apple tv 开发_如何减少Apple TV消耗的数据量

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发


The Apple TV is a capable little set-top streaming device with a lot of variety, but it’s not exactly frugal when it comes to your Internet connection.

Apple TV是一款功能强大的小型机顶盒流媒体设备,种类繁多,但在连接Internet时并不十分节俭。

If you have a slower connection, or you have a data cap, there are some ways you can reduce how much data your Apple TV uses on a regular basis. Of course, none of these steps replace being cognizant of how much you’re streaming, but many of them will keep you from accidentally going over your limit.

如果连接速度较慢或有数据上限,可以通过某些方法减少Apple TV定期使用的数据量。 当然,这些步骤都不能取代您对流媒体数量的认识,但是其中许多步骤可以使您避免意外超出限制。

关闭需要大量数据的屏保 (Turn Off Data-Hungry Screensavers)

The first things you need to do is open the Settings on your Apple TV from the home screen.

您需要做的第一件事是从主屏幕上打开Apple TV上的“设置”。

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We’ll start at the top and work our way to the bottom. First click open the General settings.

我们将从顶部开始,一直到底部。 首先单击打开常规设置。

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First, we’ll adjust how much data our screensavers use. Click open the Screensaver settings.

首先,我们将调整屏幕保护程序使用的数据量。 单击打开屏幕保护程序设置。

Screensavers can be selected from the Screensaver Type menu. If you really want to use one, we recommend choosing something from the Apple Photos selections, which uses Apple’s stock screensaver photos. Anything else may require downloading content and though it may only do this once, the idea here is to use as little data as possible.

可以从“屏幕保护程序类型”菜单中选择屏幕保护程序。 如果您真的想使用其中一个,我们建议从Apple Photos选项中选择一些选项,该选项使用Apple的屏幕保护程序照片。 任何其他内容都可能需要下载内容,尽管它只能下载一次,但是这里的想法是使用尽可能少的数据。

For example, back on the main Screensaver screen, you can see there’s an option to Download New Videos, which are what you see when you choose the “Aerial” screensaver.


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Clicking on that, the resulting screen tells us that new videos weigh in at around 600MB, so it’s best to disable them or choose a download interval like a month.


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Your Apple TV may also use data if you have My Photos selected, though this will only download low resolution photos from your iCloud account. Nevertheless, it’s something to bear in mind if you want to set a screensaver on your Apple TV.

如果选择了“我的照片”,则Apple TV可能还会使用数据,尽管这只会从您的iCloud帐户下载低分辨率照片。 但是,如果要在Apple TV上设置屏幕保护程序,则需要牢记这一点。

更改流媒体分辨率 (Change Your Streaming Resolution)

Resolution is very important when determining how much bandwidth you consume. However, you don’t want to change the resolution of your Apple TV from the Audio and Video settings–this will not affect how much bandwidth stuff like Netflix, iTunes, and similar sources use. It only affects what your Apple TV displays. You’re better off leaving your Apple TV’s resolution on “Auto” so it displays at your TV or monitor’s native resolution.

确定消耗多少带宽时,分辨率非常重要。 但是,您不想从“音频和视频”设置更改Apple TV的分辨率-这不会影响Netflix,iTunes和类似来源使用多少带宽。 它只会影响Apple TV的显示内容。 您最好将Apple TV的分辨率保留为“自动”,以便以电视或显示器的原始分辨率显示。

Instead, if you are concerned about how much bandwidth services like Netflix use, you will want to change it from each of those specific services. For example, open your Netflix account settings and change its data usage in Playback Settings. Other services may have similar settings.

相反,如果您担心像Netflix这样使用多少带宽服务,则需要从每个特定服务中更改它。 例如,打开您的Netflix帐户设置,然后在“播放设置”中更改其数据使用情况。 其他服务可能具有类似的设置。

To adjust the resolution of your iTunes movies and shows, head to the Apps section of the Apple TV’s settings.

要调整iTunes电影和电视节目的分辨率,请转到Apple TV设置的“应用程序”部分。

From that same Apps screen, click “iTunes Movies and TV Shows” and you can select the video resolution and preview resolution.

在同一Apps屏幕上,单击“ iTunes电影和电视节目”,然后可以选择视频分辨率和预览分辨率。

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This will make a difference in bandwidth and data requirements. As the screen says, videos are rented, purchased, and played back in the resolution you pick. 1080p and 720p require faster Internet connection, while standard definition won’t.

改变带宽和数据要求。 如屏幕上所示,视频以您选择的分辨率出租,购买和播放。 1080p和720p需要更快的Internet连接,而标准清晰度则不需要。

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关闭自动应用更新和播客同步 (Turn Off Automatic App Updates and Podcast Syncing)

From that same Apps screen, you can turn off “Automatically Update Apps” if you don’t want your Apple TV apps to update behind your back. Keep in mind, you may miss out on the latest, greatest versions of your apps, which might have new features and enhancements.

如果您不希望Apple TV应用程序在后台更新,则可以从同一“应用程序”屏幕关闭“自动更新应用程序”。 请记住,您可能会错过最新,最出色的应用程序版本,它们可能具有新功能和增强功能。

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While you’re there, you may also want to turn off podcast syncing. Podcasts don’t necessarily consume a lot of data, but if you subscribe to many of them, it can really add up.

在那里,您可能还需要关闭播客同步。 播客不一定会消耗大量数据,但是如果您订阅了许多播客,它们的确可以累加。

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关闭自动更新(只要您仍然定期更新) (Turn Off Automatic Updates (As Long As You Still Update Regularly))

Finally, let’s go back to the main Settings menu and click open “System”.


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On the next screen, choose “Software Updates”.


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On the next screen, disable automatic updates. You will now need to update your Apple TV manually using the “Update Software” button.

在下一个屏幕上,禁用自动更新。 现在,您需要使用“更新软件”按钮手动更新Apple TV。

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With this last option, you will need to make sure that you still occasionally check for system updates. This is one of those things that you definitely want to stay on top of to take advantage of not only new features, but security updates as well. If you think you’ll forget, it’s best to leave this on. Turning it off merely gives you more control over when you use that data.

使用最后一个选项,您将需要确保仍然偶尔检查系统更新。 您肯定要紧紧抓住这些事情之一,以不仅利用新功能,而且还要利用安全更新。 如果您认为自己会忘记,最好将其保留下来。 将其关闭仅能使您更好地控制何时使用该数据。

Overall, how much data your Apple TV consumes is going to almost entirely depend on what you use it for. Obviously, you can save data if you stream movies and TV shows using the iTunes store at a lower resolution, but as we pointed out, if you use Netflix and other services, you will likely have to dig into their account settings.

总体而言,Apple TV消耗的数据几乎完全取决于您使用的数据。 显然,如果以较低的分辨率使用iTunes商店流电影和电视节目,则可以保存数据,但是正如我们指出的那样,如果使用Netflix和其他服务,则可能必须深入研究其帐户设置。

Still, the tips we’ve outlined in this article may let you rein in any accidental overages. At the very least, even if you don’t want to apply all of them, you can pick the ones that best suit your needs.

尽管如此,我们在本文中概述的技巧仍可以使您避免任何意外的超载。 至少,即使您不想全部应用它们,也可以选择最适合您的需求。

Image Credit: Maurizio Pesce/Flickr

图片来源: Maurizio Pesce / Flickr


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