速滚动浏览文档。 方便地,空格键的功能就像Page Down键一样,为您提供了一种快速轻松地向下滚动网页的方法。

This isn’t an exhaustive list – not by a long shot. For more, read: 47 Keyboard Shortcuts That Work in All Web Browsers

这不是一个详尽的清单,也不是一针见血。 有关更多信息,请阅读: 47个可在所有Web浏览器中使用的键盘快捷键

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处理文字 (Working With Text)

Aside from Ctrl+F for searching, the most crucial text-editing shortcuts are Ctrl+C for copying highlighted text, Ctrl+X for cutting highlighted text, and Ctrl+V for pasting text from the clipboard to the cursor’s location. If you do any working with text at all, these keyboard shortcuts should be your bread and butter.

除了用于搜索的Ctrl + F以外,最关键的文本编辑快捷方式是Ctrl + C用于复制突出显示的文本,Ctrl + X用于剪切突出显示的文本,以及Ctrl + V用于将文本从剪贴板粘贴到光标的位置。 如果您根本不处理文本,则这些键盘快捷键应该是您的面包和黄油。

Ctrl+A selects all text in the current document or text field, allowing you to easily copy it or delete it with the Delete key.

Ctrl + A选择当前文档或文本字段中的所有文本,使您可以轻松地将其复制或使用Delete键将其删除。

When selecting text while typing, you don’t need to use the mouse either – just hold Shift and use the arrow keys to select a block of text. Use Shift+Ctrl+arrow keys to select entire words at a time, speeding things up.

在键入文本时选择文本时,您也不需要使用鼠标-只需按住Shift并使用箭头键即可选择文本块。 使用Shift + Ctrl +箭头键一次选择整个单词,从而加快了速度。

For more shortcuts to accelerate everything you do with text, read: 42+ Text-Editing Keyboard Shortcuts That Work Almost Everywhere

有关加快文本处理速度的更多捷径,请阅读: 42种以上几乎可以在任何地方工作的文本编辑键盘快捷键

在程序之间启动和切换 (Launching and Switching Between Programs)

The Windows key opens the Start menu, and the Start menu contains a search feature. This means that you can press the Windows key and start typing a program’s name to launch it. For example, press the Windows key, type firef, and press Enter – Firefox will open (assuming you have it installed). This method also allows you to locate and launch files on your computer and settings dialogs from the Control Panel.

Windows键将打开“开始”菜单,并且“开始”菜单包含搜索功能。 这意味着您可以按Windows键并开始键入程序的名称以启动它。 例如,按Windows键,键入firef ,然后按Enter键-Firefox将打开(假设您已安装)。 此方法还允许您从“控制面板”在计算机和“设置”对话框中查找和启动文件。


Search works the same way on Windows 8, except the Windows key opens the Start screen. You can start typing at the Start screen to perform a search. However, you will have to toggle between searching for applications, settings, and files – you can’t just search everything at once, as you can on Windows 7.

在Windows 8上,搜索的工作方式相同,但Windows键会打开“开始”屏幕。 您可以在“开始”屏幕上开始输入以执行搜索。 但是,您将不得不在搜索应用程序,设置和文件之间进行切换–您不能像Windows 7那样一次搜索所有内容。


Alt+Tab is obviously an essential keyboard shortcut for switching between open windows, but you can also use Alt+Shift+Tab to move through the list of open windows in reverse – particularly useful if you’re Alt+Tabbing and miss the window you want.

Alt + Tab显然是在打开的窗口之间切换的必不可少的键盘快捷键,但是您也可以使用Alt + Shift + Tab反向浏览打开的窗口列表-如果您要Alt + Tab并错过了窗口,则特别有用想。

When it comes to launching programs on Windows 7 and 8, Windows key+number will automatically launch a program on your taskbar. For example, Windows key+1 will launch the left-most program on your taskbar, while Windows key+5 will launch the fifth application from the left on your taskbar.

在Windows 7和8上启动程序时,Windows键+数字将自动在任务栏上启动程序。 例如,Windows key + 1将启动任务栏上最左侧的程序,而Windows key + 5将启动任务栏上左侧的第五个应用程序。


For more Windows keyboard shortcuts, read: 20 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know

有关更多Windows键盘快捷方式的信息,请阅读: 您可能不知道的20个Windows键盘快捷方式

Windows 8’s keyboard shortcuts are particularly useful, as they can be much faster than using the hot corners and other mouse-based methods for navigating the operating system.

Windows 8的键盘快捷键特别有用 ,因为它们比使用热角和其他基于鼠标的方法浏览操作系统快得多。

Image Credit: Kenny Louie on Flickr, Mikeropology on Flickr (modified), Tess Watson on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr 上的 Kenny Louie,Flickr上的 人体医学 (已修改), Flickr上的Tess Watson

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/140899/beginner-geek-how-to-get-started-with-keyboard-shortcuts/






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