unity 使用tile_如何使用Tile从网上查找电话

unity 使用tile

unity 使用tile

Tile is a fantastic little gadget that can help you find your lost keys or wallet. However, it can also locate and ring your phone, even if you never buy a single physical Tile. Here’s how to find your lost phone using the Tile app on the web.

Tile是一个很棒的小工具,可以帮助您找到丢失的钥匙或钱包。 但是,即使您从不购买单个实体图块,它也可以定位并响铃您的电话。 这是使用网络上的Tile应用查找丢失的电话的方法。

For simply locating or ringing your phone, you can use Android Device Manager or Find My iPhone (and it’s probably a good idea to set those up anyway). However, Tile comes in handy since in addition to finding or ringing your phone, you can track it down in person with a Tile tracker directly. Use the web portal to locate your phone and send an “I’m lost!” notification to it, then you can head to that spot and use the Tile on your keychain to easily ring it when you’re within range.

您只需使用Android设备管理器或“查找我的iPhone” ,即可简单地定位或响铃手机(无论如何设置它们可能是一个好主意)。 但是,Tile派上用场,因为除了查找或振铃电话外,您还可以直接使用Tile跟踪器亲自对其进行跟踪。 使用门户网站找到您的手机并发送“我迷路了!” 通知,然后您就可以前往该地点,并在钥匙串内使用“平铺”功能轻松地将其响起。

For the purposes of this article, we’ll assume you’ve already set up the Tile app on your phone. When you create your Tile account, your phone will be registered as its own Tile. If you have a physical Tile Mate or Tile Slim, you can double-click the button beneath the logo to ring your phone if it’s within range. If it’s not within range, however, you can still locate it on the web. To get started, head to Tile’s website here and click Log In.

出于本文的目的,我们假设您已经在手机上设置了Tile应用。 创建Tile帐户时,您的电话将注册为自己的Tile。 如果您有实体的Tile MateTile Slim ,则可以双击徽标下方的按钮以使手机在范围内响起。 但是,如果它不在范围内,您仍然可以在网上找到它。 首先,请前往Tile的网站,然后单击“登录”。

Enter the email address and password associated with your Tile account and click Sign in.


Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a map of the last place your phone was seen. If you need to ring or notify your phone, click on it in the gray box to the left.

登录后,您将看到手机被查看到的最后一个地方的地图。 如果您需要响铃或通知电话,请在左侧的灰色框中单击它。

Click the gray Connect button.


From here, you have two options. You can click the green Find button to ring your phone. This will make your phone ring, even if it’s on silent. Use this if you think you’re near your phone so you can hear it under the couch cushion or in your other pants pocket. The other option (which we’ll come back to) is a blue button labeled “Lost Mode ON.” This lets you send a notification to your phone that anyone who finds your phone can see. For now, click Find.

从这里开始,您有两个选择。 您可以单击绿色的“查找”按钮来响铃。 即使处于静音状态,这也会使您的电话响起。 如果您认为自己在手机旁,请使用此功能,以便可以在沙发垫下或其他裤子口袋中听到它的声音。 另一个选项(我们将返回)是一个标有“ Lost Mode ON”的蓝色按钮。 这使您可以向手机发送一条通知,让找到您的手机的任何人都可以看到。 现在,单击查找。

On your phone, you should hear a ringtone. The Tile app will also open and a card will appear at the top of the screen to let you know that someone is remotely ringing your phone. If you ever see this notification when you’re not trying to find your phone, take steps to secure your account. If you’re the one finding your phone, tap “Stop ringing.”

在手机上,您应该会听到铃声。 Tile应用也会打开,并且卡片会出现在屏幕顶部,以通知您有人正在远程拨打您的电话。 如果您在不想找手机时看到此通知,请采取措施保护您的帐户安全。 如果您正在寻找手机,请点按“停止响铃”。

As we mentioned earlier, you have another option on the web called “Lost Mode ON.” Click this button to send a notification to your phone. This will appear on your lock screen, giving instructions to anyone who finds your phone. If your phone was stolen, this won’t be much help, but if it was picked up by a helpful stranger, you can use this to reach out to them and hopefully get your phone back quicker. Click the blue button to customize your message.

正如我们前面提到的,您在网络上还有另一个选项“ Lost Mode ON”。 单击此按钮可将通知发送到您的手机。 这将出现在您的锁定屏幕上,向找到您手机的任何人提供指示。 如果您的手机被盗了,这不会有太大帮助,但是如果它被一个有帮助的陌生人捡起,您可以使用它来与他们联系,并希望可以更快地将手机取回。 单击蓝色按钮来自定义您的消息。

Click the Edit pencil icon in the top-right corner of the gray box.


First, you can enter a phone number that the person who found your phone can call you on. Obviously, you can’t use your own phone number, since they have your phone. However, if you’re with a friend or family member, enter their phone number and then the person who found your phone can call them so you can arrange a pickup. Once you’ve entered a number (or if you’d like to skip that part), click Next.

首先,您可以输入一个电话号码,找到您电话的人可以给您打电话。 显然,您无法使用自己的电话号码,因为他们拥有您的电话。 但是,如果您与朋友或家人在一起,请输入他们的电话号码,然后找到您电话的人可以给他们打电话,以便您安排接送服务。 输入数字后(或者如果您想跳过该部分),请单击下一步。

Next, you can enter a customized message that your phone’s finder will see. By default, it says “Help, I’m lost! Please call my owner.” If you entered a phone number in the previous step, it will be shown separately. You can also customize this message if you need to. For example you can write “I’m coming back to the bar, please leave my phone with the host stand!” or similar instructions.

接下来,您可以输入自定义消息,手机的查找程序将看到该消息。 默认情况下,它说:“帮助,我迷路了! 请给我的主人打电话。” 如果您在上一步中输入了电话号码,它将分别显示。 您也可以根据需要自定义此消息。 例如,您可以输入“我要回到酒吧,请把手机放在主机支架上!” 或类似的指示。

On the next screen, you can preview your message before you send it. If you need to change anything, click the back arrow in the top-left corner of the gray box. Otherwise, click Done.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以在发送消息之前预览消息。 如果您需要更改任何内容,请单击灰色框左上角的后退箭头。 否则,请单击“完成”。

On your phone, you’ll get a notification that looks like this. If you have your lock screen enabled, this should still show up unless you’ve blocked all notifications on the lock screen. Hopefully whoever finds your phone will notice it. There’s no guarantee, but it’s always worth a shot!

在手机上,您会收到如下所示的通知。 如果启用了锁定屏幕,则除非锁定了锁定屏幕上的所有通知,否则它仍将显示。 希望任何人找到您的手机都会注意到它。 虽然不能保证,但是值得一试!

As long as your phone stays on and connected to the internet, you should be able to follow its GPS location to track down your phone. The ringing and notification features are helpful add-ons that can help you narrow down where you lost it.

只要您的手机保持打开并连接到互联网,您就应该能够跟踪其GPS位置来追踪您的手机。 铃声和通知功能是有用的加载项,可以帮助您缩小丢失位置的范围。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301673/how-to-find-your-phone-from-the-web-with-tile/

unity 使用tile

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