

As a web developer I periodically take a step back from the text editor and look at the landscape of the web and how we continue to try to push the boundaries of the internet. Over the last few years we've seen a tremendous push with developments in AJAX, JavaScript frameworks (i.e. Prototype, MooTools, Dojo), and the upcoming AIR technology from Adobe. We've also seen the spread of Firefox push Microsoft into resuscitating the Internet Explorer browser (for better or worse), blogging explode into a major internet medium, and social networking sites like Facebook and Pownce revolutionize the way we communicate and "profile" online. Nevertheless, the internet is moving too slow in its advancement. The following are the major roadblocks that have crippled the advancement of a technology that could be so much more.

作为一名Web开发人员,我会定期从文本编辑器中退后一步,看看Web的前景以及我们如何继续尝试突破Internet的界限。 在过去的几年中,随着AJAX,JavaScript框架(即Prototype, MooTools ,Dojo)以及Adobe即将推出的AIR技术的发展,我们已经看到了巨大的推动力。 我们还看到Firefox的普及促使Microsoft复兴Internet Explorer浏览器(不管是好是坏) ,博客激增成为主要的互联网媒介, FacebookPownce等社交网站彻底改变了我们在线交流和“配置文件”的方式。 但是,互联网的发展速度太慢了。 以下是阻碍技术发展的主要障碍。

7.缺乏对移动设备的支持 (7. Lack of Support for Mobile Devices)

I'm well aware of the "handheld" @media provided by the W3C, but I've not come close to ever using this type of stylesheet. Mobile devices are not prevalent enough for most websites to commit the time to this alternative view. The iPhone will certainly provide the push needed for businesses to invest in handheld support, but it's far too late for us to just be getting around to this.

我很清楚W3C提供的“手持式” @media ,但是我几乎没有使用过这种类型的样式表。 对于大多数网站而言,移动设备的普及程度还不足以使人们花时间去使用这种替代视图。 iPhone肯定会为企业提供所需的推动力,以投资于手持设备支持,但是对于我们而言,要解决这个问题为时已晚。

6.缺乏免费的,可访问的高速互联网访问 (6. Lack of Free, Accessible High-Speed Internet Access)

I've heard the internet referred to as the "information superhighway" and an "evergrowing library," but aren't both of those free and accessible? Internet services, in some form, should be free in advanced countries (I say advanced because some cultures are tending to feeding their people -- or should be). The only faction that would detest this notion is the conglomerate of ISPs that suck any dollar they can from you while providing less than adequate service.

我听说过互联网被称为“信息高速公路”和“不断发展的图书馆”,但是,这两者都不都是免费且可访问的吗? 某种形式的互联网服务在发达国家应该是免费的(我之所以说是先进的,是因为某些文化倾向于养活自己的人民,或者应该是) 。 唯一会厌恶此概念的派系是ISP的集团,它们在提供不够充分的服务的同时从您那里吸纳了他们所能获得的任何收益。

Internet being provided at a high speed is just as important. Long load times are often viewed as poor programming but ISPs providing a sluggish internet connection is the real problem. At last check, the average Japanese internet connection flies at 60+ MB whereas my local carrier provides only a 10MB connection.

高速提供互联网同样重要。 加载时间长通常被认为是不良的编程,但是ISP提供缓慢的Internet连接是真正的问题。 最后检查时,日本的平均互联网连接速度为60 MB以上,而我的本地运营商仅提供10 MB连接。

5. Flash网站和广告 (5. Flash Websites & Ads)

This wont make many people happy but Flash has been more of a detriment to web advancement than anything. Nearly two decades into the internet, the only way to provide quality animation is Flash. Some websites are made entirely out of Flash. "Let's see, you'd like a website that takes 10 seconds to load, shows you 15 animations that have no value to your website or its content, has no search engine value, will take hours to make simple updates, and will cost you thousands more than a function, accessible, and search engine friendly website? Yeah, lets go with Flash." Flash advertisements are just as bad. Animated GIF banners once drew the ire of web users everywhere but the new peeve is an obnoxious flash advertisement that covers half of your screen and hides the "close" link for 3 seconds.

这不会使许多人感到高兴,但是Flash比什么都更不利于Web的发展。 进入互联网将近二十年,提供高质量动画的唯一方法是Flash。 有些网站完全是用Flash制作的。 “让我们看一下,您想要一个加载时间为10秒的网站,向您展示15个对您的网站或其内容没有价值,没有搜索引擎价值的动画,将花费数小时来进行简单的更新,并且会花费您一个功能强大,可访问且对搜索引擎友好的网站比数千个网站好吗? Flash广告同样糟糕。 动画GIF横幅曾经吸引了无数网络用户,但新的烦恼是令人讨厌的Flash广告,它覆盖了屏幕的一半,并且隐藏了“关闭”链接3秒钟。

Flash definitely has its place for car websites, shoe websites, and especially Flash video (see Youtube), but Flash websites and advertisements need to go. Flash served as an advancement during the early internet years but AJAX and JavaScript should soon (hopefully) fill that space.

