
Want to play emulated games on your Wii?  How about DVD playback?  Here’s how to use the SmashStack exploit to hack your Wii with the latest system menu and enable all of that and more!

想在Wii上玩模拟游戏吗? DVD播放如何? 这是使用SmashStack漏洞利用最新的系统菜单来入侵Wii并启用所有其他功能的方法!

And yes, in case you are wondering, this does work with the latest version 4.3 firmware update.


Before we get started, it’s important to mention that this guide will modify the software on your Wii, which will void the warranty, and there’s a chance that you could make your Wii console unusable if things go wrong. We didn’t have any problems hacking our own Wiis, but your mileage may vary. Be sure to read the entire process carefully before starting.

在我们开始之前,重要的是要提到本指南将修改Wii上的软件,这将使保修失效,并且如果出现问题,有可能使Wii控制台无法使用。 入侵我们的Wiis并没有任何问题,但是您的里程可能会有所不同。 开始之前,请务必仔细阅读整个过程。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

The SmashStack exploit requires – you guessed it – Super Smash Bros Brawl in order to execute it, as well as one GameCube controller, and you can borrow both from a friend or find them cheap online.

SmashStack漏洞利用程序(需要您猜到了)需要Super Smash Bros Brawl以及一个GameCube控制器才能执行,您可以从朋友那里借钱,也可以在网上便宜地找到它们。

You’ll also need an SD/SDHC card for all of the homebrew (“home brewed” apps) you want download—I’d recommend at least a 1 GB card to make sure you have enough space. It’s also a good idea to check out the Wiibrew Compatibility Page for your SD card, in case you want to ensure maximum compatibility.

对于要下载的所有自制软件(“自制”应用程序),您还需要SD / SDHC卡-我建议至少使用1 GB卡,以确保您有足够的空间。 如果您想确保最大的兼容性,那么也可以查看SD卡的Wiibrew兼容性页面

让我们开始破解Wii (Let’s Get Started with Hacking the Wii)

There’s quite a few stages in this process, and you should read through everything before beginning to make sure that you’ve got a full understanding of everything that needs to be done.


Update Your Wii Firmware


The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you update your Wii to the latest version, which as of this writing is version 4.3, through the System Menu. Do it now, so you don’t have any issues with the rest of the process.

您要做的第一件事就是确保通过系统菜单将Wii更新到最新版本,在撰写本文时,该版本为4.3版。 现在就做,这样其余的过程就不会有任何问题。

Prepare Smash Bros


In order for the SmashStack exploit to work, you need to make sure you don’t have any custom stages in Super Smash Bros Brawl saved.

为了使SmashStack利用发挥作用,您需要确保在Super Smash Bros Brawl中没有保存任何自定义阶段。

If you play Brawl, you can backup all of your stages onto an SD Card, then move all of its contents onto your computer for safe keeping until after we’re done.  This includes the default custom stages and downloaded stages, so if you don’t play Brawl normally, you will still need to either delete or move those stages.

如果您玩Brawl,则可以将所有舞台备份到SD卡上,然后将其所有内容移动到计算机上以安全保存,直到完成操作为止。 这包括默认的自定义阶段和下载的阶段,因此,如果您不能正常播放“斗殴”,则仍然需要删除或移动这些阶段。

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Make sure that your Wii is stage-free before continuing.


Get the Hack Ready


To actually perform this hack, you’ll need to download, extract, and move the hack onto your SD card using your PC. Here’s the file that you need to download, and we’ve provided multiple mirrors just in case one of them goes down:

要实际执行此黑客攻击,您需要使用PC下载,提取该黑客攻击并将其转移到SD卡上。 这是您需要下载的文件,并且我们提供了多个镜像,以防万一其中之一发生故障:

Download SmashStack Hack: [mirror 1] [mirror 2] [mirror 3] [mirror 4]

下载SmashStack Hack:[ 镜像1 ] [ 镜像2 ] [ 镜像3 ] [ 镜像4 ]

Pop the SD card into your computer and download the SmashStack exploit and the HackMii Installer (version 0.8 at the time of this article), both included in the zip file. Then you’ll need to move the files like this:

将SD卡弹出计算机中,然后下载zip文件中包含的SmashStack漏洞利用程序和HackMii Installer(本文时为0.8版)。 然后,您需要像这样移动文件:

  • Unzip the Smashstack.zip file and copy the Private folder to the root of your SD card.

  • Unzip the hackmii_installer.zip file, and copy the wiiload folder and the boot.elf files to the root of your SD card.


It should look like this once you’re done:



Perform the Actual Hack


Time to get things started!  Put in the SD card into your Wii and load up Super Smash Bros Brawl.

是时候开始了! 将SD卡插入Wii并加载Super Smash Bros Brawl。

All you have to do is open up the stage editor, and it automatically executes the exploit!  You should see a black screen with text that will eventually look like this:

您所要做的就是打开舞台编辑器,它会自动执行漏洞利用! 您应该会看到一个黑屏,其中的文本最终看起来像这样:

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Press the 1 button when prompted and you’ll see what you can install onto your system.


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BootMii is a boot loader, and is primarily only useful for Wii’s that were bought sometime before mid-2008. In concept, it’s similar to GRUB/LiLo, but the shining quality is that it allows you to backup your Wii’s system memory so that you can restore it if things take a turn for the worse.  It’s primarily for more advanced functions that most people don’t actually need, so we’ll skip this.

