计算机组成原理实验 ram_如何对计算机的RAM超频

计算机组成原理实验 ram

计算机组成原理实验 ram

Installing RAM in a computer.
Georgii Shipin/Shutterstock.com Georgii Shipin / Shutterstock.com

RAM often comes from the factory with a lower speed than the silicon is capable of. With a few minutes in your BIOS and a bit of testing, you can get your memory to run faster than the manufacturer’s specifications.

RAM通常出厂时的速度低于芯片所能达到的速度。 在BIOS中进行了几分钟的测试和一些测试之后,您可以使内存运行速度快于制造商的规格。

开始之前需要了解的内容 (What You Need to Know Before You Begin)

RAM is quite a bit more complex than CPU or GPU overclocking, where you’re merely cranking a dial and praying your fancy all-in-one watercooler doesn’t turn your system into a space heater. With RAM, there are many knobs to turn, but it’s also much safer because they don’t produce much heat.

RAM比CPUGPU超频要复杂得多,在CPU 超频中 ,您只是摇动表盘,然后祈祷您奇特的多合一水冷却器不会将系统变成空间加热器。 使用RAM,可以旋转许多旋钮,但是它也更安全,因为它们不会产生太多热量。

This does have real-world benefits. Every program you use stores its working data in RAM before loading it into the CPU’s internal cache, and programs that use a lot of it can churn through RAM like butter. In games, improvements in your RAM’s overall latency can cut down on frame times significantly. This can improve overall frame rates and (most importantly) reduce stuttering during CPU-intensive areas, where new data needs to be loaded from RAM into cache or VRAM.

这确实具有现实利益。 您使用的每个程序在将其工作数据加载到CPU的内部高速缓存之前,都会将其工作数据存储在RAM中,而使用大量程序的程序可能会像黄油一样在RAM中搅动。 在游戏中,RAM总体延迟的改善可以显着减少帧时间。 这可以提高总体帧速率,并且(最重要的是)可以减少CPU密集区域(需要将新数据从RAM加载到缓存或VRAM中)的卡顿现象。

RAM speed is usually measured in megahertz (Mhz). DDR4 stock speed is usually 2133 Mhz or 2400 Mhz, though the real speed is actually half of that since it’s Double Data Rate (DDR). On top of this, your memory has over twenty different timings which control latency, and how fast you can read and write. These are measured in terms of clock cycles and often grouped up under the “CAS Latency (CL)” abbreviation. For example, a midrange kit of DDR4 may be rated at 3200 Mhz CL16. Improving either the speed or timings improves latency and throughput.

RAM速度通常以兆赫(Mhz)为单位。 DDR4库存速度通常为2133 Mhz或2400 Mhz,尽管实际速度实际上是其两倍,因为它是Double Data Rate(DDR)。 最重要的是,您的内存具有20多种不同的时序,这些时序控制延迟以及读取和写入的速度。 这些以时钟周期为单位进行度量,通常分组为“ CAS Latency(CL)”缩写。 例如,DDR4的中端套件的额定值为3200 Mhz CL16。 改善速度或时序可改善延迟和吞吐量。

The memory talks to the rest of the computer using a system called Serial Presence Detect. Through this, it gives the BIOS a set of frequencies and primary timings that it can operate at, called the JEDEC specification. This is the stock speed, and it’s baked into every DDR4 stick ever made.

内存使用称为串行存在检测的系统与计算机的其余部分通信。 通过这种方式,它为BIOS提供了一组可以运行的频率和主要时序,称为JEDEC规范。 这就是库存速度,它已经被制造到每一个DDR4记忆棒中。

JEDEC timings for RAM

But, Intel found a way to cheat the system. By offering another profile on top of JEDEC, called XMP (Extreme Memory Profile), they could run RAM higher than the standard speeds. If you buy RAM that’s rated over 2400 Mhz, you’re likely getting a kit with an XMP profile you can enable. This is sanctioned, factory overclocking.

但是,英特尔找到了一种欺骗系统的方法。 通过在JEDEC之上提供另一个配置文件XMP(极限内存配置文件),它们可以以高于标准速度运行RAM。 如果您购买的额定RAM超过2400 Mhz,则可能会获得带有XMP配置文件的套件, 可以启用该套件。 这是经过批准的,工厂超频。

Here’s the thing though—due to several factors, that overclock usually isn’t the best, and you can push it further than the manufacturer intended.


For one, manufacturers don’t bin everything to 100%. They’ve got to price the expensive kits higher, so it’s often the case that your memory came with the XMP profile it did because of product segmentation. Your kit also operates within a certain voltage level, usually 1.350 volts for midrange DDR4, but you can turn this up a bit yourself, something manufacturers do for higher speed kits.

