创建系统映像 磁盘克隆_询问操作技巧:克隆磁盘,调整静态Windows的大小并创建系统功能快捷方式...

创建系统映像 磁盘克隆

创建系统映像 磁盘克隆


This week we take a look at how to clone a hard disk for easy backup or duplication, resize stubbornly static windows, and create shortcuts for dozens of Windows functions.


Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag and help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you in the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每周一次,我们浸入读者的邮袋,并帮助读者解决问题,并在此过程中与您分享有用的解决方案。 请继续阅读以了解本周读者困境的修复方法。

Clone a Disk for Easy Backups and Duplication



Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I just finished building a computer for myself and my brother. I installed all this software on my system and customized it, then realized I’ll have to do it all over again on my brother’s system. Is there anyway to just copy the disk I have over onto the blank disk and call it good? The hardware is, part for part, identical.

我刚刚为自己和我的兄弟建造了一台计算机。 我在系统上安装了所有这些软件并对其进行了自定义,然后意识到我必须在我兄弟的系统上重新做一遍。 无论如何,是否只是将我拥有的磁盘复制到空白磁盘上并称其良好? 硬件部分相同。

First Time Building in Florida


Dear First Timer,


You’re facing a small-scale issue that large IT departments face every day. You’ve got identical machines and you need an easy way to clone the contents of one machine onto another. Fortunately we’ve got just the tool to help you. It’s a powerful tool so we recommend you read our tutorial through twice and perhaps even print it off and check things off as you go through it. Read more here: Clone a Hard Drive Using an Ubuntu Live CD.

您正面临大型IT部门每天面临的小规模问题。 您拥有相同的计算机,并且需要一种简单的方法将一台计算机的内容克隆到另一台计算机上。 幸运的是,我们只有该工具可以为您提供帮助。 这是一个功能强大的工具,因此我们建议您通读两次本教程,甚至在完成本教程的过程中甚至将其打印出来并检查一下。 在此处了解更多信息:使用Ubuntu Live CD克隆硬盘

If you’re cloning a machine with an operating system like Linux you should run into little or no issues. If you’re cloning a Windows machine you’ll likely have to reactivate Windows 7 on the new computer—the triggers for activation are murky at best.

如果要使用Linux之类的操作系统克隆计算机,则应该遇到很少或没有问题。 如果要克隆Windows计算机,则可能必须在新计算机上重新激活Windows 7-激活触发器充其量是模糊的。

调整静态Windows的大小 (Resize Static Windows)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

This might be a trivial problem but there are a handful of programs I use in Windows 7 that have static window sizes and I want to be able to resize them; they’d work so much better for me if I could resize them. Is there anything I can do? It seems like a very odd GUI choice to have so many fixed-size windows.

这可能是一个小问题,但是我在Windows 7中使用了一些程序,这些程序具有静态的窗口大小,并且我希望能够调整它们的大小。 如果我可以调整它们的大小,它们对我来说会好得多。 有什么我可以做的吗? 拥有这么多固定大小的窗口似乎是非常奇怪的GUI选择。

Trying to Stretch in San Diego


Dear Stretch,


We’re with you, it’s really annoying when you’d like to resize a window and it’s static. We’ve got a hack for you that’s pretty effective. It doesn’t work in every instance but it works well enough that your days of cursing at static windows should be long gone. You’ll need to download and install ResizeEnable which will patch things up and give those static windows a Yoga-like shake down for easy resizing. Read up on enabling window scaling with ResizeEnable here.

我们与您同在,当您想要调整窗口大小并且它是静态的时,确实很烦人。 我们为您准备了一个非常有效的技巧。 它并非在所有情况下都有效,但效果很好,以至于您在静态窗口中诅咒的日子应该早已一去不复返了。 您需要下载并安装ResizeEnable,它将修补问题并为这些静态窗口提供类似于Yoga的震动,以方便调整大小。 在此处阅读有关使用ResizeEnable启用窗口缩放的信息

创建常用Windows系统功能的快捷方式 (Create Shortcuts for Common Windows System Functions)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Thanks to some software testing I’m doing for my company, I have to toggle the Windows firewall multiple times a day. Is there anyway to create a shortcut just to toggle it on and off? Creating one and docking it to the taskbar would save me quite a bit of time. Thanks!

感谢我为公司所做的一些软件测试,我不得不每天多次切换Windows防火墙。 无论如何,有没有创建一个快捷方式来打开和关闭它? 创建一个并将其停靠在任务栏上将为我节省大量时间。 谢谢!



Toggle Craving in Toledo


Dear Toggle,


You’d think it would be simpler to create shortcuts to basic Windows functions, no? We have a specific guide for your problem, creating a shortcut or hotkey to turn the Windows firewall on and off, but for the sake of you and other readers we’ve got a goody bag of shortcut creation tips. Make sure to check out how to create shortcuts for nearly anything in Windows here. You’re bound to find some shortcut tips that will save you even more time.

您会认为创建基本Windows功能的快捷方式会更简单,不是吗? 我们为您的问题提供了专门的指南,创建快捷方式或热键以打开和关闭Windows防火墙,但是为了您和其他读者的方便,我们提供了许多快捷方式创建技巧。 请确保在此处查看如何为Windows中几乎所有内容创建快捷方式。 您一定会找到一些快捷提示,这些提示将节省您更多的时间。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at
您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ask@howtogeek.com and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. ask@howtogeek.com ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40220/ask-how-to-geek-clone-a-disk-resize-static-windows-and-create-system-function-shortcuts/

创建系统映像 磁盘克隆





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