svn文件还原指定版本_在每个Windows 7版本中还原文件的先前版本



Have you ever accidently deleted a file, or removed a crucial part of a document only to realize it no longer makes sense?  Windows 7 is smart enough to protect you from yourself, and here we’ll see how you can restore files in any edition of Windows 7.

您是否曾经无意中删除了文件,或删除了文档的关键部分,只是意识到它不再有意义? Windows 7足够聪明,可以保护您免受自己的伤害,在这里我们将看到如何在任何版本的Windows 7中还原文件。

How does this work?


The Previous Versions features is a part of the volume shadow copy service, which creates restore points to help roll back changes to your computer in the event of a problem.  It is also the backend for the surprisingly good image based backup in Windows 7.  By default, shadow copy will save a copy of your files once a day, or when activated explicitly such as when installing an update or new program.

“先前版本”功能是卷影复制服务的一部分,该服务创建还原点,以在出现问题时帮助将更改回滚到您的计算机。 它也是Windows 7中出色的基于映像的备份的后端。默认情况下,卷影副本将每天保存一次文件副本,或者在显式激活(例如安装更新或新程序时)时保存文件副本。

The Previous Versions feature was actually a new feature in Windows Vista, but was not directly available in the Home editions of Vista.  However, the volume shadow copy service was still present, allowing even users of Home editions of Vista to access previous versions of their files.  The default method is much simpler, so thankfully it is now included in every edition of Windows 7.

“以前版本”功能实际上是Windows Vista中的一项新功能,但在Vista的家庭版中不直接可用。 但是,卷影复制服务仍然存在,甚至允许Vista的Home版本的用户访问其文件的先前版本 。 默认方法要简单得多,因此值得庆幸的是,它现在已包含在每个Windows 7版本中。

How do I access Previous Versions?


It is simple to access previous versions of any file or folder on your Windows 7 computer.  Simply open any Explorer window, right-click on a file or folder you wish to restore, and select “Restore Previous Versions.”  For instance, if you accidently deleted a file from a folder in My Documents, browse to that folder and open previous versions from it.  Please note that this will only appear on files and folders, not drives or Libraries.

访问Windows 7计算机上任何文件或文件夹的先前版本很简单。 只需打开任何“资源管理器”窗口,右键单击要还原的文件或文件夹,然后选择“还原以前的版本”。 例如,如果您不小心从“我的文档”中的文件夹中删除了文件,请浏览至该文件夹并从中打开以前的版本。 请注意,这只会出现在文件和文件夹上,不会出现在驱动器或库中。


This dialog shows all the previous copies of this folder that are available.  Here we see that there is a copy of my folder e-books from yesterday, 3 days earlier this week, and some from the week before that.  Click on the time you wish to restore from.

此对话框显示此文件夹的所有先前副本。 在这里,我们可以看到昨天(本周早3天)和我之前一周的一些文件夹电子书。 单击您要还原的时间。


You can choose to either Open, Copy, or Restore the folder.  If you click Restore, you can restore the full contents of the folder as it appeared at some time in the past.

您可以选择打开,复制或还原文件夹。 如果单击“还原”,则可以还原该文件夹在过去某个时间出现的全部内容。


Choose copy to copy the entire contents of the folder as it appeared at that time to another location.  For instance, you could copy it to a flash drive for safe keeping.

选择复制可将文件夹当时的所有内容复制到另一个位置。 例如,您可以将其复制到闪存驱动器中以安全保存。


Or, choose Open to browse the contents of the folder as it appeared at that time.  You can open, copy, or do anything you choose with the file from here.  For instance, if I deleted the Audio Books folder accidently today, I could click copy, and then past it into my normal e-books folder in my Documents folder.

或者,选择“打开”以浏览当时显示的文件夹内容。 您可以从此处打开,复制文件或对文件进行任何选择。 例如,如果我今天不小心删除了有声读物文件夹,则可以单击“复制”,然后将其粘贴到“文档”文件夹中的普通电子书文件夹中。


When in this mode, you are directly browsing the shadow copy of your hard drive.  The path to the folder shows the date and time of the copy.

在这种模式下,您可以直接浏览硬盘的卷影副本。 文件夹的路径显示了副本的日期和时间。


And, the great thing is, this feature is available in all editions of Windows 7, including the low-cost Starter edition often preinstalled in netbooks.

而且,很棒的是,此功能在Windows 7的所有版本中都可用,包括通常预先安装在上网本中的低成本入门版。


Change Shadow Copy Settings


By default, the shadow copies of your files will use up to 5% of your hard drive space.  You can change this by typing “Shadow Copy” into your Start Menu search.  Click the “Create a restore point” link.

默认情况下,文件的卷影副本将占用硬盘空间的5%。 您可以通过在“开始”菜单搜索中键入“阴影副本”来更改此设置。 单击“创建还原点”链接。


Here you can restore your system with a restore point, create a new restore point, or configure the settings.  Click Configure to manage Shadow Copy.

在这里,您可以使用还原点还原系统,创建新的还原点或配置设置。 单击配置以管理卷影副本。


You can choose to save both system settings and previous versions of files, only previous versions of files, or to turn this feature off entirely (which we do not recommend at all).  You can also choose how much space will be dedicated to these files.  The default is 5% of your hard drive, but you can choose more or less if you wish.  Finally, you can also remove all previous restore points, including the previous versions of all your files.

您可以选择保存系统设置和文件的先前版本,仅保存文件的先前版本,或者完全关闭此功能(不建议这样做) 。 您还可以选择将有多少空间专用于这些文件。 默认值为硬盘驱动器的5%,但您可以根据需要选择更多或更少。 最后,您还可以删除所有以前的还原点,包括所有文件的先前版本。




The Previous Versions feature is definitely a lifesaver. You can actually retrieve deleted files using Shadow Copy in Server 2003.  It has saved us many times when we accidently deleted a file or removed important information from a document only to realize what we had done minutes later. For these and many other reasons, don’t panic and just check Previous Versions if you ever lose a file.

以前的版本功能绝对是救生员。 您实际上可以使用Server 2003中的Shadow Copy检索已删除的文件 。 当我们不小心删除文件或从文档中删除重要信息时,它为我们节省了很多时间,而这仅仅是为了让我们意识到几分钟后所做的事情。 由于这些以及许多其他原因,请不要慌张,如果您丢失了文件,只需检查“以前的版本”即可。







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