Flash在汽车网站,鞋类网站,尤其是Flash视频(请参阅Youtube)中无疑占有一席之地,但Flash网站和广告则需要使用。 Flash在早期互联网时代是一种进步,但是AJAX和JavaScript应该很快(希望如此)填补这一空白。

4.能够关闭JavaScript (4. Ability To Turn Off JavaScript)

Javascript was introduced to the internet far too early. Oh, the "Add To Favorites" JavaScript functionality was a hit. And don't forget those fancy JavaScript alert() boxes for form validation. God forbid I forget to mention popup ads; where would we be without those? Today we have legit reasons to use JavaScript -- so much so that they should be required.

Javascript早已引入互联网。 哦,“添加到收藏夹” JavaScript功能大受欢迎。 并且不要忘记那些花哨JavaScript alert()框来进行表单验证。 上帝禁止我忘记提及弹出广告; 没有这些,我们会在哪里? 今天,我们有合法的理由使用JavaScript-如此之多,以至于需要使用它们。

AJAX will only continue to push forward into new, exciting endeavors with the help of Prototype, Mootools, and especially Dojo's work. For all of the advancements we can make using JavaScript as the catalyst, each and everyone one can be disabled by the user when they turn off JavaScript. Your application is open to security risks and dysfunction without JavaScript. Some developers will tell you to code as if JavaScript was off, but that's all but halts advancement and only pushes developers to invest in Flash and Java (oh wait, that can be disabled too...if it's even installed!). The internet should promote interactivity, not static bore.

在Prototype,Mootools尤其是Dojo的帮助下,AJAX只会继续推进令人兴奋的新尝试。 对于我们可以使用JavaScript作为催化剂的所有进步,用户关闭JavaScript时可以禁用每一个。 如果没有JavaScript,您的应用程序将面临安全风险和功能异常。 一些开发人员会告诉您编写代码,就像JavaScript已关闭一样,但这几乎停止了前进,只会推动开发人员对Flash和Java进行投资(哦,等等,即使安装了,也可以将其禁用!) 。 互联网应该促进互动性,而不是静态的烦恼。

3.缺乏公众兴趣和迎合无知的观众 (3. Lack of General Interest & Catering to a Clueless Audience)

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say "I'm too old to learn the internet," I'd be a millionaire. Even worse is a popular website that refuses to achieve a decent GUI or level of usability. eBay is the poster-child for a website that refuses to advance or evolve to cater to the general population. eBay's control panel is sluggish, tired, and outdated. A company like eBay has the power to push its users towards a higher standard of internet.

如果我每次听到有人说“我太老了,无法学习互联网”时都拥有一美元,那我将成为百万富翁。 更糟糕的是,一个流行的网站拒绝实现像样的GUI或可用性级别。 eBay是拒绝发展或发展以迎合大众的网站的代言人。 eBay的控制面板呆板,疲倦且过时。 像eBay这样的公司有权将其用户推向更高的互联网标准。

I cannot fault anyone for staying away from the internet. Scare tactics including identity theft commercials, anti-virus advertisements, "porn-is-everywhere-and-so-are-predators" messages, and uninformed local news stories are enough to scare an older or ignorant audience. I also concede stories of internet addiction aren't exaggerated and online gambling can cost a family everything.

我不能责怪任何人远离互联网。 包括身份盗窃广告,反病毒广告,“色情无处不在,掠夺者”消息以及不为人知的本地新闻报道在内的恐吓手段足以吓到年龄较大或无知的听众。 我还承认,网络成瘾的故事并没有被夸大,在线赌博可能会使一家人付出一切。

As a web developer, I dream of being able to build websites and not worry about the technical-skill audience, but rather the audience for which the website is targeted. Don't get me wrong -- I can use AJAX and JavaScript here because I know my audience, but what about the Mom 'n' Pops websites? Maybe Google will start some pro-internet advertisements soon.

作为Web开发人员,我梦想能够建立网站,而不用担心技术技能的受众,而不必担心网站的目标受众。 不要误会我的意思-我在这里可以使用AJAX和JavaScript,因为我了解我的受众,但是“妈妈与流行音乐”网站又如何呢? 也许Google会很快发布一些亲互联网广告。

2.浏览器不一致和Internet Explorer (2. Browser Inconsistencies & Internet Explorer)

One advantage of computerized languages is the presence of standards. Standards provide consistency of implementation that a programmer needs to write safe, effective code. That is unless companies that view standards as options.

