三星账户联系人同步到手机上_如何将健身数据从Samsung Health同步到Google Fit



The Samsung Health and Google Fit logos.

Samsung Galaxy smartwatches include the company’s fitness software. It works just fine, but what if you already have fitness data stored in Google Fit? Thankfully, you can sync Samsung Health to Google Fit, and keep all your data in one place.

三星Galaxy智能手表包括该公司的健身软件。 效果很好,但是如果健身数据​​已经存储在Google Fit中怎么办? 值得庆幸的是,您可以将Samsung Health同步到Google Fit,并将所有数据保存在一个地方。

It’s not possible to install Google Fit on a Samsung Galaxy smartwatch, but you can do the next best thing. With an app called “Health Sync,” you can use Samsung Health for fitness tracking and sync all your data over to Google Fit.

无法在三星Galaxy智能手表上安装Google Fit,但您可以做第二件好事。 借助名为“ Health Sync”的应用程序,您可以使用Samsung Health进行健身跟踪并将所有数据同步到Google Fit。

Before you get started, you’ll need both Samsung Health and Google Fit installed on your Android smartphone. Make sure you’re signed in to Samsung Health under the same account you used to set up your smartwatch.

在开始之前,您需要在Android智能手机上同时安装Samsung HealthGoogle Fit 。 确保您使用设置智能手表时使用的帐户登录了三星健康。

The "Samsung Health" and "Google Fit" apps in the Google Play store.

Next, install Health Sync on your Android phone.

接下来,在Android手机上安装Health Sync

The "Health Sync" app in the Google Play store.

Open the app, and then tap “OK” to begin the “First Usage Actions.”


Tap "OK" in the "First Usage Actions" popup.

The next screen explains that you’ll be able to choose in which direction you want to sync data; tap “OK” to proceed.

下一个屏幕说明您将能够选择要同步数据的方向; 点击“确定”继续。

Tap "OK" in the "Sync Direction" popup.

Select “Samsung Health” as the base sync source.

选择“ Samsung Health”作为基本同步源。

Tap "Samsung Health."

Next, tap “Google Fit” as the sync destination, and then tap “OK.”

接下来,点击“ Google Fit”作为同步目标,然后点击“确定”。

Tap "Google Fit," and then tap "OK."

On the “Initialization Actions” screen, tap “Check Google Fit Connection.”

在“初始化操作”屏幕上,点击“检查Google Fit连接”。

Tap "Check Google Fit Connection."

This opens the Google login screen. Select the account you use with Google Fit.

这将打开Goog​​le登录屏幕。 选择您用于Google Fit的帐户。

Tap the Google account you use with Google Fit.

Next, tap “Activity Information Permission” to give Health Sync access to your activity.

接下来,点击“活动信息权限”,以使Health Sync访问您的活动。

Tap "Activity Information Permission."

Tap “Allow” on the permission popup.


Tap "Allow" to give Health Sync access.

Now, you have to change some settings in Google Fit, so it won’t interfere with the fitness syncing. Tap “Check Activity Tracking in Google Fit.”

现在,您必须在Google Fit中更改某些设置,以免干扰健身同步。 点击“在Google Fit中检查活动跟踪”。

Tap the "Check Activity Tracking in Google Fit" button

A message appears, instructing you to disable “Track Your Activities” in Google Fit. Tap “OK” to open the Google Fit app.

出现一条消息,指示您禁用Google Fit中的“跟踪您的活动”。 点击“确定”以打开Goog​​le Fit应用。

Tap "OK" in the "Check Google Fit Settings" popup.

The Google Fit app will launch. Tap “Profile” in the bottom toolbar.

Google Fit应用将启动。 点击底部工具栏中的“个人资料”。

Tap "Profile" in Google Fit.

Tap the Gear icon at the top right to open “Settings.”


Tap the Gear icon.

Scroll down and make sure “Track Your Activities” is disabled. This will ensure Google Fit won’t interfere with Samsung Health’s tracking.

向下滚动并确保已禁用“跟踪您的活动”。 这将确保Google Fit不会干扰Samsung Health的跟踪。

Toggle-Off the "Track Your Activities" option.

Leave the Google Fit app and open the Health Sync app once again. Tap “OK” in the “Initialization Finished” popup.

退出Google Fit应用,然后再次打开Health Sync应用。 在“初始化完成”弹出窗口中点击“确定”。

Tap "OK" in the "Initialization Finished" popup.

Now, all that’s left to do is select the fitness data you want to sync between the services. Some of these will require additional permissions.

现在,剩下要做的就是选择要在服务之间同步的健身数据。 其中一些将需要其他权限。

Select the fitness data you want to sync.

Lastly, you can go to “Settings” to adjust things like sync frequency and battery optimization. To do so, just tap the Three-dot icon at the top right.

最后,您可以转到“设置”以调整同步频率和电池优化等功能。 为此,只需点击右上角的三点图标。

Tap the Three-dot icon.

Then, tap “Settings.”


Tap "Settings" in the Health Sync app.

That’s it! You might periodically receive notifications about issues with sync status, but the app is very good at explaining how to solve those.

而已! 您可能会定期收到有关同步状态问题的通知,但是该应用非常擅长说明如何解决这些问题。

The Health Sync "Settings" menu.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/685854/how-to-sync-fitness-data-from-samsung-health-to-google-fit/


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