
You’ve added all your media to a Plex server and it’s great, but now you want to watch your favorite YouTube videos in the same interface. Is that possible? Yep!

您已将所有媒体添加到Plex服务器,这很棒,但是现在您想在同一界面中观看自己喜欢的YouTube视频。 那可能吗? 是的

Plex has a Watch Later function you can use to queue up videos, kind of like Pocket. Or, if you prefer, there’s a third party plugin that lets you browse your YouTube subscriptions right in the Plex interface.

Plex具有“稍后观看”功能,可用于将视频排队,例如Pocket。 或者,如果愿意,可以使用第三方插件在Plex界面中浏览YouTube订阅。

This is nice if Plex on a HTPC is the primary way you watch videos, but there’s an advantage here even if you use a streaming box: YouTube is terrible on Apple TV and Roku, because they force a web-based interface on those platforms. Plex works a lot better on those devices, so try this out if you’re having trouble.

如果HTPC上的Plex是观看视频的主要方式,那就很好了,但是即使您使用流媒体盒也有一个优势: YouTube在Apple TV和Roku上很糟糕 ,因为它们在这些平台上强制使用基于Web的界面。 Plex在这些设备上的性能要好得多,因此,如果遇到问题,请尝试一下。

PlexIt书签:在计算机上查找视频,在电视上观看它们 (PlexIt Bookmark: Find Videos on Your Computer, Watch Them on Your TV)

We’ve told you how to save a video to Plex for later viewing, and it’s pretty straight forward: drag a bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar on your browser, and then click it when you’re watching a video. Turns out this is the easiest way to watch a YouTube video on Plex.

我们已经告诉您了如何将视频保存到Plex以便以后查看 ,这非常简单:将书签拖动到浏览器上的书签栏,然后在观看视频时单击它。 事实证明,这是在Plex上观看YouTube视频的最简单方法。

Just open a video on your browser, then click the bookmarklet. A pop-up add the video to your Plex “Watch Later” queue.

只需在浏览器中打开视频,然后单击书签即可。 弹出窗口将视频添加到您的Plex“稍后观看”队列中。

You can also share the video with your Plex friends, if you want, but let’s just focus on the Watch Later. You’ll find it at the bottom of the screen on recent versions of Plex.

如果愿意,您也可以与您的Plex朋友共享视频,但我们只关注“稍后观看”。 您会在最新版本的Plex的屏幕底部找到它。

Here you’ll find all the videos you added to your list.


Just pick anything to start watching.


YouTube电视:浏览您的YouTube订阅 (YouTube TV: Browse Your YouTube Subscriptions)

The Watch Later section is easy to use, but it doesn’t let you do things like browse your YouTube subscriptions while you’re sitting in front of your TV with your Plex client fired up. Happily there’s YouTube TV for Plex, a plugin that lets you browse and watch YouTube videos.

“稍后观看”部分易于使用,但不允许您执行以下操作:在Plex客户端启动时坐在电视前浏览YouTube订阅。 幸运的 ,有一个用于PlexYouTube电视 ,该插件可让您浏览观看YouTube视频。

Installing is relatively straight forward. First, grab the latest release. Next, extract the folder from the ZIP directory, and then rename it so it ends with .bundle. Now drag that folder to your Plex plugin directory, which you can find in Windows by right-clicking the Plex server tray icon, and then clicking the “Open Plugins folder” command.

安装相对简单。 首先, 获取最新版本 。 接下来,从ZIP目录中提取文件夹,然后重命名它,使其以.bundle结尾。 现在,将该文件夹拖到您的Plex插件目录,您可以在Windows中通过右键单击Plex服务器托盘图标,然后单击“打开插件文件夹”命令来找到该目录。

You can also browse right to the folder in the following places:


  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins

    Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

  • Linux: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    Linux: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

When you’ve installed the plugin, scroll down the the bottom of Plex on your TV.


Open Plugins and you’ll find your new YouTube channel. First you’ll need to authorize your Google account.

打开插件,您将找到新的YouTube频道。 首先,您需要授权您的Google帐户。

You’ll be shown a code that you need to enter at google.com/device.


You can do this on any device where you Google account is logged in: your phone, another laptop, it doesn’t matter. When you do, you’ll be able to browse your YouTube subscriptions on Plex.

您可以在已登录Google帐户的任何设备上执行此操作:手机,另一台笔记本电脑都没关系。 完成后,您将可以在Plex上浏览YouTube订阅。

You can watch videos right there.


You’ll also have access to your YouTube playlists, liked videos, and viewing history. It’s a great way to watch a few videos at the end of the day, so enjoy.

您还可以访问自己的YouTube播放列表,喜欢的视频和观看记录。 这是一天结束后观看一些视频的好方法,请尽情享受。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/347431/how-to-watch-youtube-videos-on-plex/

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