Have you ever come across a bunch of great articles that you want to read online, but just don’t have the time? Today we take a look at an online service that allows you to read your articles later, either online, or on an iPhone, or eReader.
您是否曾经遇到过很多想在线阅读的精彩文章,却没有时间? 今天,我们来看看在线服务,该服务使您以后可以在线,在iPhone或eReader上阅读文章。
Instapaper is an awesome tool that allows you to save web pages so you can read them at a later time. Not only does it save an online article to read later, but also gives you several choices for where you want to read it.
Instapaper是一款很棒的工具,可让您保存网页,以便以后阅读。 它不仅保存了在线文章供以后阅读,还为您提供了一些阅读位置的选择。
Sign up for a free account, and drag the “Read Later” bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar in your browser.
To save a page you’ll need to be logged into your account. When you’re at a page that you can’t read right away, just click on the Read Later button in the bookmarks bar.
要保存页面,您需要登录到您的帐户。 当您进入无法立即阅读的页面时,只需单击书签栏中的“稍后阅读”按钮。
After clicking the Read Later button, a small message is displayed indicating that the page has been saved to the Instapaper site.
Save as many pages as you want, and when you’re ready to read them, go to the Instapaper site and you’ll see a list of the articles you saved. You can click on the link to go directly to the saved oage, read it as text (leaving out a bunch of images), or archive the article for later.
保存任意数量的页面,当您准备阅读它们时,请转到Instapaper网站,您会看到保存的文章列表。 您可以单击链接直接转到保存的燕麦片,将其读取为文本(保留一堆图像),或将文章存档以备后用。
One of the really appealing beta features is you can save the article in .mobi format for a Kindle, or ePub format for other eReaders such a the Sony Reader.
Beta真正吸引人的功能之一是,您可以将.mobi格式的文章保存为Kindle,将ePub格式的文章保存为其他电子阅读器,例如Sony Reader。
Another neat feature is the “Instapaper Text” bookmarklet that lets you view an article on a graphics heavy page with only text, but doesn’t save it to your account.
另一个简洁的功能是“ Instapaper文本”书签,它使您可以在图形沉重的页面上仅显示文本的文章,而不会将其保存到您的帐户中。
There are also other cool features such as iPhone Apps, Kindle automatic wireless delivery, send items to Google Reader, and more. If you wish you could collect all of the neat articles you run across each day for reading later via multiple formats, Instapaper is a great tool for the job.
还有其他很酷的功能,例如iPhone应用程序,Kindle自动无线传送,将项目发送到Google Reader等。 如果您希望收集每天运行的所有精美文章,以便以后通过多种格式阅读,那么Instapaper是一项出色的工作工具。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13864/save-web-articles-to-read-later-with-instapaper/