



In a world full of augmented reality snowboard goggles and Google Glass, it seems only fair that our cars get to enjoy some of the same treatment. Heads-up displays, or “HUDs” as they’re better known, are a new type of add-on for consumer cars that are designed to help keep driver’s eyes where they belong: on the road, and focused forward.

在充满增强现实的单板滑雪护目镜和Google Glass的世界中,我们的汽车享受相同的待遇似乎是公平的。 平视显示器(俗称“ HUD”)是一种用于消费类汽车的新型附加组件,旨在帮助驾驶员保持视线所属位置:行驶中并集中注意力。

什么是HUD? (What is a HUD?)

To put it simply, a HUD is a digital transparent image that is projected onto the windshield of a car, displaying the same information you would get from the dashboard. This can include everything from your current speed to the revs on your engine, and even various temperature gauges.

简而言之,HUD是投影在汽车挡风玻璃上的数字透明图像,显示与从仪表板获得的信息相同的信息。 这可能包括从当前速度到引擎转速的所有内容,甚至包括各种温度表。

The idea behind it is that by displaying this vital data in the same place a driver should be keeping their eyes on, HUDs can reduce the amount of time that people’s attention is spent looking around the car for their phones or checking the radio. More time with their eyes on the road means lesser accidents, and safer drivers all around.

其背后的想法是,通过在驾驶员应该一直注视的同一位置显示这些重要数据,HUD可以减少人们的注意力花在汽车周围寻找电话或检查收音机的时间。 他们将更多的时间放在路上,这意味着较少的事故,并且周围的驾驶员也更安全。


Some argue that HUDs could eventually become a legal requirement in some countries as the number of distractions in our cars continue to swell by the day. If it’s not our phones pinging off notifications for new text messages, the GPS is yelling at us about a turn we missed two blocks ago while the kids keep fiddling with the radio station. HUDs boil down all these different screens into one place, and allow users to do everything from reading and responding to emails to checking how many more miles are left on their trip, all without needing to take their gaze off the road in the process.

一些人认为,随着我们的汽车分心日渐增多,平视显示器最终可能在某些国家成为法律要求。 如果不是我们的电话发送新短信的通知,则GPS正在对我们大喊大叫,我们错过了两个街区,而孩子们则一直在跟收音机打交道。 HUD将所有这些不同的屏幕归纳为一个地方,并允许用户执行所有操作,从阅读和回复电子邮件到检查旅程还剩下多少英里,而所有这些都无需在过程中将视线移开。

Although current HUD technology is still a relatively new entry into the marketplace (technically the old style of displays go back to the 90’s), there are a few different versions out right now that can cater to the budget of any interested customer.


车载HUD (In-Car HUD)

If you’ve been to an Audi, GM, or Mercedes Benz dealership in the past year or so, you probably already know something about HUDs thanks to the salesman who tried to add it on top of your package. For now, the most widespread use of HUDs is being deployed in new car models like the 2016 Audi A7, the Mercedes S55, and a dozen or so vehicles under the GM umbrella.

如果您过去一年左右去过奥迪,通用或奔驰经销商,您可能已经对HUD有所了解,这要归功于推销员试图将HUD添加到您的包装上。 目前,HUD的使用最为广泛,已部署在2016年奥迪A7,梅赛德斯S55等新车型上,并在通用汽车旗下拥有约十几辆汽车。

These are HUDs that are already installed as a part of the car, which means they can pull data from everything that’s actually happening from inside the engine in realtime, without the need for any GPS-assisted guesswork.



If you’re in the market for a new car and have the option to go for a factory-installed HUD, generally the add-on won’t run you more than a few hundred extra, and is most certainly worth the cost. Unlike current third-party HUDs or HUD apps, an in-car HUD can easily be linked to the Bluetooth on your dash to gather up notifications that might otherwise distract you from traffic. Any new calls, emails, or texts will automatically be shown in the HUD’s panel, adding an immeasurable level of safety and security to the driving experience for you and your family.

如果您在市场上需要一辆新车,并且可以选择出厂时安装的HUD,那么一般来说,该附加组件将不会为您多花几百美元,并且绝对物有所值。 与当前的第三方HUD或HUD应用程序不同,车载HUD可以轻松地连接到仪表板上的蓝牙,以收集可能会分散您交通流量的通知。 HUD的面板中将自动显示任何新的呼叫,电子邮件或文本,从而为您和您的家人提供无与伦比的安全保障水平。

If you aren’t interested in a new S-Class however, fret not. Automakers like Jaguar, Hyundai, and Land Rover have all thrown their hat into the ring at the latest auto shows, showcasing next-generation HUDs that not only show you your speed, but can also do things such as highlighting pertinent street signs around the car, displaying the turn you need to take on the actual road ahead, and even flashing warning signals when an accident may be imminent.

但是,如果您对新的S级汽车不感兴趣,则不用担心。 捷豹(Jaguar),现代(Hyundai)和路虎(Land Rover)等汽车制造商都在最新的车展上大放异彩,展示了下一代HUD,它们不仅可以显示您的速度,还可以做一些事情,例如突出显示汽车周围的相关路标,显示您需要沿实际道路行驶的转弯,甚至在紧急事故发生时甚至会闪烁警告信号。

HUD应用 (HUD Apps)

But, if you don’t feel like springing for an entirely new unit to install in your car, you can always download an app that does pretty much the same thing 100 percent free.


