
If you have a Netbook or Laptop that you would like to use on a Public Wi-Fi hotspot, there are security precautions you need to take. Here we look at keeping your computer secure at public Wi-Fi hotspots.

如果您要在公共Wi-Fi热点上使用上网本或笔记本电脑,则需要采取安全预防措施。 在这里,我们着眼于在公共Wi-Fi热点中保护您的计算机安全。

Public Wi-Fi hotspots seem to be available in more locations than ever before. If you move between them a lot or are just getting started, following these security precautions can help keep your machine safe and secure. For this article we look at security steps in Windows 7, but most of these tips and suggestions will work in XP, Vista, and even other operating systems as well.

公共Wi-Fi热点似乎比以往任何时候都可以使用。 如果您经常在它们之间移动或只是开始使用,请遵循以下安全预防措施,以确保机器安全。 对于本文,我们研究Windows 7中的安全性步骤,但是这些技巧和建议中的大多数都可以在XP,Vista甚至其他操作系统中使用。


Photo by Daquella Manera

摄影: Daquella Manera

启用防火墙 (Enable Your Firewall)

Whether you use the Firewall built into Windows or a 3rd-party app like ZoneAlarm, make sure it’s enabled before signing on to a public hotspot. Click on Start then Control Panel, make sure View by large icons is selected then click Windows Firewall.

无论您使用Windows内置的防火墙还是ZoneAlarm之类的第三方应用程序,在登录公共热点之前,请确保已启用防火墙。 单击“开始”,然后单击“控制面板”,确保选中“按大图标查看”,然后单击“ Windows防火墙”。


Then select Turn Windows Firewall on or off



Then make sure it’s turned on under Home or Work and Public network location settings.



关闭所有共享 (Turn Off All Sharing)

File and folder sharing is a great feature in Windows 7 at home, but when you’re on a public network, you don’t want others to see your data. To turn it off, click on the Network icon in the Taskbar and select Open Network and Sharing Center.

文件和文件夹共享是Windows 7家庭版的一项重要功能,但是当您使用公用网络时,您不希望其他人看到您的数据。 要关闭它,请单击任务栏中的“网络”图标,然后选择“打开网络和共享中心”


Then click on the Change advanced sharing settings hyperlink.



Now make sure to Turn off file and Printer Sharing and Turn off Public folder sharing…make sure you save the changes when you’re done.



使用正确的公共Wi-Fi连接 (Use Correct Public Wi-Fi Connection)

Rather than having to worry about changing your settings every time you log on to a Public Network. When you first connect to the Public Hotspot, Windows will ask you to select a location for the Network. For example here we want to connect to the local coffee shop Wi-Fi.

不必每次登录公共网络时都担心更改设置。 首次连接到“公共热点”时,Windows将要求您选择网络的位置。 例如,在这里我们要连接到本地咖啡店的Wi-Fi。


Make sure you choose Public Network…



This will automatically turn off File Sharing, Network Discovery, and Public Folder Sharing.



使用HTTPS协议 (Use HTTPS Protocol)

If you use regular HTTP protocol when connected to a public network, all of your text information can be easily found by an evil geek with a packet sniffer. You will want to use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) or SSL wherever you can. For example you can set your Gmail and other Google services to always use https when connecting. Open your Gmail account settings, under the General tab scroll down to Browser connection and select Always use https. Again, make sure you click to Save Settings at the bottom of the page.

如果您在连接到公共网络时使用常规HTTP协议,那么邪恶的极客可以使用数据包嗅探器轻松找到所有文本信息。 您将尽可能使用HTTPS (安全超文本传输​​协议)或SSL 。 例如,您可以将Gmail和其他Google服务设置为在连接时始终使用https。 打开您的Gmail帐户设置,在常规标签下,向下滚动到浏览器连接,然后选择始终使用https 。 同样,请确保单击页面底部的“保存设置”。


Then when you go to any Google services linked with that account, you will see https:// before the URL in the Address Bar.



It will work for any browser you’re using.



Another thing to check on your browser to ensure you’re using https is to look for the lock icon in the lower right corner of your browser.



Firefox Addons


If you’re using Firefox and don’t want to worry if Google services switch to https, then check out the OptimizeGoogle addon. Among other awesome ways it allows you to customize Google, you can set it to have all services use https when able.

