SQL Server Reporting Services 2016中的报表订阅更改

What makes SQL Server 2016 one of my favorite SQL Server release since the release of SQL Server 2012 is the increased number of exciting new features that have been introduced. Whilst my article Top 5 New SQL Server 2016 DMVs for DBAs reviewed some of these new features albeit from a DBA point of view, in this article I continue to review SQL Server 2016 but from the perspective of an SSRS administrator in relation to the changes in report subscriptions.

自从SQL Server 2012发布以来,使SQL Server 2016成为我最喜欢SQL Server版本之一的原因是,引入的令人兴奋的新功能数量有所增加。 尽管我的文章针对DBA的Top 5 New SQL Server 2016 DMV回顾了其中的一些新功能,尽管从DBA的角度来看,但在本文中,我还是从SSRS管理员的角度对SQL Server 2016中的更改进行了回顾。报告订阅。

文件共享帐户 (File Share Account)

One of the first changes you will notice in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2016 is the new Subscription Settings property that comes up as one of the new configurable items in Reporting Services Configuration Manager, as highlighted in Figure 1.

您将在SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS)2016中注意到的第一个更改之一是新的“ 订阅设置”属性,它作为Reporting Services配置管理器中的新可配置项之一出现, 如图1所示

This new configuration setting enables you to configure a server-wide level file share account that can be used by a Windows file share delivery subscription to upload file artifact onto a given file share. If you recall, in versions prior to SSRS 2016, you had to specify logon credentials every time you setup a Windows file share delivery subscription. In other words, if you had 15 subscriptions that use the same account to upload files to the same file share – you had to retype the same logon credentials 15 times!

使用此新配置设置,您可以配置服务器范围的文件共享帐户,Windows文件共享传递订阅可以使用该帐户将文件工件上传到给定的文件共享上。 如果您还记得的话,在SSRS 2016之前的版本中,每次设置Windows文件共享传递订阅时都必须指定登录凭据。 换句话说,如果您有15个订阅使用相同的帐户将文件上传到相同的文件共享–您必须将相同的登录凭据重新键入15次!

As of SSRS 2016, you can configure the file share account once and instead of retyping it for every subscription you just choose the associated radio button option in subscription settings, as shown in Figure 2.

从SSRS 2016开始,您可以配置一次文件共享帐户,而不必为每个订阅重新输入文件共享帐户,只需在订阅设置中选择关联的单选按钮选项即可,如图2所示。

Just some additional general notes on using file share account:


  • It is available in native mode only

  • If it hasn’t been configured under configuration manager then the associated radio button option will be disabled in subscriptions settings

  • Figure 2, you still have the option to manually configure another Windows user credential 如图2所示,您仍然可以选择手动配置另一个Windows用户凭据。
  • As best practice, do not use file share account as the same account used for running Reporting Services service

    最佳做法是,请勿将文件共享帐户与用于运行Reporting Services服务的帐户使用

Likewise, every new feature has its pros and cons and the file share account is no exception. So beware that file share account could introduce a security threat in your environment. This is because file share account (like any account used in a Windows share delivery subscription) requires write permissions which means if the aforementioned 15 subscriptions were actually writing onto 15 different file shares and you intended on using the same file share account for all your 15 report subscriptions then you would need to grant the same account writer access across all 15 Windows locations which could be a security risk.

同样,每个新功能都有其优缺点,文件共享帐户也不例外。 因此,请注意,文件共享帐户可能会对您的环境造成安全威胁。 这是因为文件共享帐户(与Windows共享交付订阅中使用的任何帐户一样)都要求具有写权限,这意味着上述15个订阅是否实际上正在写入15个不同的文件共享,并且您打算对所有15个文件使用相同的文件共享帐户报表订阅,那么您将需要授予所有15个Windows位置相同的帐户编写者访问权限,这可能会带来安全风险。

数据驱动的订阅更改 (Data-Driven Subscription Changes)

The next big change after configuration is in the new simplified way of creating data-driven subscriptions in SSRS 2016.

配置后的下一个重大变化是在SSRS 2016中以简化的新方式创建了数据驱动的订阅。

    • Reduced Creation Steps

    In versions prior to SSRS 2016, data-driven subscription process – for any delivery method – involved a mandatory 6-step process depicted in Figure 3.

