计算机图形学 相机_如何将照片从相机无线传输到计算机

计算机图形学 相机

计算机图形学 相机

If you’re a prolific shutterbug, you know what a hassle it is to constantly pull the SD card from your camera, plug it into your computer, and transfer the files to get to the snapshots you just took. Here’s how to add Wi-Fi based photo transfer to your digital camera.

如果您是多产的快门虫,那么您就会知道不断将SD卡从相机中拔出,将其插入计算机并传输文件以获取刚刚拍摄的快照是一件麻烦事。 这是将基于Wi-Fi的照片传输添加到数码相机的方法。

UPDATE: Keenai, the company behind the Eye-Fi product we recommend in this article, announced on September 4, 2018, that they are shutting down. Eye-Fi cards should continue to function in stand-alone mode (which means no cloud syncing) as long as the apps are available in the app store. There will be no future updates to their apps. The Keenai service used for storing your data in the cloud will shut down on November 30, 2018. After December 1, 2018, you will no longer be able to access your data. Keenai’s website has instructions on how to retrieve your data from the service.

更新:我们在本文中推荐的Eye-Fi产品背后的公司Keenai于2018年9月4日宣布,他们将关闭。 只要应用商店中有可用的应用程序,Eye-Fi卡就应继续在独立模式下运行(这意味着没有云同步)。 他们的应用程序将来将不会更新。 用于在云中存储数据的Keenai服务将于2018年11月30日关闭。2018年12月1日之后,您将不再能够访问数据。 Keenai的网站上有关于如何从服务中检索数据的说明。

启用Wi-Fi的SD卡是秘诀 (Wi-Fi Enabled SD Cards Are the Secret Sauce)

An increasing number of digital cameras ship with built-in Wi-Fi support that makes it easy to wirelessly transfer your photos from your camera to your local network for storage, post-processing, uploading to social media, or all of the above—no tethering your camera to your computer or pulling the SD card required.


That’s a great feature to look for if you’re shopping for a new camera, but for everyone else rocking older cameras, a small upgrade is in order: a Wi-Fi SD card. Introduced several years ago, Wi-Fi enabled SD cards take advantage of the constant reduction and refinement of electronic components to pack in both photo storage and a tiny Wi-Fi radio into the form factor of an SD memory card. Aside from the label they look absolutely identical to their non-networked counterparts.

如果您要购买新相机,这是一个很棒的功能,但是对于摇摆旧相机的其他所有人,都需要进行一次小升级:Wi-Fi SD卡。 启用Wi-Fi的SD卡是在几年前推出的,它利用不断减少和完善的电子组件,将照片存储微型Wi-Fi无线电都包装到SD存储卡的外形中。 除了标签外,它们看上去与未联网的绝对相同。

There’s one big downside: the sticker shock. A Wi-FI SD card will typically run you 3-4 times the price of a similar non-Wi-FI SD card. You’ll also need to recharge your camera battery more frequently, as the Wi-FI SD card steals power from the battery to run the Wi-Fi radio and associated hardware—though newer cards are pretty power efficient.

有一个很大的缺点:贴纸震撼。 Wi-Fi SD卡的运行价格通常是同类非Wi-FI SD卡的3-4倍。 您还需要更频繁地为相机电池充电,因为Wi-FI SD卡会从电池中窃取电力来运行Wi-Fi无线电和相关硬件,尽管新卡具有很高的能效。

你需要什么 (What You Need)

Before all else, check to see if you even need a Wi-Fi SD card. While Wi-Fi integration used to be a very rare premium feature on digital cameras, increasingly you’ll find it on everything from DSLRs down to little pocket-size point-and-shoot cameras. Look up your camera model online to check the specs and ensure you’re not overlooking the built-in Wi-Fi features. (Note: Some camera models include additional menu functionality designed to integrate with a Wi-Fi SD card, but they don’t actually have Wi-Fi capabilities themselves. Be sure to read the fine print.)

