macos sierra_macOS Sierra中的三个鲜为人知的窗口管理新功能

macos sierra

macos sierra


At this point, you probably think you know all about the new features in macOS Sierra. So did I, but it turns out there are a few new things that didn’t get much press–especially when it comes to managing all your windows.

此时,您可能认为您已经了解了macOS Sierra中的新功能 。 我也是。但是事实证明,有些新事物并没有引起太多关注,尤其是在管理所有窗口方面。

Here are four new features that make window management easier, all of which work without any third party software. We’re willing to bet you haven’t noticed all of these yet, even if you constantly read about macOS.

这里有四个使窗口管理更容易的新功能,所有这些功能都无需任何第三方软件即可工作。 即使您经常阅读有关macOS的信息,我们也敢打赌您尚未注意到所有这些信息。

双击窗口边缘以在该方向上最大化 (Double-Click Window Edges To Maximize in That Direction)

Manually resizing application windows has been the same for decades. Put the cursor near the window’s edge and it turns into a two-sided arrow, then click and drag to resize. Basic computing stuff.

几十年来,手动调整应用程序窗口的大小是相同的。 将光标放在窗口的边缘附近,它会变成一个双向箭头,然后单击并拖动以调整大小。 基本的计算资料。

Sierra offers a new twist here. Anytime you see the two-sided arrow, you can double-click to instantly extend that side of the window to the edge of your display. Here’s how that looks:

塞拉在这里提供了新的转折。 每当您看到双向箭头时,都可以双击以立即将窗口的这一侧扩展到显示器的边缘。 看起来是这样的:


This works on all edges. You can also double-click any corner to extend in two directions, like this:

这适用于所有边缘。 您也可以双击任何一个角以在两个方向上延伸,如下所示:


It’s a subtle thing, and probably impossible for someone to discover on their own.


Windows现在很粘 (Windows Are Now Sticky)

Sierra also makes windows “sticky” for the first time. What does that mean? Basically, when you move a window, it will stick to the edges of other windows, like a magnet.

Sierra还首次使窗口“发粘”。 这意味着什么? 基本上,当您移动一个窗口时,它会像磁铁一样粘在其他窗口的边缘。


As you can see, there’s just a bit of resistance as I move one window alongside another, making it easier for me to perfectly place two windows alongside each other. There’s also resistance when the windows are aligned horizontally. This makes it a lot easier to precisely arrange windows side-by-side.

如您所见,当我将一个窗口移到另一个窗口时,只有一点阻力,这使我更容易完美地将两个窗口彼此并排放置。 当窗口水平对齐时,也存在阻力。 这样可以更轻松地精确地并排排列窗口。

Windows will also “stick” to the sides of your display, the menu bar at the top of the screen, and your dock. It’s a subtle thing, and long overdue, but better late than never.

Windows还将“粘在”显示器的侧面,屏幕顶部的菜单栏和底座上。 这是一件微妙的事情,早就该了,但是迟到总比没有好。

This also applies to resizing. This means that, if you have two windows placed side-by-side, resizing will “stick” when things are aligned. Here’s what that looks like:

这也适用于调整大小。 这意味着,如果您将两个窗口并排放置,则在对齐后,调整大小将“固定”。 看起来像这样:


As you can see, there’s a slight delay right at the point where the two windows align horizontally. This makes it much easier to align windows perfectly, if that’s what you want.

如您所见,在两个窗口水平对齐的点处有一点延迟。 如果您要这样做,则可以轻松地完美对齐窗口。

If you want to move a window without it sticking to anything, simply hold the “Option” key while dragging.

如果要移动窗口而不粘附任何东西,只需在拖动时按住“ Option”键即可。

默认使所有应用使用选项卡 (Make All Your Apps Use Tabs By Default)

You might already know that macOS supports tabs in nearly any application, but did you know you can also make tabs the default? This means that anytime you open a new document, or even create a new document, a new tab will be created instead of a new window. The setting can be found in System Preferences > Dock.

您可能已经知道macOS几乎在所有应用程序中都支持标签页 ,但是您知道也可以将标签页设置为默认标签吗? 这意味着,无论何时打开新文档,甚至创建新文档,都会创建一个新的选项卡,而不是一个新的窗口。 该设置可以在“系统偏好设置”>“扩展坞”中找到。


You have three options. “Always” will force applications to use tabs, no matter what. “In Full Screen Only” will force applications to use tabs when you’re using full-screen windows. “Manually” won’t use tabs even then, meaning you can only use tabs by clicking “Window” followed by “Merge All Windows.”

您有三个选择。 无论如何,“始终”将强制应用程序使用选项卡。 当您使用全屏窗口时,“仅在全屏模式下”将强制应用程序使用选项卡。 即便如此,“手动”也不会使用选项卡,这意味着您只能通过单击“窗口”,然后单击“合并所有窗口”来使用选项卡。

This hidden feature makes it easy to avoid clutter by default; give “Always” a chance and see how you like it.

此隐藏功能可轻松避免默认情况下的混乱; 给“总是”一个机会,看看你如何喜欢它。


macos sierra





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