
window blinds shot with five different exposures

Exposure bracketing is a technique where, instead of taking a single photo, you take three (or more) that are all exposed slightly differently; normally one is correctly exposed, one slightly underexposed, and one slightly overexposed. It’s in quite a few situations, so let’s look at how it works.

包围曝光是一种技术,您可以拍摄三张(或更多张)曝光不同的照片,而不是拍摄一张照片。 通常一个正确曝光,一个稍微曝光不足,另一个稍微曝光过度。 在很多情况下,让我们看一下它是如何工作的。

包围曝光的基础 (The Basics of Exposure Bracketing)

Getting exposure right can be a complex subject. There are lots of things you have to balance: how your camera is metering the scene, your camera’s dynamic range, and of course, what settings you’re using. You might also be trying to deliberately overexpose your photos a little to get more data in the RAW file without going too far and blowing your highlights.

正确地进行曝光可能是一个复杂的话题。 您需要权衡很多事情:相机如何对场景进行测光,相机的动态范围以及您正在使用的设置。 您可能还试图故意使照片稍微曝光过度,以在RAW文件中获取更多数据,而又不要过分夸张

beach scene shown shown with under, normal, and over exposure

With all these moving pieces exposure bracketing is a solid technique for making sure that you get a good exposure while you’re on location—there are some things you can’t fix in post. By also taking one photo that is a stop or two underexposed and another that is a stop or two overexposed, even if you misjudge your exposure, you still have the bracketed shots. Landscape photographers sometimes refer to bracketed shots as “safety shots” for this reason.

对于所有这些移动的部件,包围曝光是一项可靠的技术,可确保您在就位时获得良好的曝光-有些事情您在后期无法解决。 通过同时拍摄一张停止或两张曝光不足的照片和另一张停止或两张曝光过度的照片,即使您误判了曝光,您仍然可以得到包围的照片。 因此,风景摄影师有时将包围拍摄称为“安全拍摄”。

If you shoot bracketed shots, there are also a few more advantages: you can always create an HDR image, you can blend different parts of the image yourself if you need to, and, if something is moving through the scene, you can replace it with original image data instead of relying on Photoshop’s tools.


Now, exposure bracketing only works well in certain situations. It’s really a landscape or architecture photography technique. If you’re photographing people, pets, or anything else that moves a lot, you won’t be able to shoot bracketed exposures; instead, you’ll just be taking different photographs with different exposure values.

现在,包围曝光仅在某些情况下有效。 它实际上是一种景观或建筑摄影技术。 如果您正在拍摄人物,宠物或其他动静不定的东西,则将无法拍摄包围曝光的照片。 相反,您将仅以不同的曝光值拍摄不同的照片。

如何进行包围曝光 (How to Take Bracketed Exposures)

There are two ways to take bracketed exposures: manually and automatically.


To manually take bracketed exposures, set up your camera for a shot as normal. You’ll get the best results if you’re using a tripod, but it’s not essential. As soon as you take your first shot, adjust the exposure compensation, shutter speed or ISO by around one stop and take a second shot. Adjust the shutter speed or ISO two stops in the other direction and take a third. Now you should have three identical photos that are one stop underexposed, correctly exposed, and one stop overexposed.

要手动进行包围曝光,请照常设置相机进行拍摄。 如果使用三脚架则将获得最佳效果,但这不是必需的。 拍摄第一张照片后,将曝光补偿快门速度ISO调整大约一,然后拍摄第二张照片。 调整快门速度或将ISO停在另一方向,然后再减三分之一。 现在,您应该拥有三张相同的照片,其中一档曝光不足,正确曝光,而另一档曝光过度。

sunset showing under, normal, and over exposures

To automatically take bracketed exposures, you’ll need to dive into your camera’s settings. The procedure is a bit different for every camera so check the manual for the specific steps. For my Canon 5D Mark III, it’s called Exposure Comp./AEB Setting. Look for something called Bracketing, Exposure Bracketing, EB, or the like.

要自动进行包围曝光,您需要深入了解相机的设置。 每个摄像机的操作步骤略有不同,因此请查看手册中的特定步骤。 对于我的佳能5D Mark III,它称为“曝光补偿/自动包围曝光设置”。 查找称为包围曝光,包围曝光,EB或类似的东西。

Canon 5D Mark III display showing exposure compensation settings

There, you’ll be able to adjust the exposure compensation, as well as the bracketed shots. In the image above, I have my camera set up to take one underexposed shot, one overexposed shot, and one shot as metered. Depending on your camera, there may also be additional options to set what order the shots are taken and whether there are three, five, or even seven frames.

在那里,您可以调整曝光补偿以及包围式拍摄。 在上图中,我将相机设置为拍摄一张曝光不足的照片,一张曝光过度的照片和一个测光的照片。 根据相机的不同,可能还会有其他选项来设置拍摄的顺序以及是否有三幅,五幅甚至七幅图像。

window blinds shot with five different exposures

Once you have exposure bracketing set up like this when you hold your finger on the shutter button your camera will take a burst of photos varying the shutter speed each time.


The advantage of bracketing manually is that you can adjust either the shutter speed or the ISO—adjusting the aperture changes the look of an image too much. When you use your camera’s automatic bracketing, it only adjusts the shutter speed, but it’s quicker and works automatically once you have it set up. Go with whichever option works best for your situation.

手动包围的优点是您可以调整快门速度或ISO-调整光圈会过多地改变图像的外观。 使用相机的自动包围曝光时,它只会调节快门速度,但是设置得更快,并且可以自动工作。 选择最适合您情况的选项。

Shooting bracketed exposures is a nice safety technique, especially for landscape photography. If I’ve gone to the effort of setting my camera up, I usually shoot a few bracketed frames just in case I need them.

拍摄包围曝光的照片是一种很好的安全技术,尤其是对于风景摄影而言。 如果我已经着手安装相机,通常会拍摄一些包围曝光的镜框,以防万一我需要它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402405/what-is-exposure-bracketing/

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