BootMii是一个引导加载程序,主要仅对2008年中之前购买的Wii有用。 从概念上讲,它类似于GRUB / LiLo,但令人眼前一亮的质量是​​,它允许您备份Wii的系统内存,以便在情况恶化时可以恢复它。 它主要用于大多数人实际上不需要的更高级的功能,因此我们将跳过这一点。

Either way, hit continue and go ahead and select the option to install the Homebrew Channel. Let it do its thing and you should see the following screen:

无论哪种方式,请单击继续并继续,然后选择安装Homebrew Channel的选项。 让它完成它的工作,您应该看到以下屏幕:

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Hit continue, and then hit exit.  It’ll load up the Homebrew Channel, but it’s looking mighty bare right now, isn’t it?

点击继续,然后点击退出。 它会加载Homebrew频道,但现在看起来很强大,不是吗?

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安装HomeBrew浏览器 (Install the HomeBrew Browser)

Pop that SD card back into your computer, and let’s install the Homebrew Browser, which is a graphical repository that will allow you to browse for various apps, download, and install them right from your Wii console!  You’ll need to perform the following two steps, using the files that you downloaded earlier:

将SD卡弹出回到计算机,然后安装Homebrew Browser,这是一个图形存储库,可让您浏览各种应用程序,然后直接从Wii控制台下载并安装它们! 您需要使用之前下载的文件执行以下两个步骤:

  • On your SD card, create a folder entitled “apps” (without the quotes, of course).

    在SD卡上,创建一个名为“ apps ”的文件夹(当然,不带引号)。

  • Unzip the homebrew_browser_v0.3.9.zip file (from the zip file we provided earlier) and move everything into the apps folder you just created.


Now stick the SD card back into your Wii. Be sure your Wii is able to connect to your Wireless network, then launch the Homebrew Channel. You should see something like this:

现在,将SD卡重新插入Wii。 确保Wii能够连接到无线网络,然后启动Homebrew频道。 您应该会看到以下内容:

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Click on the Homebrew browser with your Wii remote, and you’ll get a screen that looks like this:


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Don’t panic.  The Homebrew Browser is just caching some images for the apps you can browse and download.  Once it’s done, you’ll be able to browse lists of apps.

不要惊慌 Homebrew浏览器只是为您可以浏览和下载的应用程序缓存一些图像。 完成后,您将能够浏览应用程序列表。

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Click on any app to see more information about it and install it.


设置DVD播放 (Setup DVD Playback)

To play back DVDs and other media files, we’ll take a look at MPlayer CE, which can play back media files from your SD card as well as standard DVDs. Click on Media to open up the media category, scroll down until you find it, and select it.

要播放DVD和其他媒体文件,我们来看看MPlayer CE,它可以播放SD卡中的媒体文件以及标准DVD。 单击媒体以打开媒体类别,向下滚动直到找到它,然后选择它。

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Here you can see details like the author, the version number, the version date, and ratings.  Click on Download to begin the installation process.

在这里,您可以看到详细信息,例如作者,版本号,版本日期和等级。 单击下载开始安装过程。

To quit the Homebrew Browser, bring up the menu by hitting the Home button on your Wii remote.  Here’s a screenshot of MPlayer CE in action:

要退出“自制浏览器”,请点击Wii遥控器上的“ 主页”按钮以调出菜单。 这是运行中的MPlayer CE的屏幕截图:


您可以安装的其他应用程序 (Other Applications You Can Install)

You aren’t limited to just playing back DVDs with the HomeBrew channel—there are quite a few other apps you can install. Here’s a short list to get you started:

您不仅限于通过HomeBrew频道播放DVD,还可以安装许多其他应用程序。 以下是帮助您入门的简短列表:

  • Brawl+ Updater:  Installer/updater for a custom mod for Super Smash Bros Brawl.  I suggest taking a look if you really like Brawl.

    Brawl + Updater: Super Smash Bros Brawl自定义模块的安装程序/更新程序。 我建议您看看是否真的喜欢Brawl。

  • Quake:  Wii Quake port

  • WiiDoom:  Wii Doom port

    WiiDoom:Wii Doom端口
  • Wii Web Server: Very light-weight, and despite alpha status is very stable

    Wii Web服务器:非常轻巧,尽管处于alpha状态也非常稳定
  • Wii2600: An Atari 2600 VCS emulator

    Wii2600:Atari 2600 VCS模拟器
  • FCE Ultra GX: An NES emulator

    FCE Ultra GX :NES仿真器

  • Snes9xGX: An SNES emulator

    Snes9xGX :SNES模拟器

Most of the emulators will require copying ROM files into a roms folder within the emulator folder on your SD card, but every emulator will be different, and you should read the WiiBrew Application page to understand more about how each one works.


Just to show you that it does in fact work, here’s an action shot running The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past:


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Photos by Kay Walling Photography, image editing by fellow author Eric Goodnight.

凯沃林摄影 ( Kay Walling Photography)的照片 同行作者 埃里克古迪特 ( Eric Goodnight)的 图片编辑

重要说明:请勿更新Wii (Important Note: Don’t Update Your Wii)

It’s very important to note that once you’ve hacked your Wii, you probably shouldn’t allow the firmware to be updated anymore, or else your system could stop functioning or have problems.


Head into the System Menu and make sure that your console isn’t going to check for updates, and don’t install any if you are prompted to—at least not without reading through the WiiBrew site to make sure the hack will continue to work.


Have you tried hacking your own Wii to play emulated games and applications? Would you recommend it to others? Share your experiences with your fellow readers in the comments.
您是否尝试过入侵自己的Wii来玩模拟游戏和应用程序? 你会推荐给其他人吗? 在评论中与其他读者分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/30564/how-to-hack-your-wii-for-homebrew-games-and-dvd-playback/

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