apple tv 开发_如何取消您的Apple TV +订阅

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apple tv 开发

Apple TV+ Logo

Whether you signed up for the Apple TV+ seven-day trial or were given a year-long membership for free after buying a new device, here’s how to cancel your subscription before you have to start paying for the streaming service.

无论您是注册Apple TV + 7天试用版,还是购买新设备后免费获得为期一年的会员资格,这都是在您必须开始为流媒体服务付费之前取消订阅的方法。

Before you begin, be warned that your access to Apple TV+ will be cut off the moment your subscription is canceled. If your trial is set to renew on a Friday, we suggest canceling on the Thursday before so you can continue using the service as long as possible.

开始之前,请注意,取消订阅后,您对Apple TV +的访问将被切断。 如果您的试用版将在星期五续订,我们建议您在星期四之前取消试用,以便您可以尽可能长时间继续使用该服务。

退订使用iPhone或iPad (Unsubscribe Using your iPhone or iPad)

The easiest way to cancel your Apple TV+ subscription is by using your iPhone or iPad.

取消Apple TV +订阅的最简单方法是使用iPhone或iPad。

Start by opening the “App Store.” If you can’t find the icon on your home screen, swipe down and use the iPhone’s or iPad’s Spotlight Search to locate the app.

首先打开“ App Store”。 如果您在主屏幕上找不到该图标,请向下滑动并使用iPhone或iPad的Spotlight搜索来找到该应用。

Apple iPhone Tap App Store

Now, tap on your account’s avatar located in the top-right corner of the app.


Apple iPhone Tap Avatar

Select the “Subscriptions” option located below your Apple account information.


Apple iPhone App Store Tap Subscriptions

Locate your “Apple TV+” subscription within the Active group.

在“活动”组中找到“ Apple TV +”订阅。

Apple iPhone App Store Tap Apple TV+

Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap on the “Cancel Free Trial” button.


Apple iPhone App Store Tap Cancel Free Trial

After you select the cancellation button, you will be asked to confirm the action. Remember, your Apple TV+ subscription will end the moment you cancel the subscription. Apple does not treat the Apple TV+ trial like other subscriptions which continue through the scheduled end date.

选择取消按钮后,将要求您确认操作。 请记住,取消订阅后,您的Apple TV +订阅将终止。 Apple不会将Apple TV +试用版与其他订阅一样对待,这些订阅一直持续到预定的结束日期。

退订使用Apple TV (Unsubscribe Using Your Apple TV)

Subscriptions on Apple TV are handled through the Settings app. So, to begin, use your remote to highlight and select “Settings.”

Apple TV上的订阅通过“设置”应用处理。 因此,首先,使用遥控器突出显示并选择“设置”。

Choose the “Users & Accounts” option, select your Apple account, and then click the “Subscriptions” button.


Apple TV Manage Subscriptions Menu
Apple 苹果

You should now see all active subscriptions. Select the “Apple TV+” listing and then click the “Cancel Subscription” button.

现在,您应该看到所有活动的订阅。 选择“ Apple TV +”列表,然后单击“取消订阅”按钮。

退订使用Mac (Unsubscribe Using Your Mac)

On your Mac, subscriptions can be accessed from the computer’s App Store. Click on “App Store” from Launchpad or use Spotlight Search to locate it.

在Mac上,可以从计算机的App Store中访问订阅。 从启动板单击“ App Store”,或使用Spotlight搜索进行查找。

Click on your Apple ID located in the bottom-left corner. After you select the View Information button, you might be asked to sign in.

单击左下角的Apple ID。 选择“查看信息”按钮后,可能会要求您登录。

Scroll down to the Manage section within the Account Information page. Click the “Manage” button next to Subscriptions.

向下滚动到“帐户信息”页面中的“管理”部分。 单击订阅旁边的“管理”按钮。

macOS App Store Manage Subscriptions
Apple 苹果

Select the “Edit” button next to the Apple TV+ listing. Clicking “Cancel Subscription” will immediately cut your access to the streaming platform.

选择Apple TV +列表旁边的“编辑”按钮。 点击“取消订阅”将立即切断您对流媒体平台的访问。


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