首先,制造商不会将所有内容都分类为100%。 他们必须给昂贵的工具包定价更高,因此通常是由于产品细分而使您的内存带有XMP配置文件。 您的套件还可以在一定的电压水平下运行,对于中端DDR4通常为1.350伏,但是您可以自己提高一点,这是制造商为高速套件所做的。

But the main problem is that SPD doesn’t expose every timing. According to a representative at Kingston, they “tune the ‘Primary’ timings (CL, RCD, RP, RAS) only,” and since the SPD system used to store XMP profiles has a limited set of entries, the rest is up to the motherboard to decide, which doesn’t always make the right choice. In my case, my ASUS motherboard’s “auto” settings set some strange values for some of the timings. My kit of RAM refused to run with the XMP profile out of the box until I fixed the timings myself.

但是主要的问题是SPD并没有公开每个定时。 据金士顿的一位代表称 ,他们“仅调整“主要”时序(CL,RCD,RP,RAS),并且由于用于存储XMP概要文件的SPD系统的条目集有限 ,其余的取决于主板来决定,这并不总是正确的选择。 就我而言,华硕主板的“自动”设置为某些计时设置了一些奇怪的值。 在我自己确定时间之前,我的RAM套件拒绝使用XMP配置文件运行。

如何确定完美的RAM时序 (How to Determine the Perfect RAM Timings)

Although overclocking RAM is quite safe, it’s also a bit more complicated than merely cranking up the dial. If you’re running an AMD Ryzen system, you’re in luck, as there’s a tool called “Ryzen DRAM Calculator” that makes this whole process way easier. The calculator will take away some of the headaches of trial and error, and you won’t have to leave the RAM on your motherboard’s “AUTO” settings.

尽管超频RAM是相当安全的,但它不仅比增大拨盘更复杂。 如果您运行的是AMD Ryzen系统,那么您会很幸运,因为有一个名为“ Ryzen DRAM Calculator ”的工具可以简化整个过程。 计算器将消除一些反复试验的麻烦,您不必将RAM留在主板的“ AUTO”设置中。

For Intel systems, this tool is still handy as a guideline for the primary timings, and the built-in memory tester will work the same way as well. You’ll want to download this too even if you’re not on an AMD system.

对于Intel系统,此工具仍可作为主要时间的指南,内置内存测试仪也将以相同的方式工作。 即使您不在AMD系统上,也要下载此文件。

Open up the tool and enter in which version of Ryzen you’re on (just put in Ryzen 2 Gen if you’re on Intel) and what type of memory you have. If you don’t know, you can find it online with a Google search for your RAM kit’s part number.

打开该工具,然后输入您使用的Ryzen版本(如果使用的是Intel,只需放入Ryzen 2 Gen)以及您拥有的内存类型。 如果您不知道,可以通过Google搜索在线找到该工具包的部件号。

Ryzen DRAM calculator

Press the purple “R – XMP” button at the bottom to load your kit’s XMP profile. Enter in your Ryzen version and memory type, and press “Calculate SAFE” to calculate your timings. You can use the “Compare Timings” button to view a comparison to your XMP settings. You’ll find that many of the timings are tightened up.

按下底部的紫色“ R – XMP”按钮以加载套件的XMP配置文件。 输入您的Ryzen版本和内存类型,然后按“ Calculate SAFE”以计算您的计时。 您可以使用“比较时间”按钮查看与XMP设置的比较。 您会发现很多时机都变紧了。

DRAM calculator

The SAFE settings will almost always work; I’ve had no issues with them at multiple frequencies at stock voltage. The FAST timings will likely work, but may not be stable at stock voltage.

安全设置几乎总是可以使用; 我在股票电压的多个频率下都没有问题。 FAST时序可能会起作用,但在股票电压下可能不稳定。

To make use of this, you’ll want to save a screenshot (there’s a button on the bottom left) and send it to a separate device so you can view it while in the BIOS.


如何对BIOS中的RAM超频 (How to Overclock Your RAM in Your BIOS)

Make sure you’ve got a screenshot of the calculator saved on a separate device (or written down somewhere), because the rest of the steps will be in the BIOS, without access to your desktop.


Turn off your PC and boot it back up into its BIOS or UEFI firmware setup screen. You’ll often have to press a key like “Del” repeatedly as the PC boots to access this screen. You’ll be presented with a screen similar to this one:

关闭计算机,然后将其重新启动到其BIOS或UEFI固件设置屏幕 。 当PC启动时,您通常不得不反复按“ Del”之类的键才能访问此屏幕。 您将看到一个类似于此屏幕:


Find the section for memory, and load your XMP profile to start with. Make sure the frequency is what you want. If you don’t even want to touch the timings, you can likely increase the frequency while keeping the same timings (especially on Intel platforms).

