
Animal Crossing Villagers

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has thousands of items you can collect. If you’re looking for something specific, trading with another player might be your best bet.

动物穿越:新视野有数千种您可以收集的物品。 如果您正在寻找特定的东西,那么与其他玩家交易可能是最好的选择。

动物穿越的虚拟经济 (Animal Crossing’s Virtual Economy)

Since Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released in the latter half of March, it has quickly become a global phenomenon, and one of the best-selling games of the year. Along with the rise of the game, many online resources have sprung up, providing tips and databases to help players build up their islands.

自3月下旬发行《动物穿越:新视野》以来,它已Swift成为一种全球现象,并且是一年中最畅销的游戏之一。 随着游戏的兴起,许多在线资源如雨后春笋般涌现,提供技巧和数据库来帮助玩家建立自己的岛屿。

One particularly interesting part of the game has been the rise of the Animal Crossing trading community. This network of New Horizons players from around the globe buy, sell, and exchange in-game items and resources. In conjunction, a vast online economy for the game has taken shape.

游戏中特别有趣的部分是动物穿越交易社区的兴起。 来自全球的新视野玩家网络购买,出售和交换游戏内物品和资源。 同时,游戏的庞大在线经济也已初具规模。

您可以交易什么 (What You Can Trade)

Animal Crossing Construction

You can trade nearly all the items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, except those that can’t be dropped, like fish and bugs. Anything you can pick up, drop, or plant, can be swapped with other players. This includes furniture, clothes, materials, flowers, and DIY recipes. You can also trade in bells or use Nook Miles Tickets.

您可以交易《动物穿越:新视野》中的几乎所有物品,除了那些不能掉落的物品,例如鱼和虫子。 您可以捡起,放下或种植的任何东西都可以与其他玩家交换。 这包括家具,衣服,材料,鲜花和DIY食谱。 您也可以换钟声或使用Nook Miles门票。

There’s even a way to trade villagers. To do so, a villager you own must be “in boxes,” meaning his house is filled with boxes, and he’s about to leave the island. To get a villager in boxes, he must first express his desire to move. He’ll pack up his stuff the next day.

甚至还有一种交易村民的方法。 为此,您拥有的村民必须“装在盒子里”,这意味着他的房子里装满了盒子,而他即将离开该岛。 为了让一个村民放进盒子里,他必须首先表达出搬迁的愿望。 第二天他会收拾东西。

While a villager is moving out, another player with an empty lot can visit and ask your villager to relocate to her island. You can obtain villagers in the same way, as long as you have an empty lot on your island.

当一个村民搬出去时,另一个空无一人的玩家可以拜访并要求你的村民搬到她的小岛上。 只要岛上有空地,您就可以以相同的方式获得村民。

Another thing you can trade on your island is services or resources. You can charge people to buy rare items at your Able Sisters or Saharah, to wish on a meteor shower for star fragments, or to sell their turnips to Nook’s Cranny. You can also hire others to water your flowers or pull weeds on your island.

您可以在岛上进行交易的另一件事是服务或资源。 您可以要求人们在您的Able Sisters或Saharah购买稀有物品,希望流星雨中获得星星碎片,或将萝卜出售给Nook的Cranny。 您也可以雇用其他人为您的花朵浇水或在岛上除草。

在哪里寻找贸易伙伴 (Where to Find Trading Partners)

Animal Crossing Nookazon Trading

Before you can trade, you have to find a trading partner. There are several places online where you can find items, villagers, or resources:

在进行交易之前,您必须找到贸易伙伴。 在网上有几个地方可以找到物品,村民或资源:

  • NookazonThis online trading platform was created specifically for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It features pages for every item in the game, and the sellers and buyers are all fellow players. Since it’s the most widely-used trading site for Animal Crossing, there are dozens of new listings for items every minute.

    Nookazon此在线交易平台是专门为Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns创建的。 它具有游戏中每个项目的页面,卖家和买家都是同伴。 由于它是Animal Crossing使用最广泛的交易网站,因此每分钟都有数十个新的物品清单。

  • Discord: Along with the official Discord-partnered Animal Crossing: New Horizons server that has half a million members, hundreds of smaller servers have sprung up with active trading communities.

    Discord:与正式的Discord合作的Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns服务器(拥有半百万会员)一起,活跃的贸易社区如雨后春笋般涌现出数百台小型服务器。

  • Social media: Searching Twitter and Facebook will lead you to hundreds of Animal Crossing-focused communities, where you can find items you need.


  • Reddit: Several Animal Crossing exchange subreddits, such as r/ACTrade and r/ACVillagers, are dedicated to facilitating trades between players.

    Reddit: r / ACTrader / ACVillagers等几个Animal Crossing交换子市场都致力于促进参与者之间的交易。

  • Friends: Of course, you can also trade with friends, family members, and anyone else you know who plays Animal Crossing.

    朋友:当然,您也可以与朋友,家人和其他认识Animal Crossing的人进行交易

交易流程 (The Trading Process)

Making a trade in New Horizons is a bit tedious, as there’s no real way to swap items with someone directly. To do a one-to-one trade, one of you must open the gates of your airport and make a Dodo code. This unique code allows you to visit another player’s island over the internet. The visitor then flies to the host’s island with the items in their pockets.

New Horizo​​ns中进行交易有点乏味,因为没有真正的方法可以直接与某人交换项目。 要进行一对一交易,你们中的一个必须打开机场的大门并输入Dodo代码。 此唯一的代码使您可以通过Internet访问另一个玩家的岛屿。 然后,游客带着口袋里的东西飞到主人的岛上。

Animal Crossing Dropped Items

After your visitor lands, you both go to an open plot of land. Your visitor then drops the items she wants to trade on the ground and you pick them up. After verifying the items are correct, the visitor returns to her island.

访客着陆后,你们俩都会去一块空旷的土地。 然后,您的访客将她想交易的物品掉落到地面,然后将其捡起。 验证项目正确之后,访客返回她的岛屿。

Other types of trades work in the same way. During transactions that involve charging an entrance fee for an island resource, players usually block off the entrance to the stores on their island. They also usually only move after the payment is dropped on the ground.

其他类型的交易也以相同的方式工作。 在涉及收取岛屿资源入场费的交易期间,玩家通常会封锁其岛屿上商店的入口。 它们通常也仅在付款被搁置后才移动。

贸易安全提示 (Trade Safety Tips)

Safety Tips Animal Crossing

Since Animal Crossing doesn’t have a direct way of facilitating an item swap, most in-game trades depend on the honor system.

由于Animal Crossing没有直接促进物品交换的方式,因此大多数游戏交易都依赖荣誉系统。

However, there are still a few tips that can help prevent you from being scammed out of your hard-earned items:


  • Check the other person’s reputation: If you’re trading with strangers, you should always be vigilant. On Nookazon, traders can rate each other. Check those out before you finalize a transaction.

    检查其他人的声誉:如果您与陌生人交易,则应始终保持警惕。 在Nookazon,交易者可以相互评价。 在完成交易之前,请先检查一下。

  • Verify: For art items, you can verify if they’re legitimate with Blathers in the museum.


  • Double-check everything: Before anyone (including you) leaves someone else’s island, double-check and make sure everything is there.


  • Communicate: Make sure you message any trading partners you may have, whether via Discord, Nookazon, or a messaging app. This will help you properly coordinate the terms of the trade.

    沟通:确保通过Discord,Nookazon或消息传递应用程序向您可能拥有的任何贸易伙伴发送消息。 这将帮助您适当地协调交易条件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675863/how-to-trade-with-other-players-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/

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