如果您使用的是Firefox,并且不想担心Google服务是否切换到https,请查看OptimizeGoogle插件。 它允许您自定义Google的多种出色方法,还可以将其设置为使所有服务都可以使用https。


Another handy Firefox addon from the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) is HTTPS Everywhere which we’ve previously covered. It will switch to https protocol for several major sites, and you can write your own rulesets with it as well.

EFF (电子前沿基金会)的另一个便捷的Fi​​refox插件是HTTPS Everywhere,我们之前已经介绍过。 它将在几个主要站点上切换到https协议,并且您也可以使用它编写自己的规则集


专用VPN (Private VPNs)

Even with using the addons above, not all sites you visit will be protected with SSL encryption. If you want to make sure you have extra protection, go through a VPN (Virtual Private Network). This allows you to route your data traffic though a separate and secure network. There are several different free and subscription services that will do this for you but we’ll just take a look at a couple.

即使使用上面的附加组件,并非您访问的所有网站都将受到SSL加密的保护。 如果要确保获得额外的保护,请通过VPN (虚拟专用网络)。 这使您可以通过单独的安全网络路由数据流量。 有几种不同的免费和订阅服务可以为您完成此任务,但我们仅介绍几个。

ProXPN is an easy to use VPN client. You need to create an account first, then download and install the client. After that log into your account and you’ll be connected to their secure VPN without worrying about traffic from your machine being on the hotspot.

ProXPN是易于使用的VPN客户端。 您需要先创建一个帐户,然后下载并安装客户端。 之后,登录到您的帐户,您将连接到他们的安全VPN,而不必担心来自您计算机的流量处于热点。


They offer a free and premium version. We found that our connection could be slow at times using the free version, especially on multimedia sites. If you find you’re using Hotspots a lot, you might want to pay the $5/month for the premium version which did produce faster speeds, and ensures higher levels of encryption.

他们提供了免费和高级版本。 我们发现使用免费版本有时会导致连接速度变慢,尤其是在多媒体站点上。 如果您发现自己经常使用Hotspots,则可能需要每月支付5美元购买高级版本,该版本的确产生了更快的速度,并确保了更高级别的加密。


Hotspot Shield is another popular and easy to use VPN utility that runs in the background and creates the VPN automatically.

Hotspot Shield是另一个流行且易于使用的VPN实用程序,它在后台运行并自动创建VPN。


The biggest caveat is it will display ads and try to install crapware on your machine. Make sure to uncheck any crapware it tries to offer you.

最大的警告是它将显示广告并尝试在计算机上安装废话。 确保取消选中它尝试为您提供的任何垃圾软件。


While it will annoy you with ads, it is free and easy to use. If you only need to use it occasionally while at a Hotspot, it might be worth the ad annoyance.

虽然它会打扰您,但它是免费且易于使用的。 如果您只需要在热点期间偶尔使用它,则可能会使广告烦人。


Another thing you might want to consider is setting up your own VPN on your computer or on Windows Home Server. We’ll be writing up a full step by step tutorial on how to create your own VPN in the near future, so stay tuned.

您可能要考虑的另一件事是在计算机或Windows Home Server上设置自己的VPN。 我们将编写一个完整的分步教程,介绍如何在不久的将来创建自己的VPN,敬请期待。


不使用时禁用Wi-Fi (Disable Wi-Fi When not in Use)

If you’re not using your Wireless connection while you at a hotspot, simply turn it off. This can be hard to remember, and annoying if you’re constantly doing research online while working. But if you can plan your work around times when you don’t need to be online for good chunk of time, just turn it off. Click on the Wireless icon on the Taskbar right-click the network you’re connected to and Disconnect.

如果您不在热点时不使用无线连接,只需将其关闭即可。 这可能很难记住,并且如果您在工作时不断进行在线研究会很烦。 但是,如果您可以在不需要长时间在线的情况下计划工作时间,请关闭它。 单击任务栏上的“无线”图标,右键单击要连接的网络,然后断开连接。


Windows更新 (Windows Updates)

Make sure you’re keeping your machine updated with the latest security fixes from Microsoft. In the geek community we all know the 2nd Tuesday of every month is called “Patch Tuesday”, when the team from Redmond send out the latest security fixes to plug holes and fix vulnerabilities in the OS, hardware drivers –including wireless patches, and other installed software like MS Office.