找到内存部分,然后加载您的XMP配置文件。 确保频率是您想要的频率。 如果您甚至不想触摸这些时序,则可以在保持相同时序的同时增加频率(尤其是在Intel平台上)。

There should be another section for timing control. Open this up:

应该有另一部分用于时序控制。 打开这个:

ASUS BIOS DRAM timing control

Now open up the screenshot on your phone, and start entering in numbers. In my case, the order matched up with the calculator, but you’ll want to double-check and verify everything.

现在打开手机上的屏幕截图,然后开始输入数字。 就我而言,订单与计算器匹配,但是您需要仔细检查并验证所有内容。

In my case, the ASUS BIOS displayed the full names for many of the primary timings, so here’s a list of the primary timings and their associated jargon:

就我而言,ASUS BIOS显示了许多主要时间的全名,因此这是主要时间及其相关术语的列表:

  • tCL – Primary CAS Latency

    tCL –主要CAS延迟

  • tRCDRD – RAS to CAS Read Delay

    tRCDRD – RAS到CAS的读取延迟

  • tRCDWR – RAS to CAS Write Delay. This is sometimes grouped with read, though not always.

    tRCDWR – RAS到CAS的写入延迟。 有时,这与阅读分组在一起,尽管并不总是如此。

  • tRP – RAS Precharge (PRE) Time

    tRP – RAS预充电(PRE)时间

  • tRAS – RAS Active (ACT) Time

    tRAS – RAS活动(ACT)时间

The rest should match up exactly.


For Intel, you’ll want to enter the primary timings at least, and the rest you can leave on auto. If you’d like, you can try entering the subtimings the calculator gives. I see no reason why this shouldn’t work, but can’t verify on my Ryzen system. If you have issues with automatic settings, try entering them in manually.

对于Intel,您至少要输入主要时间,其余时间可以保留为自动。 如果需要,您可以尝试输入计算器提供的子时序。 我没有理由不这样做,但是无法在我的Ryzen系统上进行验证。 如果您对自动设置有疑问,请尝试手动输入。

Once you’re done with the timings, find the section for voltage control. You’ll want to enter in the recommended DRAM voltage (the calculator displays potentially unsafe voltages in red. Anything below 1.450v is likely fine). If you’re on Ryzen, you’ll want to enter in the recommended SOC voltage, which powers the memory controller on the CPU.

完成时序后,请找到电压控制部分。 您需要输入建议的DRAM电压(计算器以红色显示潜在的不安全电压。任何低于1.450v的电压都可以)。 如果使用的是Ryzen,则需要输入建议的SOC电压,该电压可为CPU上的内存控制器供电。

Save the settings and exit the BIOS (on my PC, I have to press F10 for that). Your computer should restart, and if it boots into Windows, you can move on to the next step.

保存设置并退出BIOS(在我的PC上,我必须按F10键)。 您的计算机应重新启动,并且如果它可以引导至Windows,则可以继续进行下一步。

如果不发布怎么办 (What to Do If It Doesn’t POST)

If it doesn’t boot, your motherboard likely failed its power-on-self-test (POST) you’ll probably have to wait about thirty seconds for the BIOS to boot into safe mode and restore the last working settings. You can try bumping up the memory voltage in 25 millivolt (0.025v) increments before reaching the max recommended voltage. You can also try raising the SOC voltage slightly on Ryzen systems, as 1st and 2nd gen Ryzen are particularly finicky with memory overclocking. Intel doesn’t have the same SOC as Ryzen does, and will likely not have this issue anyway.

如果它无法启动,则您的主板可能无法通过开机自检(POST),您可能必须等待大约30秒钟,BIOS才能启动进入安全模式并恢复最后的工作设置。 您可以在达到最大推荐电压之前尝试以25毫伏(0.025v)的增量增加内存电压。 您还可以尝试在Ryzen系统上稍微提高SOC电压,因为第一代和第二代Ryzen在内存超频方面特别挑剔。 英特尔没有与Ryzen相同的SOC,并且无论如何也不会出现此问题。

If your computer doesn’t boot into safe mode, don’t worry, you didn’t turn it into a paperweight. Your BIOS likely doesn’t have that feature, and you’ll need to clear CMOS manually. This is usually either a battery on the motherboard you can remove and reseat or a pin by the front panel headers. Consult your motherboard manual. You’ll need to take a screwdriver or a pair of scissors (ideally, they make jumpers and switches for this, but you likely don’t have those lying around) and touch the two pins together, creating an electrical connection. Don’t worry; it won’t shock you. The PC will reset back to normal.