Lately there have been a collection of apps popping up both in the iTunes and Google Play app stores which promise all the same functionality you’d expect from a traditional HUD setup, except without any of the hassle of installation or getting all the wiring right between incompatible cars. The apps work by brightly displaying a reverse image of your speed (tracked through the phone’s internal GPS) on the windshield when the phone is mounted on top of the dashboard itself. Your windshield then reflects this image back to you with any information the app collects.

最近,在iTunes和Google Play应用商店中都弹出了一系列应用程序,这些应用程序保证了您与传统HUD设置所期望的所有功能相同,除非安装过程中没有任何麻烦,不兼容的汽车。 当手机安装在仪表板本身上方时,这些应用程序会在挡风玻璃上明亮地显示您的速度倒车影像(通过手机的内部GPS跟踪)。 然后,挡风玻璃会将该图像连同应用程序收集的所有信息反射回给您。

We can’t exactly recommend this option if your speedometer is broken and you’re looking for a stock replacement, as phone GPS systems are notoriously spotty, and shouldn’t be used as your main method for gauging how fast a car is going at any given time.



That in mind, the effect is still cool enough to warrant the pricetag of entry, and could help you decide what to buy if you’re unsure of whether or not you’re ready to take the dive for a full-fledged system on its own. Out of all the apps that have flooded both stores, we like the Navier for Android and Hudway for iOS the best.

考虑到这一点,效果仍然很酷,足以保证入门价格,如果您不确定是否准备好在其系统上使用成熟的系统,则可以帮助您决定购买什么。拥有。 在充斥两个商店的所有应用程序中,我们最喜欢AndroidNavieriOSHudway

第三方HUD (Third Party HUD)

Lastly, we have third-party HUD systems. These small boxes are individual units that are also meant to sit on your dashboard, however because the technology is still in its infancy, only a few have charged ahead to the front of the pack as standout picks.

最后,我们有第三方HUD系统。 这些小盒子是单独的单元,也可以放在您的仪表板上,但是,由于该技术仍处于起步阶段,因此只有少数几个作为出色的产品在包装的前面。

Most third-party HUDs work by linking to either your phone’s internal GPS or finding a signal of their own from a satellite to guesstimate how fast your car is going at any given time, and display the information back on the windshield. For now, HUDs made by individual companies for aftermarket use are only capable of displaying a rudimentary speedometer, often in mono-chromatic colors which aren’t all too pleasing for the eye to be staring at for hours on end.

大多数第三方HUD可以通过链接到手机的内部GPS或从卫星中找到自己的信号来猜测您的汽车在任何给定时间的行驶速度,然后将信息显示在挡风玻璃上。 目前,由各个公司生产的用于售后市场的HUD只能显示基本的速度表,通常是单色的,这对于眼睛连续数小时的注视来说并不十分令人满意。

This could all change very soon, however, thanks to the Kickstarter-backed HUD projection system: Navdy.


Navdy offers up all the same features you would expect from an in-car HUD, but can be placed on the dashboard of any make or model of car as a standalone addition. The Navdy works slightly different than other third-party HUDs in that instead of projecting the information directly on your windshield, the fold-out box actually contains its own small screen that’s meant to sit at the base of where your eyes rest while driving. The Navdy comes with a range of apps that can be connected via your phone, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Spotify, all of which can be controlled via quick hand-gestures thanks to the unit’s internal camera.

Navdy提供了与车载HUD相同的所有功能,但可以作为任何独立功能添加在任何品牌或型号的汽车的仪表板上。 Navdy的工作方式与其他第三方HUD略有不同,它的折叠框实际上没有它自己的小屏幕,而是将其直接投射到挡风玻璃上,该小屏幕可以坐在驾驶时眼睛休息的底部。 Navdy随附了一系列可通过您的手机连接的应用程序,例如Twitter,Facebook和Spotify,这些都归功于该设备的内置摄像头,可通过快速手势进行控制。

Again, it should be stressed that as long as you’re using your phone’s GPS to track your speed, the resulting number shouldn’t always be taken at face value. Other than that small caveat though, the Navdy could be the product that finally brings HUD technology to the masses.

同样,应该强调的是,只要您使用手机的GPS来跟踪速度,那么得出的数字就不总是取其面值。 Navdy可能不是最终产品,但最终还是将HUD技术带入了大众的产品。

Heads up displays are a smart, safe, and possibly soon-to-be vital technology that could have the potential to revolutionize the way we drive in the future. There still may be a few technical kinks to work out before we see everyone with a Navdy or smartphone duct taped to their dashboard, but if the advancements being made this year are any indication of what we should expect, HUDs could be the thing that turn “texting and driving” into “driving and texting” before the decade is out.

平视显示器是一种智能,安全且可能即将成为至关重要的技术,它可能会改变我们未来的驾驶方式。 在我们看到每个人的仪表板上都贴有Navdy或智能手机导管的情况下,仍然可能需要解决一些技术难题,但是如果今年取得的进步表明我们应该期望的结果,那么HUD可能会转变在十年结束之前,“发短信和开车”变成了“开车和发短信”。

Image Credits: Sygic, Navdy, Mercedes Benz

图片来源: SygicNavdyMercedes Benz

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227144/what-is-a-heads-up-display-hud-and-should-i-get-one/






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