谷歌应用 内购算付费应用吗_8种付费游戏,无需购买讨厌的应用内购买

谷歌应用 内购算付费应用吗

谷歌应用 内购算付费应用吗

It’s rare when a mobile game doesn’t come with any in-app purchases, but they still exist. Here are some pay-up-front games with no additional in-app purchases that we enjoy playing.

当手机游戏不附带任何应用程序内购买功能时,这种情况很少见,但仍然存在。 这是一些付费的前期游戏,没有我们喜欢玩的应用程序内购买。

A majority of mobile games are “freemium,” which means they’re free to download, but they’re hampered by in-app purchases that degrade the quality of the game unless you pay up. On the opposite end of the spectrum, though, there are games where you pay a flat price up front and get the entire game. From there, you can play it however you want without in-app purchases hindering your enjoyment.

大多数手机游戏都是“免费增值”,这意味着它们可以免费下载,但除非您付费,否则它们会因应用内购买而受到阻碍,因为这会降低游戏质量。 但是,在另一端,有些游​​戏则需要您支付固定价格并获得整个游戏。 从那里,您可以随意播放它,而无需在应用程序内购买来阻碍您的享受。

The good news is that plenty of games with no in-app purchases still exist, and here is a handful that we’ve had fun playing ourselves.


口袋城 (Pocket City)

City-building games are a lot of fun, but they’re pretty much only available on PC. And most of the titles available on mobile (like SimCity BuildIt) are riddled with in-app purchases—except for Pocket City.

建造城市的游戏很有趣,但几乎只能在PC上使用。 移动版上的大多数游戏(如SimCity BuildIt)都充斥着应用内购买商品-除Pocket City外。

Pocket City (iOS and Android for $4.99) comes with all of the sandboxing you would ever want in a city-building game. And instead of spending money to upgrade or unlock certain things, you just level up during gameplay.

Pocket City( iOSAndroid的价格为$ 4.99)附带了您在建造城市游戏中想要的所有沙盒。 您无需花钱升级或解锁某些东西,而只需在游戏过程中升级即可。

The graphics may not be as great as SimCity or Cities: Skylines, but for a completely unlimited city-building game that you play right on your smartphone, there’s nothing to complain about.


游戏开发大亨 (Game Dev Tycoon)

Playing a video game where you make video games sounds a bit lame, but it’s really fun and addictive. In Game Dev Tycoon (iOS and Android for $4.99), you play a game developer whose goal is to…well…develop video games.

在制作视频游戏的视频游戏中听起来有些la脚,但这确实很有趣且令人上瘾。 在Game Dev Tycoon( iOSAndroid的价格为$ 4.99)中,您扮演的游戏开发人员的目标是……很好……开发视频游戏。

It’s more in-depth than that, though. You start out as a lowly garage-dwelling amateur and make your way up to expanding your company into the best game development studio on the planet.

但是,它比这更深入。 您最初是一个生活在车库中的低下业余爱好者,然后逐步将公司扩展为地球上最好的游戏开发工作室。

For each game you develop, you get to choose different factors like the genre and platform. As you become more experienced, you get to create your own graphics engines that ultimately result in producing better games. With more experience as a developer (and more fans), you get to watch your sales numbers grow and grow.

对于开发的每个游戏,您都可以选择不同的因素,例如类型和平台。 随着您变得越来越有经验,您将创建自己的图形引擎,最终可以产生更好的游戏。 有了作为开发人员(和更多粉丝)的更多经验,您可以观察销售量的增长。

911操作员 (911 Operator)

If you enjoy strategy games, 911 Operator (iOS and Android for $4.99) provides a unique approach that will suck you in, as well as get your blood pumping.

如果您喜欢策略游戏,那么911 Operator( iOSAndroid的价格为$ 4.99)提供了一种独特的方法,它可以吸引您以及吸引您的血液。

You play a 911 emergency dispatcher, and your job is to respond to all kinds of different 911 calls accurately. You have a plethora of emergency services at your disposal, but you must use them wisely.

