apache knox_如何在兼容的三星手机上设置Knox安全性

apache knox

apache knox


If you haven’t already heard of it, Samsung’s Knox is a security environment supported by some of Samsung’s highest-tier smartphones, including the Note 3, Note 4, and Galaxy S5 and S6. The service is only available on devices that have a special encryption chip installed in the factory, and as long as that’s onboard, you can keep the most important details of your daily worklife protected and under wraps.

如果您还没有听说过,那么三星的Knox是一个安全环境,受到一些三星最高端智能手机的支持,包括Note 3,Note 4,Galaxy S5和S6。 该服务仅在出厂时已安装了特殊加密芯片的设备上可用,并且只要在机上,就可以保护您日常工作中最重要的细节并对其进行秘密保护。

The system was designed to take even more market share away from BlackBerry who, despite tanking almost completely in the consumer market over the past several years, still maintains a strong grip in the government section providing wholesale secure phone contracts for the likes of the US Department of Defense, the CIA, and the FBI.


So when it comes to keeping your phone as safe as some of the top military agencies in the world, the process of setting up Knox is a breeze.


初始设置 (Initial Setup)

As an individual, most of the setup you do will happen through Samsung’s own “My Knox” app, which can be found in the Google Play store here. In My Knox, you’ll find most of what you’ll need to set up secure, encrypted channels of communication for everything you use from email, to messaging, Internet searches and even secure pictures taken through the camera.

作为个人,您要做的大多数设置都将通过三星自己的“ My Knox”应用程序进行,该应用程序可在此处的Google Play商店中找到。 在“我的诺克斯”中,您将找到为使用的所有内容(从电子邮件,消息传递,Internet搜索甚至通过相机拍摄的安全照片)设置安全,加密的通信通道所需的大部分信息。


Once the default Knox apps are loaded, everything you do from within Knox will be untraceable in your outside apps. As such, it’s recommended that you create an independent email (generally tied to your work or @Samsung.com account) that will be for use only within Knox. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to constantly switch in and out of the app to manage your communications, which is an extra hassle that no one needs to deal with.

加载默认的Knox应用程序后,您在Knox内部所做的所有操作都将无法在外部应用程序中找到。 因此,建议您创建一个独立的电子邮件(通常与您的工作或@ Samsung.com帐户绑定),仅在Knox中使用。 否则,您将不得不不断切换应用程序来管理您的通信,这是没有人需要处理的额外麻烦。

隔离应用 (Segregating Apps)

After that, you can select the apps that you want to run specifically within Knox’s secure container. This can be anything from productivity programs like your Google Drive folder to Angry Birds, if you’re especially concerned that a hacker might try and use your high score against you.

之后,您可以选择要专门在Knox的安全容器中运行的应用程序。 如果您特别担心黑客可能会尝试对您使用高分,那么这可以是从生产力程序(例如Google云端硬盘文件夹)到《愤怒的小鸟》等任何事情。

All apps and utilities contained within the Knox sandbox run in a unique environment, separated from everything that happens on the default phone to maintain a firewall that information can’t pass between unless you specifically ask it to beforehand.



Once the firewall is raised, no data or information is allowed to transmit between the two environments. This is how Knox maintains the core structure of its encryption, and you’ll always know which sandbox you’re working within thanks to a handy icon that will appear in the top right section of your notification bar.

一旦防火墙升起,就不允许在两个环境之间传输数据或信息。 这就是Knox保持其加密核心结构的方式,并且由于通知栏右上角将出现一个方便的图标,您将始终知道您正在使用哪个沙箱。

转出 (Switching Out)

But, in case you’re jumping between work and pleasure regularly, wIth the Knox app icon you can easily snap between your regular phone and the Knox secure environment, and never have to mix up the two when you’re at the office or on a night out in the town with friends or family.



You can also keep independent copies of your apps installed both in the stock phone and within Knox, meaning that if you want two messaging feeds, two Twitter accounts, or two emails (as described above) attached to a single device, Knox is a great way to multitask between them, while simultaneously remaining secure.


Once My Knox is fully configured to your particular settings and up and running, you’re all set to go! Whether it’s your company’s next big IP, an invention you’re cooking up in the garage without a patent, or high-level confidential documents for the government, Knox is the best way for Samsung users to be sure that their data stays protected and away from the eyes of any prying hackers or the general public.

将My Knox完全配置为您的特定设置并启动并运行后,便一切就绪! 无论是您公司的下一个大IP,是您在车库中冒出的一项发明而没有专利,还是政府的高级别机密文件,Knox都是三星用户确保其数据始终受到保护和保护的最佳方法从任何撬动的黑客或普通大众的角度来看。

Image Credit: Samsung 1, 2, 3


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219925/how-to-setup-knox-security-on-a-compatible-samsung-phone/

apache knox





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