计算机语言的优点之一是存在标准。 标准提供了程序员编写安全有效的代码所需的实现一致性。 除非将标准视为选择的公司。

Internet Explorer has been at the forefront of ignoring standards. Internet Explorer 5.5 set the low bar, giving birth for the need to numerous hacks including the infamous Tan Hack. Internet Explorer improved slightly on its predecessor but still brought forward a host of problems, including security holes, poor programming leading to sluggish performance, and most notably lack of proper CSS support. What's worse is that the program was left relatively untouched for six years. Internet Explorer 7 fixed a majority of issues but still draws the ire of developers.

Internet Explorer一直处于忽略标准的最前沿。 Internet Explorer 5.5设置了较低的门槛,诞生了对众多黑客的需求,包括臭名昭著的Tan Hack 。 Internet Explorer在其先前版本上略有改进,但仍然提出了许多问题,包括安全漏洞,程序设计不佳导致性能不佳,最明显的是缺少适当的CSS支持 。 更糟糕的是,该程序被搁置了六年之久。 Internet Explorer 7解决了大多数问题,但仍然引起开发人员的不满。

Mozilla Firefox has its minor problems with following standards, as does a lagging (though recently updated) Safari. Opera is as close to standard as can be found but its market share is still irrelevant. Hopefully with the advent of Firefox 3.0 (Gran Paridiso), another browser will join the ranks of engines that pass the Acid2 test.

Mozilla Firefox在遵循以下标准方面存在一些小问题,而落后的(尽管是最近更新的) Safari也是如此。 Opera可以接近标准,但其市场份额仍然无关紧要。 希望随着Firefox 3.0 (Gran Paridiso)的到来,另一个浏览器将加入通过Acid2测试的引擎行列。

1.缺少对XHTML和CSS规范和支持的更新 (1. Lack of Updates to XHTML and CSS Specs & Support)

It takes far too long for the W3C to push forward new HTML and CSS advancements. While JavaScript, AJAX, and Flash have evolved quickly, the two foundations of web programming are painfully stagnant. The canvas tag has recently been introduced but is largely irrelevant to developers today. CSS has not moved at an acceptable pace either. CSS3.0's working draft has not yet been completed though worked started in late 2005. We want something spec'd up quickly...

W3C花费很长时间才能推动新HTML和CSS改进。 尽管JavaScript,AJAX和FlashSwift发展,但Web编程的两个基础却停滞不前。 canvas标签是最近引入的,但与今天的开发人员基本上无关。 CSS也没有以可接受的速度发展。 尽管CSS3.0的工作草案已于2005年底开始工作,但尚未完成。我们希望能够快速制定一些规范...

...that will be shortly thereafter supported. Internet Explorer has largely been slow in implementing advancements in CSS, mostly due to Microsoft abandoning IE support for half a decade. IE6, seemingly the world's default browser, does not support all CSS2 standards; useful pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements are either not implement or are implemented poorly.

...此后不久将获得支持。 Internet Explorer在CSS方面的实现进展一直很缓慢,这主要是由于Microsoft放弃了IE支持长达五年之久。 IE6,看似世界上默认的浏览器,并不支持所有CSS2标准。 有用的伪类和伪元素要么没有实现,要么实现得很差。

We need faster spec-drafting and browser support for advanced CSS and XHTML. It's hard to move forward with the internet without forward-thinking applied towards the two languages that provide the basis for every website.

我们需要对高级CSS和XHTML进行更快的规范起草和浏览器支持。 如果没有为每种网站提供基础的两种语言应用前瞻性思维,就很难与互联网一起前进。

你觉得呢?你有没有什么想法? (What are your thoughts?)

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/the-7-major-roadblocks-that-cripple-web-developers-and-the-internet


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发育性协调障碍(Developmental Coordination Disorder,简称DCD)儿童动作传感器误差削弱方法的研发内容和研发目标可以从以下几个方面考虑: 1. 传感器技术的研发:传感器是动作传感器误差削弱方法的基础,因此传感器技术的研发是非常重要的。研发人员需要开发出高精度、高稳定性、低功耗的传感器,并结合DCD儿童的特殊需求进行设计和优化。 2. 误差削弱算法的研发:针对DCD儿童的动作特点和传感器采集的数据特征,研发人员需要开发出相应的误差削弱算法,包括信号滤波、运动模式识别、动作重构、传感器融合等方法,以提高数据的准确性和可靠性。 3. 数据处理平台的研发:为了更好地实现数据的采集、存储、处理和分析,研发人员需要开发出相应的数据处理平台。该平台需要具备数据高效存储、实时处理和可视化分析的功能,以满足临床医生的需求。 4. 临床应用的研发:研发人员需要结合临床实际需求,设计出针对DCD儿童的运动评估和治疗解决方案。这些方案需要具备高效、准确、安全、便捷等特点,以提高DCD儿童的运动表现和生活质量。 总体来说,发育性协调障碍儿童动作传感器误差削弱方法的研发内容和研发目标,旨在提高数据的准确性和稳定性,为DCD儿童的运动评估和治疗提供更好的技术和方法支持,提高治疗的成功率和效果。




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