您扮演911紧急调度员,您的工作是准确响应各种不同的911呼叫。 您可以使用大量的紧急服务,但是您必须明智地使用它们。

The coolest part about the game is that you can play in any city that you want (even your small hometown) and the developers based many of the 911 calls on real events.


This game technically has in-app purchases, but it’s geared more like DLC than pesky unlocks and upgrades—you still get a full game experience without spending any more money on in-app purchases.


过山车大亨经典 (Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic)

If you’re a fan of the original RollerCoaster Tycoon game from yesteryear, then you’ll love RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic (iOS and Android for $5.99), which is pretty much an exact copy of the original game ported over to the mobile world.

如果您是过去的原始RollerCoaster Tycoon游戏的粉丝,那么您一定会喜欢RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic( iOSAndroid ,价格为$ 5.99),这几乎是移植到移动世界的原始游戏的精确副本。

When I say “exact copy,” I mean it. It’s the classic RollerCoaster Tycoon that you loved as a kid—nothing more, nothing less. There are no in-app purchases to bog down the experience, nor any fancy new features to bring it up to modern standards. Just pure, unadulterated RollerCoaster Tycoon right on your smartphone or tablet.

当我说“精确副本”时,我是说真的。 这是您小时候喜欢的经典过山车大亨-没什么,没什么。 没有应用程序内购买来降低体验,也没有任何新颖的功能可以将其提升到现代水平。 纯粹,纯净的RollerCoaster Tycoon,就在您的智能手机或平板电脑上。

As with 911 Operator, this game technically has in-app purchases, but they’re just the expansion packs, as well as a design toolkit for sandboxing, rather than limiting factors like unlocks and upgrades.

与911 Operator一样,该游戏从技术上讲是在应用程序内购买的,但它们仅仅是扩展包,沙盒设计工具包,而不是限制解锁和升级等因素。

纪念碑谷 (Monument Valley)

One of the greatest puzzle mobile games of our time is Monument Valley (iOS and Android for $3.99), as well as the sequel Monument Valley 2 (iOS and Android for $4.99).

我们这个时代最伟大的益智手机游戏之一是Monument Valley( iOSAndroid ,售价$ 3.99),以及续集Monument Valley 2( iOSAndroid ,售价$ 4.99)。

Both games offer a no-frills puzzle-filled experience that takes you through different levels (literally), guiding your character through moving walkways and stairs to get to the other side and advance on to the next stage.


It’s a real puzzler that’s fun to play over and over again. Plus, when you do finally get bored of it, you can buy the Forgotten Shores expansion pack to get even more levels (yes, again, technically an in-app purchase, but not really).

这是一个真正的益智游戏,玩一遍又一遍很有趣。 另外,当您最终对它感到无聊时,可以购买Forgotten Shores扩展包来获得更多的关卡(是的,从技术上讲,再次是应用内购买,但实际上不是)。

紫锥花 (Machinarium)

If you’re a fan of indie adventure puzzler games, then you’ll likely enjoy Machinarium (iOS and Android for $4.99). Not only is the gameplay fun, but the art style is something to behold as well.

如果您是独立冒险益智游戏的粉丝,那么您可能会喜欢Machinarium( iOSAndroid ,价格为$ 4.99)。 不仅游戏玩法有趣,而且艺术风格也应注目。

The premise is quite simple: “Help Josef the robot to save his girlfriend Berta kidnapped by the Black Cap Brotherhood gang.” To do so, you must go through all sorts of little adventures and figure your way out through each level to get Josef back with his girlfriend.

前提很简单:“帮助机器人机器人约瑟夫(Josef)拯救被黑帽兄弟会(Black Cap Brotherhood)绑架的女友伯塔(Berta)。” 为此,您必须经历各种小冒险,并想尽办法走出每个关卡,才能使约瑟夫(Josef)与女友重聚。

超级马里奥跑 (Super Mario Run)

One of the most highly-anticipated games at the time of its release, Super Mario Run (iOS and Android for $9.99) was a huge hit, and not just because it’s Mario. The game also bucked the tradition of lame in-app purchases in a lot of popular games.