首先,请检查您是否甚至需要Wi-Fi SD卡。 虽然Wi-Fi集成曾经是数码相机上非常罕见的高级功能,但从单反相机到小型袖珍傻瓜相机,您会发现越来越多的功能。 在线查找相机型号以检查规格,并确保您不会忽略内置的Wi-Fi功能。 (注意:某些型号的相机包括旨在与Wi-Fi SD卡集成的其他菜单功能,但实际上它们本身并不具有Wi-Fi功能。请务必阅读精美的图片。)

Second, you need to determine if your camera will support a Wi-Fi SD card. As a general rule, if your camera can support an SDHC card (an upgraded form of the original SD card format) then it should be able to handle a Wi-Fi card with no problem. Typically the only problem you’ll run into is if your camera is very aggressive in cutting the power to the SD card between read/write times—in that case, you may find that the camera doesn’t keep the juice flowing to the SD card long enough to transfer all your photos.To play it extra safe, you may wish to hit up Google and search for the model number of your camera and “Wi-Fi SD card” to see if people have had success.

其次,您需要确定您的相机是否支持Wi-Fi SD卡。 通常,如果您的相机可以支持SDHC卡(原始SD卡格式的升级形式),则它应该能够毫无问题地处理Wi-Fi卡。 通常,您会遇到的唯一问题是,如果您的相机在读取/写入时间之间非常激进地切断SD卡的电源,在这种情况下,您可能会发现相机没有让果汁流到SD足够长的时间来传输您的所有照片。为了更加安全地播放,您可能希望使用Google并搜索相机的型号和“ Wi-Fi SD卡”,以查看人们是否成功。

Finally, after checking out your camera’s feature list and that it supports SDHC cards, it’s time to pick out a Wi-Fi card. While there are several Wi-Fi cards on the market, including the Toshiba FlashAir, the Transcend Wi-Fi, and the EZ Share SD Card, we’ve opted to use the Eye-Fi company because the features (and companion software) are more polished and flexible—additionally, the Eye-Fi comes with 3-12 months of free online photo storage (depending on which model you get).

最后,在检查完相机的功能列表并支持SDHC卡之后,就该选择Wi-Fi卡了。 虽然市场上有几种Wi-Fi卡,包括东芝FlashAir,Transcend Wi-Fi和EZ Share SD卡,但我们选择使用Eye-Fi公司是因为这些功能(和配套软件)具有更精致,更灵活-此外,Eye-Fi还具有3-12个月的免费在线照片存储空间(取决于您使用的型号)。

The current generation Eye-Fi cards come in two flavors: the Eye-Fi Mobi 8GB ($31) and the Eye-Fi Mobi Pro 16GB and 32GB ($50 and $175, respectively). Between the two models, the Mobi Pro is a worthwhile upgrade, as the extra $19 gets you not only double the base storage space but a host of additional features like selective transfer (the regular Mobi automatically transfers all photos) and supports RAW format file syncing. The Pro also comes with 12 months of free online storage as opposed to the 3 you get with the regular model. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Eye-Fi Mobi Pro.

当前一代的Eye-Fi卡有两种口味: Eye-Fi Mobi 8GB (31美元)和Eye-Fi Mobi Pro 16GB和32GB (分别为50美元和175美元)。 在这两种型号之间,Mobi Pro是一个值得升级的升级,因为额外的19美元不仅使您的基本存储空间增加了一倍,而且还具有许多其他功能,例如选择性传输(常规Mobi自动传输所有照片)并支持RAW格式的文件同步。 Pro还具有12个月的免费在线存储空间,而普通型号则只有3个月。 在本教程中,我们将使用Eye-Fi Mobi Pro。

设置Eye-Fi SD卡 (Setting Up Your Eye-Fi SD Card)

To get started, first visit the Eye-Fi website and download the desktop software for your Windows or Mac computer. Run the installer when the download is complete. Don’t be alarmed that the software isn’t branded “Eye-Fi”; the Eye-Fi company was purchased by the Ricoh and the software was rebranded to match their Keenai photo storage company.

首先,请先访问Eye-Fi网站,然后下载适用于Windows或Mac计算机的桌面软件。 下载完成后,运行安装程序。 不要担心该软件的商标不是“ Eye-Fi”; 理光(Ricoh)收购了Eye-Fi公司,并对该软件进行了更名,以匹配其Keenai照片存储公司

After running the installed software, click on “Start your Keenai experience”, as seen below.


When prompted, enter your name, email, and a password, then click “Start your Keenai experience” again. If, for whatever reason, you do not want an account with the company or to take advantage of the online photo storage, you can skin this process by not filling anything out and instead clicking the “Skip” button in the corner.

出现提示时,输入您的姓名,电子邮件和密码,然后再次单击“开始您的Keenai体验”。 如果出于某种原因,您不想在该公司开户,或者不想使用在线照片存储,可以通过不填写任何内容并单击角落的“跳过”按钮来设置此过程的外观。

After signing up, you’ll see a confirmation of your new membership with the expiration date of your free photo storage. Click “Next”.