确保使用Microsoft的最新安全修复程序更新计算机。 在极客社区中,我们都知道每个月的第二个星期二称为“补丁星期二”,这时Redmond的团队发送了最新的安全修复程序以修补漏洞并修复操作系统,硬件驱动程序(包括无线补丁程序)和其他漏洞。已安装的软件,例如MS Office。


However, some vital patches might be released before then so make sure you’re receiving Automatic Updates. You don’t have to have them download and install automatically, but you can have Windows notify you when fixes are available and you can research if you want to add them or not. When in doubt, it’s usually best to just install the updates, and keep note of what they are so you can uninstall them if you find something isn’t working.

但是,在此之前可能会发布一些重要的补丁程序,因此请确保您收到的是“自动更新”。 您不必让它们自动下载和安装,但是您可以让Windows在有可用的修补程序时通知您,并且您可以研究是否要添加它们。 如有疑问,通常最好只安装更新,并记下它们的含义,以便在发现不起作用时可以将其卸载。


更新防病毒软件 (Update Antivirus Software)

This should also go without saying, but keeping your Antivirus software is extremely important on all of your machines especially on a large public network where there can be a lot of malicious software lurking.



While Microsoft Security Essentials is our favorite, no matter what brand you use, make sure Real-time scanning is enabled.

尽管Microsoft Security Essentials是我们的最爱,但无论您使用什么品牌,都要确保启用了实时扫描。


使用最佳判断 (Use Best Judgment)

  • Get to know the folks who are operating the Wi-Fi Hotspot. Ask them the type of encryption they are using on the router and if they seem to know basic Wi-Fi security. If not, you might want to use a different location – especially if they have it wide open.

    了解正在操作Wi-Fi热点的人们。 询问他们在路由器上使用的加密类型,以及他们是否了解基本的Wi-Fi安全性。 如果没有,您可能想要使用其他位置-尤其是如果他们将其打开。
  • Don’t enter personal information connected to a Wi-Fi Hotspot unless you’re completely sure everything is safe and encrypted. If you need to do Internet Banking, wait until you’re at home or in the office.

    除非您完全确定所有内容都是安全且经过加密的,否则请勿输入连接到Wi-Fi热点的个人信息。 如果您需要进行网上银行服务,请等到您在家或办公室之前。
  • Busy hotpots like at an airport or hotel can have a lot of people on it, who knows what their looking at, but there most certainly are some “bad guys”. Try to use smaller locations like at a library or coffee shop.

    诸如机场或旅馆之类的繁忙火锅上可能有很多人,他们知道他们在看什么,但最肯定的是有一些“坏蛋”。 尝试在图书馆或咖啡店等较小的地方使用。
  • When in doubt, just don’t connect. If your online activity can wait, just hold off until you’re sure you’re on a secure network.

    如有疑问,请不要连接。 如果您的在线活动可以等待,请稍等片刻,直到您确定自己在安全的网络上。
  • Make sure and follow the guidelines described above, if you just connect and leave everything open, there is only yourself to blame.


结论 (Conclusion)

While there really isn’t a 100% solution to keep your data secure on a public Wi-Fi network from a determined hacker or thief, following these basic guidelines are sure to help keep you safe. Of course with more mobile devices being used today like the iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android devices…you’ll want to keep them safe as well. If you’re not sure how to connect your mobile device to a Wi-Fi network, check out our article here.

虽然确实没有100%的解决方案可以确保您的数据在公共Wi-Fi网络上不受黑客或小偷的侵害,但遵循这些基本准则肯定可以确保您的安全。 当然,随着当今使用的移动设备(例如iPhone,iPod Touch和Android设备)的增多,您也希望保持它们的安全。 如果您不确定如何将移动设备连接到Wi-Fi网络,请在此处查看我们的文章

In the future we’ll be taking a look at using more advanced solutions for protecting your Laptop, Netbook, and mobile devices, but if you’re not inclined create your own VPN or setting up an SSH Tunnel, these basic settings should definitely be followed.


What about you guys? What precautions do you take to keep your data safe while on a Public Wi-Fi Hotspot? Leave a comment and let us know!

你们呢? 在公共Wi-Fi热点上,您采取什么预防措施来保护数据安全? 发表评论,让我们知道!

Install HTTPS Everywhere


Hotspot Shield




Install Microsoft Security Essentials

安装Microsoft Security Essentials

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26674/keep-your-windows-computer-secure-on-public-wireless-hotspots/





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