Super Mario Run( iOSAndroid的发行价为9.99美元)是发行时最受期待的游戏之一,受到了极大的欢迎,而不仅仅是因为它是Mario。 该游戏还打破了许多热门游戏中应用程序内购买的la脚的传统。

The buying process for Super Mario Run works a bit differently, though. Downloading the game is free, and it comes with a short trial run, but unlocking the entire game requires a $9.99 payment as an in-app purchase. After that, however, you have the entire game and nothing else getting in the way.

不过,Super Mario Run的购买过程略有不同。 下载游戏是免费的,并且需要短暂试用,但解锁整个游戏需要支付9.99美元的应用内购买费用。 但是,此后,您便拥有了整个游戏,而没有其他障碍。

房间 (The Room)

If you like a little mystery mixed in with a puzzler, The Room (iOS and Android for $0.99) is a fantastic game at a low price, as are the sequels.

如果您喜欢将一个谜与谜题混在一起,那么The Room( iOSAndroid的价格为0.99美元)是一款价格低廉的出色游戏,续集也是如此。

Not only is the game unique and quite addicting, but the graphics are also pretty impressive for what you pay. Better yet, the controls are super simple for what initially seems like a complex game—it’s effortless to get going.

游戏不仅独特而且令人上瘾,而且图形效果对于您所支付的价格也非常可观。 更好的是,对于最初看起来像是复杂游戏的控件,它非常简单-操作起来毫不费力。

And once you’re done with the first title, you can move onto The Room Two, The Room Three, and The Room: Old Sins.


荣誉奖 (Honorable Mentions)

Because there are so many great mobile games available that don’t have pesky in-app purchases, we couldn’t cover every single one with detail. Here are some quick honorable mentions if you’re looking for even more great options.

因为有很多很棒的手机游戏没有讨厌的应用程序内购买,所以我们无法涵盖每一个细节。 如果您正在寻找更出色的选择,这里有一些简短的荣誉提示。

Faster Than Light (iPad for $9.99): A great futuristic game where you control a spaceship and must save the galaxy. The only downside is that it’s just for iPad, but you can play it on your PC or Mac via Steam.

比光速还快( iPad售价9.99美元):一款出色的未来主义游戏,您可以控制太空飞船并必须保存星系。 唯一的缺点是它仅适用于iPad,但是您可以通过Steam在PC或Mac上播放它。

Threes (iOS and Android for $5.99): You may have heard of or played a game called 2048, but what you may not know is that it’s just a ripoff of Threes, which is not only the original, unique version but better overall.

Threes( iOSAndroid售价5.99美元):您可能听说过或玩过2048游戏,但您可能不知道这只是Threes的翻版,它不仅是原始的,独特的版本,而且总体上更好。

Prune (iOS and Android for $3.99): A simple and relaxing game where the goal is to grow your tree as best you can by harnessing the sun and avoiding the darker areas. Who knew a game about growing trees could be so fun and interesting?

Prune( iOSAndroid ,售价$ 3.99):一个简单而轻松的游戏,其目标是通过利用阳光并避开较暗的区域来最大程度地生长树木。 谁知道关于树木生长的游戏会如此有趣和有趣?

Lumino City (iOS and Android for $4.99): I know I’ve already mentioned some great puzzlers, but Lumino City takes it to the next level. Everything featured in the game was made by hand. In other words, those aren’t graphics or CGI, but real handmade items.

Lumino City( iOSAndroid售价为4.99美元):我知道我已经提到过一些很棒的难题,但是Lumino City将其带到了一个新的高度。 游戏中的所有特色都是手工制作的。 换句话说,这些不是图形或CGI,而是真正的手工物品。

Mini Metro (iOS and Android for $4.99): If you like city building games, then you might appreciate Mini Metro, which tasks you with building a subway system in a big city and keeping the passengers flowing without issues.

迷你地铁( iOSAndroid售价为4.99美元):如果您喜欢城市建筑游戏,那么您可能会喜欢迷你地铁,它可以在一个大城市中建造地铁系统并使乘客保持畅通无阻的任务。


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