    Figure 3

    The annoying part about this process was that some of the steps were irrelevant for some subscriptions. For instance, if you were configuring a subscription on a report that didn’t have parameters, you still had to go through Step 5 as per the example shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4

    In SSRS 2016, unnecessary subscription setting options have been eliminated. Firstly, < Back and Next > buttons have been removed as all the subscription settings take place within one window. Secondly, this single subscription setting window is dynamic in the sense that when the underlying report for the subscription doesn’t contain any parameters then the parameter configuration sub-section is not shown in the subscription setting window. To illustrate this point, Figure 5 shows two screen dumps of subscription setting for a report that doesn’t have parameter and another section with report parameters; you will notice that the next section after the Dataset section for the report without parameters is the Create subscription / Cancel buttons (effectively, the end of the subscription setting) whereas the subscription setting for the report with parameters has a further one more section – the Report parameters section.

    Figure 5
    • Dataset Fields Preview

    Another newly introduced data-driven subscription feature in SSRS 2016 is that you can now get a preview of the fields that will be returned by your subscription dataset. I hope the listing of dataset fields can deter those people that continue to run a SELECT * T-SQL command in their subscription dataset from retrieving unnecessary fields by rewriting the dataset command with specific fields that they want to retrieve.

    Figure 6

  1. Centralised New Subscription Landing Page

    Although, in versions prior to SSRS 2016, you had multiple ways to get to the subscription page (i.e. click Subscribe from dropdown report menu, click My Subscriptions link etc.) only one of the multiple ways would actually get you to the data-driven subscription creation page. The correct method was one that was going to lead you to the New Data-driven Subscription button shown in Figure 6 which you could get to by navigating as follows: {Report Name} > Manage> Subscriptions

    Figure 7

    SSRS 2016 continues to support multiple methods of getting to the subscription page, but the New Data-driven Subscription button has been done away with and instead, all multiple methods redirect you to the same subscriptions page wherein you can choose whether you want to proceed to create a standard subscription or data driven subscription as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 8
  1. 减少创建步骤
  2. 在SSRS 2016之前的版本中,对于任何交付方式,数据驱动的订阅过程都涉及图3中所示的强制性6步过程。


    有关此过程的烦人之处在于某些步骤与某些订阅无关。 例如,如果要在没有参数的报表上配置预订,则仍然必须按照图4所示的示例执行步骤5


    在SSRS 2016中,消除了不必要的订阅设置选项。 首先,由于所有订阅设置都在一个窗口中进行,因此删除了<返回下一步>按钮。 其次,此单个订阅设置窗口是动态的,因为当订阅的基础报表不包含任何参数时,参数配置子部分不会显示在订阅设置窗口中。 为了说明这一点, 图5显示了两个不带参数的报表的订阅设置屏幕转储和另一个带报表参数的部分。 您会注意到,不带参数的报表的“数据集”部分之后的下一部分是“创建订阅/取消”按钮(实际上是订阅设置的结尾),而带参数的报告的订阅设置还有另外一个部分–报告参数部分。

  3. 数据集字段预览

  4. SSRS 2016中另一个新引入的数据驱动订阅功能是,您现在可以预览将由订阅数据集返回的字段。 我希望数据集字段的列表可以阻止那些继续在其订阅数据集中运行SELECT * T-SQL命令的人通过用他们想要检索的特定字段重写数据集命令来检索不必要的字段。


  5. 集中式新订阅登陆页面

    尽管在之前的SSRS 2016版本中,必须多种方式去订阅页面(即点击下拉从菜单报告订阅 ,请点击我的订阅链接等)只的众多方式之一居然会得到你的数据驱动订阅创建页面。 正确的方法是将您带到如图6所示的“ 新数据驱动的订阅”按钮,可以通过如下操作进行导航: {Report Name}> Manage> Subscriptions


    SSRS 2016继续支持进入订阅页面的多种方法,但是“ 新数据驱动的订阅”按钮已被取消,所有多种方法都将您重定向到同一订阅页面,您可以在其中选择是否继续创建一个标准订阅或数据驱动订阅, 如图7所示。


启用和禁用订阅 (Enable and disable subscriptions)

I actually wrote this article whilst on vacation during which I was bombarded by work email subscriptions for one of my company’s sales reports – despite the fact that the sales department was also on Christmas leave. Well, thanks to this new feature I was able to enjoy my holiday by temporarily disabling the subscription. I did all of that by just clicking the Disable button on report manager as shown in Figure 8.