注册后,您将看到新会员资格的确认以及免费照片存储的到期日期。 点击下一步”。

Now, click on “Start your card activation” and grab the credit-card sized registration card that was packaged with your Eye-Fi SD card.

现在,单击“开始激活您的卡”,并获取与Eye-Fi SD卡包装在一起的信用卡大小的注册卡。

Enter your activation code and click “Next”.


In the next step, you can choose where you want the photos and videos transferred from your camera to end up. You can change the directories at any time in the future, so until you become familiar with the Eye-Fi workflow and confirm it is working to your satisfaction, we recommend leaving directories in their default state.

在下一步中,您可以选择结束从相机传输的照片和视频的位置。 您可以在以后的任何时候更改目录,因此,在您熟悉Eye-Fi工作流程并确认它令人满意之前,我们建议将目录保留为默认状态。

At this point, the workflow changes depending on whether you’re using a computer with a Wi-Fi connection or a hardwired Ethernet connection. If you’re using a computer with Wi-Fi, the software will use that Wi-Fi to scan for the temporary ad-hoc network created by the Eye-Fi card. If this is the situation you’re in, pop the card into your camera and snap a photo (the process of taking the photo and that photo being written to the card, completes the process).

此时,工作流程会根据您使用的是具有Wi-Fi连接还是有线以太网连接的计算机而变化。 如果您使用的计算机带有Wi-Fi,则该软件将使用该Wi-Fi扫描由Eye-Fi卡创建的临时ad-hoc网络。 如果您正遇到这种情况,请将存储卡弹出相机并拍摄照片(拍摄照片的过程以及将照片写入存储卡的过程都将完成)。

If this process fails or if you’re completing the setup on a computer with a wired network connection, however, you’ll need to insert the SD card in your computer, click “Cancel” to exit the setup wizard, and then right click on the Keenai icon in your computer’s system tray to select the “Options” menu entry, seen below.


Within the options menu (which will default to the settings for your Eye-Fi card if the card is inserted into your computer), click on the arrow to expand the Advanced Options.


Select your local Wi-Fi network and then click “Add Network”. Enter the Wi-Fi password when prompted and hit “OK”. If the setup is successful, the network name will appear under the column “Configured Networks”.

选择您的本地Wi-Fi网络,然后单击“添加网络”。 出现提示时输入Wi-Fi密码,然后单击“确定”。 如果安装成功,则网络名称将显示在“配置的网络”列下。

This settings menu is also where you can enable and disable RAW file transfer and selective transfer. If you choose to enable selective transfer on your Eye-Fi card, you can selectively transfer files by using your camera’s save/lock function to protect the photo from accidental deletion—when that flag is set on the photo, the Eye-Fi card understands you wish to transfer it to your nearby computer.

您也可以在此设置菜单中启用和禁用RAW文件传输和选择性传输。 如果您选择在Eye-Fi卡上启用选择性传输,则可以使用相机的保存/锁定功能有选择地传输文件,以防止照片被意外删除-当照片上设置了该标志时,Eye-Fi卡会理解您希望将其传输到附近的计算机。

Whether you’re just adding in the Wi-Fi network at this point or toggling any other settings, be sure to click the “Save” button in the lower corner. At this point you can eject the SD card from your computer and insert it into your camera to snap a test photo. The photo should automatically appear in the default folder on your PC, organized in a sub-folder with the date, like so:

无论您是此时添加Wi-Fi网络还是切换其他设置,请确保单击左下角的“保存”按钮。 此时,您可以从计算机中弹出SD卡,然后将其插入相机以拍摄测试照片。 照片应自动出现在PC的默认文件夹中,并按日期与子文件夹一起组织,如下所示:

You’ll also see the following toaster notification on your computer while transfers are in progress:


At this point, your camera is now online and capable of automatic Wi-FI photo transfer to your local computer. If you run into any issues or have additional questions about configuring your Eye-Fi card, check out the help files here.

此时,您的相机现在处于联机状态,并且能够将Wi-FI照片自动传输到本地计算机。 如果您在配置Eye-Fi卡时遇到任何问题或有其他疑问,请在此处查看帮助文件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/212506/how-to-wirelessly-transfer-photos-from-your-camera-to-your-computer/

计算机图形学 相机

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