定时插座动一下就断_使用插座定时器在某些时候自动将您的Amazon Echo静音




The Amazon Echo is an always-listening voice-controlled virtual assistant, but if there are times you’d rather not listen (or be listened to) by the Echo, here’s how to automatically mute it at certain times of the day.

Amazon Echo是一个始终在听的语音控制虚拟助手,但是如果您有时不想听(或听)Echo,以下是在一天中的某些时间自动将其静音的方法。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

There are several reasons why you might want to mute your Amazon Echo, let alone do it automatically. First off, you might be someone who gets paranoid about Amazon listening in on your conversations at inopportune times, and with privacy being all the rage now, it’s a valid concern for some users.

您可能有几个原因可能想要使Amazon Echo静音,更不用说自动使其静音了。 首先,您可能是一个对亚马逊在不合时宜的时候收听您的对话抱有偏执的人,而如今隐私风行一时,对于某些用户来说,这确实是一个问题。


Or maybe you just don’t want to accidentally activate Alexa. Granted, it’s likely rare when that happens, but it’s kind of annoying when it does.

或者,也许您只是不想意外激活Alexa。 当然,这种情况很少见,但是确实很烦人。

You can manually mute and unmute the Amazon Echo using the mute button on the top of the unit. This will cut off the microphone and the device will no longer listen for the wake word “Alexa”. The Echo doesn’t have a way to automatically mute and unmute the microphone, but this is where we can get a little creative.

您可以使用设备顶部的静音按钮手动对Amazon Echo进行静音和取消静音。 这将切断麦克风,设备将不再监听唤醒词“ Alexa”。 Echo没有办法自动使麦克风静音和取消静音,但这是我们可以获得一些创意的地方。

Automatically muting your Amazon Echo with a smart outlet like the Belkin WeMo (or a basic outlet timer) is a great way to turn off the device at different times–like when you’re sleeping and when you’re at work.

使用Belkin WeMo这样的智能插座(或基本插座计时器)自动使您的Amazon Echo静音是一种在不同时间关闭设备的好方法,例如在您睡觉或工作时。

自动静音您的Amazon Echo (Automatically Muting Your Amazon Echo)

In order to automatically mute your Echo, you’ll need to spend a little bit of cash in order to get what’s required, or you might already have what you need. You can use a smart outlet, like the ones in Belkin’s WeMo lineup, or just use a basic outlet timer for cheap that you can pick up at almost any store.

为了自动使Echo静音,您需要花费一点现金才能获得所需的东西,或者您可能已经拥有所需的东西。 您可以使用智能插座,例如Belkin的WeMo系列中的插座,也可以使用廉价的基本插座计时器,几乎可以在任何商店取货。


Simply plug in the outlet switch, then plug your Amazon Echo into the switch. Whenever the switch is turned off, your Echo will shut off, since the Echo simply powers on whenever it’s plugged in–there’s no on/off switch.

只需插入插座开关,然后将Amazon Echo插入开关即可。 每当开关关闭时,您的Echo都将关闭,因为只要插入电源,Echo便会自动打开电源-没有开/关开关。

Since your really just shutting off the Echo entirely and powering it back up, it will take a minute or so for the device to fully boot up and be ready to receive voice commands. During that time, the Echo plays a brief soundscape and then says “Hello”, so you’ll hear this every time it powers on automatically using the outlet switch.

由于您实际上只是完全关闭了Echo并重新启动了电源,因此该设备需要一分钟左右的时间才能完全启动并准备好接收语音命令。 在此期间,Echo会播放简短的声音,然后说“ Hello”,因此,每次使用电源插座开关自动打开电源时,您都会听到此声音。

To set up your outlet switch, we have a guide that takes you through the process on Belkin’s WeMo Switch, as well as another guide on how to set up the automatic on/off features.

要设置您的电源开关,我们有一个指南,指导您完成Belkin的WeMo Switch上的整个过程,以及有关如何设置自动开/关功能的另一指南。


On a cheap basic timer, it depends what model it is, but it’s really just about pushing down the small buttons during the times that you want the Echo to be powered on. Sometimes timers will have little tabs that you move around to mark when you want the outlet to turn on and off.

在便宜的基本计时器上,它取决于它的型号,但实际上只不过是在您希望打开Echo的电源时按下小按钮。 有时,当您要打开和关闭电源插座时,计时器会带有一些小标签,您可以在这些标签上四处移动以进行标记。

While those basic timers are cheap and relatively easy to use, you have to adjust them manually on the timer itself if you ever want to make changes, whereas on a smart outlet switch you can adjust the times right from your phone quickly and easily without much hassle.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256166/mute-your-amazon-echo-automatically-at-certain-times-with-an-outlet-timer/


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