如果您的计算机没有启动到安全模式,请不要担心,您没有将它变成纸镇。 您的BIOS可能没有该功能,因此您需要手动清除CMOS 。 这通常是可以卸下并重新安装的主板上的电池,也可以是前面板接头连接器上的针脚。 请查阅主板手册。 您需要拿起螺丝刀或一把剪刀(理想情况下,它们会为此做跳线和开关,但周围可能没有这些),然后将两个插针接触在一起,形成电气连接。 不用担心 不会令你震惊。 PC将重置为正常状态。

确保超频稳定 (Make Sure the Overclock is Stable)

Once you’re back into Windows, the fun doesn’t stop yet. You’ll want to verify that the overclock is stable. The calculator has a tab called “MEMbench” that can be used for this. Set the mode to “custom” and the task scope to 400%. Click “Max RAM” at the bottom to allocate all of your remaining RAM. This will test your RAM for errors four times over.

回到Windows后,乐趣还没有停止。 您需要验证超频是否稳定。 计算器具有一个称为“ MEMbench”的选项卡,可用于此目的。 将模式设置为“ custom”,并将任务范围设置为400%。 单击底部的“最大RAM”以分配所有剩余的RAM。 这将四次测试您的RAM是否存在错误。

MEMbench dialog

Click “Run” when you’re ready to start and give it a few minutes. In my case, testing 32 GB of RAM at 400% task scope took less than ten minutes.

准备开始时单击“运行”,然后等待几分钟。 以我为例,在400%的任务范围内测试32 GB的RAM不到十分钟。

If there are no errors, you can try to push the clocks further, or test out the “FAST” settings. This is all memory overclocking is; just trial and error, spamming delete, and waiting for MEMbench to finish. Some people find this kind of routine soothing.

如果没有错误,您可以尝试进一步提高时钟频率,或测试“快速”设置。 这就是所有内存超频了; 只是反复试验,删除垃圾邮件,并等待MEMbench完成。 有些人发现这种日常舒缓。

Once you’ve worn out your Numpad and are satisfied with your results, you’ll want to do an overnight test to verify that your overclock is absolutely 100% stable. Set the task scope to something crazy high (100,000% should do) and come back to it once you wake up. If there are no errors, you can enjoy your overclock. The worst that happens if you skip this overnight step is that you may receive a bluescreen or random crash sometime down the line (which does happen with any speed of RAM from time to time, unless you have ECC memory).

一旦用完了Numpad并对结果感到满意,您将需要进行通宵测试以验证您的超频绝对是100%稳定的。 将任务范围设置得很高(应做的100,000%),然后在醒来后再回到任务范围。 如果没有错误,您可以享受超频的乐趣。 如果您跳过此通宵步骤,最糟糕的情况是您可能会在某个时间段下收到蓝屏或随机崩溃(除非具有ECC内存,否则不时以任何速度的RAM都会发生)。

对RAM进行基准测试以验证性能 (Benchmark Your RAM to Verify Your Performance)

If you’re particularly competitive and want to see how your RAM stacks up against the competition, you can download UserBenchmark to benchmark your whole PC, including your RAM. This will give you an overview telling you how well your system is performing. You can also use a game-specific benchmark like Unigine Superposition, though you’ll likely have to run multiple tests as the margin of error is quite high with benchmarks like these.

如果您特别有竞争力,并且想了解您的RAM如何与竞争对手抗衡,可以下载UserBenchmark来对整个PC(包括RAM)进行基准测试。 这将为您提供概述,告诉您系统的性能如何。 您还可以使用像Unigine Superposition这样的特定于游戏的基准测试,尽管您可能必须运行多个测试,因为此类基准测试的错误率很高。

My results were particularly impressive; I bought a 32 GB kit of Micron E-die (known for being cheap and good at overclocking) rated at 3200@CL16, for $130. UserBenchmark gave it a stock score of 90% speed compared to average RAM, but even tightening the timings to 3200@CL14 gives it a 113% score, a 23% performance increase.

我的结果特别令人印象深刻。 我以130美元的价格购买了32 GB的Micron E-die套件(以便宜和擅长超频着称),额定价格为3200 @ CL16。 与平均RAM相比,UserBenchmark为它提供了90%的速度得分,但是即使将计时紧缩到3200 @ CL14,也给它提供113%的得分,性能提高了23%。

RAM benchmarked at 94th percentile, 113% speed

This puts the $130 Micron E-die kit on par with 3200@CL14 kits that sell for over $250, which is quite the cost savings. These were simply my results, and your mileage will vary based on how well your memory overclocks and how your CPU handles it.

这使130美元的Micron电子管芯套件与售价超过250美元的3200 @ CL14套件相提并论。 这些只是我的结果,根据内存超频的好坏以及CPU的处理情况,您的工作量会有所不同。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/439140/how-to-overclock-your-computers-ram/

计算机组成原理实验 ram





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