实际上,我是在度假时写这篇文章的,在那段时间里,我的公司的一份销售报告遭到了工作电子邮件订阅的轰炸,尽管事实上销售部门也正在圣诞节休假。 好吧,由于有了这项新功能,我可以通过暂时禁用订阅来享受假期。 我只需单击报表管理器上的Disable按钮即可完成所有这些操作, 如图8所示。

You have to understand that prior to this new feature, to enjoy my holiday would have meant committing some drastic actions on my part:


  • Deleting the subscription entirely (thereby creating more work for me when I return to work/ sales department resumes operations)

  • Disabling the schedule used to run the subscription

  • Log on to SSMS just to disable the SQL Server Agent job used to run the subscription

    登录到SSMS只是为了禁用用于运行预订SQL Server代理作业

渲染格式PowerPoint (Render Format PowerPoint)

One of the oldest requested items in Microsoft Connect has finally been actioned and thus as shown in Figure 9, SSRS 2016 enables you to send out subscriptions with PowerPoint formatted attachments.

Microsoft Connect中最古老的请求项之一终于得到了解决,因此, 如图9所示,SSRS 2016使您能够发送带有PowerPoint格式附件的订阅。

Just bear in mind that most of SSRS controls (i.e. matrix, tablix) get saved as images in the PowerPoint format of the report which means that some of the programmable actions (i.e. hyperlinks to other resources) that might have been configured in your report could be disabled in the PowerPoint version of the report.


标准订阅说明 (Standard Subscription Description)

When you are looking to edit a subscription that exists in an environment that has several other subscriptions, the description field makes it easier to identify that particular subscription you are looking for. Unfortunately, prior to SSRS 2016, the description for a standard subscription type was merely a subscription status as the ability to set subscription description was limited to only data driven subscription (which is only available through the enterprise license of SQL Server). Figure 10 shows an example of an SSRS 2014 standard subscription whose description is just a previous subscription status.

当您要编辑存在于具有其他多个订阅的环境中的订阅时,描述字段使您更容易识别要查找的特定订阅。 不幸的是,在SSRS 2016之前,标准订阅类型的描述仅是订阅状态,因为设置订阅描述的功能仅限于数据驱动的订阅(只能通过SQL Server的企业许可使用)。 图10显示了SSRS 2014标准订阅的示例,其描述仅是先前的订阅状态。

Well in SSRS 2016 you no longer have to upgrade your SQL Server license just to have control of your subscription description as you are now given the ability to edit a description of standard subscriptions too.

在SSRS 2016中,您不再需要升级SQL Server许可证就可以控制订阅说明,因为现在您也可以编辑标准订阅的说明。

转让订阅所有权 (Transfer Subscription Ownership)

Over time, SSRS administrators are bound to come and go from your team at which point you may need to hand over ownership of a subscription into another administrator to look after. This is where such a feature is most useful. Say for example I needed to transfer ownership of the subscription described as rslogsubs2 in Figure 12.

随着时间的推移,SSRS管理员势必会离开您的团队,这时您可能需要将订阅的所有权移交给另一位管理员来照管。 这是最有用的功能。 举例来说,我需要转移在图12中描述为rslogsubs2的订阅的所有权。

Well, all that I would need to do is edit the subscription, navigate to the Owner textbox and provide the domain account that I would want to set as the new owner for this subscription.


Once I have applied the changes, the subscription will be removed from the list of my subscriptions as shown in Figure 14.

一旦应用了更改,该订阅将从我的订阅列表中删除, 如图14所示。

The only downside to this new subscription feature is that the domain account that you will provide as the new owner of the subscription will only be verified at run time (i.e. when you click Apply to commit the change), so if you have mistyped some character or provided a totally fictitious domain account (as shown in Figure 15), you won’t know about it until you apply your changes in which an error message similar to the one shown in Figure 16 will come up.

此新订阅功能的唯一缺点是,您将作为运行的新所有者提供的域帐户仅在运行时(即,单击“ 应用”以提交更改)时进行验证,因此,如果您键入了错误的字符或提供了一个完全虚拟的域帐户( 如图15所示),您将不了解它,除非您应用更改,否则将出现类似于图16所示的错误消息。

缺少订阅交互式排序 (Missing Subscription Interactive Sort)

不幸的是,并非最新版本的SSRS所做的所有更改都是为了改善我们作为管理员的生活。 Figure 17, in versions prior to SSRS 2016 you had the ability to sort a subscription list by clicking on field names i.e. 如图17中突出显示的那样,在SSRS 2016之前的版本中,您可以通过单击字段名称(即 Description. Description)对订阅列表进行排序。

This interactive sort feature has unfortunately been removed in SSRS 2016.

不幸的是,此交互式排序功能已在SSRS 2016中删除。

The next article in this series:


参考资料 (References)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/report-subscription-changes-sql-server-reporting-services-2016/

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