mac加密_如何加密Mac的Time Machine备份



You encrypt your Mac’s system drive like you should: if your computer is stolen, your data is safe from prying eyes. But on your desk, right next to your Mac, is a carbon copy of everything on your hard drive: your Time Machine backup. Wouldn’t anyone who grabbed that drive have access to all the same information?

您可以按以下方式对Mac的系统驱动器进行加密:如果计算机被盗,则可以安全地窥探数据。 但在Mac旁边的办公桌上,是硬盘驱动器上所有内容的副本: Time Machine备份。 抓住该驱动器的任何人都无法访问所有相同的信息吗?

Yes they would, which is why it’s important to encrypt your Time Machine drive. There are two ways to do this, and both are relatively straightforward. You can retroactively encrypt your existing Time Machine backup, which allows you to keep your old backups. The downside: this retroactive encryption can take a long time, which is why you might want to simply create an encrypted partition using Disk Utility and back up to that. Let’s go over both options.

是的,他们会这么做,因此加密Time Machine驱动器很重要。 有两种方法可以做到,而且都相对简单。 您可以追溯加密现有的Time Machine备份,从而可以保留旧的备份。 缺点:这种追溯加密可能需要很长时间,因此您可能只想使用Disk Utility创建一个加密分区并备份到该分区。 让我们来看看这两个选项。

缓慢但无损的选择:加密当前备份 (The Slow, But Non-Destructive Option: Encrypt Your Current Backups)

If you have Time Machine set up on your Mac already, you can encrypt your drive retroactively. The process is going to take a while—for a one terabyte mechanical drive, the process could take more than 24 straight hours—but you can start and stop the process as many times as you like.

如果Mac上已经设置了Time Machine,则可以追溯加密驱动器。 该过程将花费一些时间-对于一个1 TB的机械驱动器,该过程可能需要连续24个小时以上的时间-但您可以随意启动和停止该过程多次。

Head to System Preferences > Time Machine, then click “Select Disk.”

转到“系统偏好设置”>“ Time Machine”,然后单击“选择磁盘”。

Select your current backup drive, then click “Remove Disk.”


Yes, we have to remove the drive before we can start encrypting, but don’t worry: your backups will remain on the drive. Click the “Select Backup Disk” button.

是的,我们必须先删除驱动器,然后才能开始加密,但是请放心:您的备份将保留在驱动器上。 单击“选择备份磁盘”按钮。

Click your old Time Machine drive in the list of options, then check the “Encrypt backups” option.

单击选项列表中的旧Time Machine驱动器,然后选中“加密备份”选项。

You will be asked to create a password, and to leave a hint. Note that the hint field is mandatory: you can’t continue without adding one.

系统将要求您创建一个密码并提出提示。 请注意,提示字段是必填字段:如果不添加提示字段,则无法继续。

If you lose this password, you can’t recover any files from the drive, so don’t lose the password. Write it down and store it somewhere safe, like a lock box, and also store it in your password manager. If you need help thinking of a password, click the key icon to bring up the macOS password assistant.

如果您丢失了该密码,则无法从驱动器中恢复任何文件,因此请不要丢失密码。 将其写下并存储在安全的地方(例如密码盒),然后将其存储在密码管理器中。 如果需要有关密码的帮助,请单击键图标以启动macOS密码助手。

Once you’ve set a password, click “Encrypt disk.” Your mac will start encrypting the drive; you can check the progress in the Time Machine pane in system settings.

设置密码后,点击“加密磁盘”。 您的Mac将开始加密驱动器; 您可以在系统设置的“时间机器”窗格中查看进度。

This one-time process is not fast. Like we said before, a one terabyte drive can easily take more than 24 hours. You don’t need to leave the drive connected until the process is done: unmount the drive and encryption will start again the next time it’s connected. And backups will continue as normal during the encryption process.

这一一次性过程并不快。 就像我们之前说过的,一个1 TB的驱动器很容易花费超过24个小时。 在完成该过程之前,无需保持驱动器处于连接状态:卸载驱动器,加密将在下次连接时再次开始。 备份将在加密过程中照常继续。

最快的选择:设置新的加密备份 (The Quickest Option: Set up a New Encrypted Backup)

If you’re setting up a new hard drive with Time Machine, or are simply willing to start over with a clean partition in order to avoid a long encryption period, you can set up an encrypted partition using Disk Utility. which you can find in Applications > Utilities. To get started, click your external drive in the left panel, then click the “Erase” button in the toolbar.

如果要使用Time Machine设置新的硬盘驱动器,或者只是为了避免较长的加密时间而愿意从一个干净的分区重新开始,则可以使用“磁盘工具”来设置一个加密的分区。 您可以在“应用程序”>“实用程序”中找到该文件。 要开始使用,请单击左侧面板中的外部驱动器,然后单击工具栏中的“擦除”按钮。

Give the partition some sort of time-travel-related name, then click the “Format” dropdown option.


Choose “Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted)” from the choices offered, then click the “Erase” button. You will be asked to choose an encryption key.

从提供的选项中选择“ Mac OS Extended(已日记,已加密)”,然后单击“擦除”按钮。 系统将要求您选择一个加密密钥。

Whatever you choose, make sure you don’t lose this key: you won’t be able to recover files from your drive without it. Write it down and put the in your lock box, and store it in your password manager. If you like, you can click the Key icon to bring up the Password Assistant, which can help you create a password.

无论选择什么,请确保您不会丢失该密钥:没有该密钥,您将无法从驱动器中恢复文件。 写下来,然后将其放入您的密码箱,并将其存储在密码管理器中。 如果愿意,可以单击“钥匙”图标以打开“密码助手”,它可以帮助您创建密码。

When you’re done, click “Choose” and the drive will be re-formatted. Head to Time Machine preferences and set up your newly encrypted drive as your Time Machine backup. You now have an encrypted Time Machine backup, without the waiting period of the above method.

完成后,单击“选择”,驱动器将重新格式化。 转到Time Machine首选项,并将新加密的驱动器设置为Time Machine备份。 现在,您将获得加密的Time Machine备份,而无需等待上述方法。

Photo credit: Valerie Everett

图片来源: Valerie Everett







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