

Web Browsers

From a developer's perspective, the Web is moving faster than ever. Thanks to reinvigorated browser vendors, frequent releases of new mobile devices, and our own need for better APIs and tools, we're seeing loads of movement across each platform. Since browser vendors like Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Opera know we need the ability to test these features on desktop and mobile platforms, they have mostly been helpful in providing edge versions of their browsers. This post will show you what each vendor provides in the way of edge versions, as well as how to get them.

从开发人员的角度来看,Web的发展比以往任何时候都快。 得益于活跃的浏览器供应商,新移动设备的频繁发布以及我们自己对更好的API和工具的需求,我们看到了跨各个平台的大量移动。 由于浏览器厂商,如Mozilla,Chrome浏览器,Safari浏览器,IE浏览器和Opera知道我们需要测试桌面和移动平台的这些特征的能力,他们大多在提供其浏览器的边缘版本有所帮助。 这篇文章将向您展示每个供应商以边缘版本提供的功能,以及如何获得它们。

Most browser vendors offer edge and/or mobile versions in Windows, Mac, and Linux flavors, but this post will focus on Mac offerings. Their other OS counterparts are generally found in the same place.

大多数浏览器供应商都提供Windows,Mac和Linux风格的边缘和/或移动版本,但本文将重点介绍Mac产品。 它们的其他OS对应对象通常在同一位置。

Mozilla:每晚和极光 (Mozilla: Nightly & Aurora)

Mozilla Firefox Aurora

Mozilla Aurora is a sneak peak into the next few versions of Mozilla. As of now (still within a few months of FireFox 4's official release), Aurora is a snapshot of Firefox 6. Aurora is full of APIs and features that will be introduced in future versions of Firefox, including a re-enabled Web Sockets, the Element.dataset API, and so on. The nightly version is also available if you prefer to stick closer to the current version of Firefox. Nightly can be updated each day while a new version of Aurora is available every few weeks. Click the "Check For Updates" button within the "About" menu to update your version of each browser.

Mozilla Aurora是Mozilla接下来几个版本的先驱。 截至目前(仍在FireFox 4的正式发布的几个月内),Aurora是Firefox 6的快照。Aurora充满了API和功能,这些功能将在Firefox的未来版本中引入,包括重新启用的Web Sockets, Element.dataset API,等等。 如果您希望更靠近当前版本的Firefox,也可以使用每晚版本。 每晚可以每天更新一次,而每隔几周提供一个新版本的Aurora。 单击“关于”菜单中的“检查更新”按钮,以更新每个浏览器的版本。

Mozilla移动仿真器-“ Fennec” (Mozilla Mobile Emulator - "Fennec")

Firefox Mobile Fennec

Fennec is the codename for Mozilla's mobile version of Firefox. Firefox Mobile is available for Android-based devices, but you can test your website with the Fennec emulator, available on each desktop platform.

Fennec是Mozilla的移动版Firefox的代号。 Firefox Mobile可用于基于Android的设备,但是您可以使用每个桌面平台上的Fennec模拟器来测试您的网站。

WebitKit每晚 (WebitKit Nightly)

Webkit Nightly

WebKit Nightly offers a nightly snapshot of the WebKit codebase. At the time of publish, radial gradients are not supported by Safari but I was able to test them using Webkit Nightly. Webkit Nightly prompts you to update each day. WebKit Nightly could be considered a a beta for Safari.

WebKit Nightly提供了WebKit代码库的夜间快照。 在发布时,Safari不支持径向渐变,但是我能够使用Webkit Nightly对其进行测试。 Webkit Nightly会提示您每天进行更新。 WebKit Nightly可以被认为是Safari的Beta版。

Chrome金丝雀和Chrome (Chrome Canary & Chromium)

Chrome Canary

Google Chrome Canary is a mesh between Google Chrome and the Chromium project, which is bleeding edge. Much like Mozilla's Aurora, Chrome Canary is two to four versions ahead of the current release. Click here to read the story behind the name "Canary". Open the About dialog to update your version of Canary. If you feel up to it, you can instead create a custom build of the Chromium trunk.

谷歌浏览器Canary是介于谷歌浏览器和Chromium项目之间的网格,这是一个前沿。 与Mozilla的Aurora十分相似,Chrome Canary比当前版本提前了2-4个版本。 单击此处阅读名称“金丝雀”背后的故事。 打开“关于”对话框以更新您的Canary版本。 如果您愿意的话,可以改为创建Chromium中继的自定义版本。

歌剧下一个 (Opera Next)

Opera Next

Opera Next is the pre-release version of the Opera browser. The latest alphas and betas are automatically installed, so you can try out Opera's latest technologies. What I love about Next is that while Opera often releases snapshots, Next meshes those in automatically.

Opera Next是Opera浏览器的预发行版本。 最新的alpha和beta将自动安装,因此您可以试用Opera的最新技术。 我喜欢Next的原因是,尽管Opera经常发布快照,但Next会自动将快照网格化。

Opera移动模拟器 (Opera Mobile Emulator)

Opera Mobile

I wasn't surprised to see that Opera was looking to offer a mobile solution, but I was pleasantly surprised as to how awesome Opera mobile was. Had Opera mobile been disappointing, I wouldn't have considered trying to support it for my website. What I also like about Opera Mobile is they provided a nice emulator app, unlike the Android emulators.

看到Opera希望提供移动解决方案并不令我感到惊讶,但是我对Opera的出色表现感到惊讶。 如果Opera mobile令人失望,我不会考虑尝试为我的网站提供支持。 我还喜欢Opera Mobile的地方在于,它们提供了一个不错的模拟器应用程序,与Android模拟器不同。

Note: I also have an Opera wii emulator but I couldn't find where I got it so I have not included it within this post.

注意:我也有一个Opera wii模拟器,但是找不到它的位置,因此没有在本文中包含它。

旧版Safari安装 (Legacy Safari Installs)

Safari 3

The Multi-Safari project provides multiple versions of Safari that you can test your websites against. This proved extremely helpful for me when I needed to support Safari 4 and 5, right around the original Safari 5 release. Provided you have a compatible operating system, you can get the original version of Safari!

Multi-Safari项目提供了多个版本的Safari,您可以根据这些版本测试网站。 当我需要在原始Safari 5版本附近支持Safari 4和5时,这对我来说非常有用。 如果您具有兼容的操作系统,则可以获取Safari的原始版本!

Live on the bleeding edge of web development by testing and experimenting with code by using these edge browsers. Let me know if you have suggestions for additions to this page!

通过使用这些边缘浏览器进行测试和试验代码,可以活在Web开发的前沿。 如果您对本页面有任何建议,请告诉我!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/edge-mobile-browsers






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