


The Cloud is ubiquitous, and with it, a myriad of service and products, many of which the average user doesn’t even comprehend. Cloud storage, however, is definitely something that nearly everyone uses, so which one do we think is best for you?

云无处不在,并伴随着无数的服务和产品,其中许多是普通用户甚至不理解的。 但是,云存储绝对是几乎每个人都使用的东西,那么我们认为哪一种最适合您?

For all intents and purposes, there are really just four cloud storage services we seriously consider: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and Apple iCloud.

出于所有目的和目的,实际上只有四个我们认真考虑的云存储服务:Dropbox,OneDrive,Google Drive和Apple iCloud。

We can talk at length about the other cloud storage services out there, of which there are many, but at the end of the day, these four are the ones we’re most likely to deal with. Each one has its merits and drawbacks, so many people might not realize which one will do the best job for their particular setup.

我们可以详细讨论那里的其他云存储服务,其中有很多,但归根结底,这四个是我们最有可能处理的服务。 每个人都有其优点和缺点,因此许多人可能没有意识到哪个人会为自己的特定设置做得最好。

Whether you use PCs, Macs, Android, iPads and iPhones, or even Linux, there’s got to be a cloud service that will best fit your devices and cloud storage needs.


投寄箱 (Dropbox)

Dropbox is the most well-known of the cloud services, and it’s been around the longest, but Dropbox hasn’t aged well and other cloud storage options have become more attractive.


Perhaps Dropbox’s largest draw is that it is probably the best option for hybrid households. Dropbox’s application is mature and works well across all platforms including Android, Windows, Apple products, and even Linux.

Dropbox最大的吸引力也许是它可能是混合家庭的最佳选择。 Dropbox的应用程序已经成熟,可以在包括Android,Windows,Apple产品甚至Linux在内的所有平台上很好地运行

Dropbox is still the stingiest with free accounts. It’s kind of ridiculous the company still only doles out 2 GB for basic accounts, so if you want a bit more cloud storage, then even iCloud (5 GB) is more generous. Upgrading to Dropbox Pro costs $99 and nets you 1 TB of space, which don’t get us wrong is quite a bit, but as we’ve discussed previously, will take seemingly forever to actually fill it up.

Dropbox仍然是免费帐户中最便宜的一种。 该公司仍然只能分配2 GB的基本帐户,这有点荒谬,因此,如果您想要更多的云存储空间,那么即使iCloud(5 GB)也更加慷慨。 升级到Dropbox Pro的费用为99美元,可以为您提供1 TB的空间,这并不会给我们带来很大的误解,但是正如我们之前所讨论的,要真正填满它似乎需要永远的时间。

Google云端硬碟 (Google Drive)

Google Drive is the natural choice for Android-heavy households. If you use Android-powered phones and tablets then Google Drive is already available to you due to your Google account.

对于拥有大量Android设备的家庭,Google Drive是自然的选择。 如果您使用的是Android手机和平板电脑,则由于您的Google帐户,因此您已经可以使用Google云端硬盘。

Unlike Dropbox, with Google Drive you start off with 15 GB of space so that might be good enough for the vast majority of users, or you can upgrade to 100 GB for $1.99/month or 1 TB for $9.99/month.

与Dropbox不同,使用Google云端硬盘时,您的存储空间为15 GB,因此对于绝大多数用户而言已经足够了,或者您可以以每月1.99美元的价格升级到100 GB,或者以每月9.99美元的价格升级到1 TB。

Google Drive works across all devices, including Windows, Mac, and iOS, but for the most part, if Android doesn’t come into play, such as if you only use an iPhone and a PC or Mac, then Google Drive is kind of unnecessary.


For PCs and Macs, things are a bit more clear-cut.


一个驱动器 (OneDrive)

If you use a Windows PC, then it’s OneDrive all the way. OneDrive is the natural choice since it’s already installed on Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines.

如果使用Windows PC,则始终使用OneDrive。 OneDrive自然的选择,因为它已经在Windows 8和Windows 10的机器上安装。

Seriously, this is a no-brainer because you can get 1 TB of storage and Office 365 for $6.99/month. This is even a good deal if you own Apple products, and even with a free plan, Microsoft lavishes users with 15 GB.

认真地说,这是理所当然的,因为您可以以每月6.99美元的价格获得1 TB的存储和Office 365 。 如果您拥有Apple产品,这甚至是一笔不错的交易,即使有免费计划,Microsoft也会为用户设置15 GB的限制。

That said, while OneDrive is a great deal, it’s desktop application is still kind of clunky, and if you use OneDrive on anything other than Windows, it’s still another application you have to download and install. Then again, so is Dropbox, Google Drive, or Apple iCloud, which don’t forget, is available for Windows machines.

就是说,尽管OneDrive非常重要,但它的桌面应用程序仍然有些笨拙,如果您在Windows以外的其他任何设备上使用OneDrive,则仍然需要下载并安装该应用程序。 再说一遍, Windows机器可以使用Dropbox,Google Drive或Apple iCloud,这些都不会忘记。

苹果iCloud (Apple iCloud)

If you are an Apple-only household, then there’s no reason to consider anything else, (unless you use Office 365). iCloud is specifically designed to work with Macs, iPhones, and iPads to share photos, videos, documents, and its Family Sharing plan lets you share with anyone else in your family with an Apple device of their own.

如果您是纯苹果家庭,则没有任何其他考虑(除非您使用Office 365)。 iCloud经过专门设计,可与Mac,iPhone和iPad共享照片,视频,文档,其“家庭共享”计划可让您使用自己的Apple设备与家庭中的其他任何人共享。

Additionally, iCloud will seamlessly sync Mail, Calendar, Reminders, Safari data, backups, and much more. You won’t be able to do this across all your Apple devices with any of the other cloud services. Pricing is comparable to Dropbox and Google Drive with 1 TB costing $9.99/month.

此外,iCloud将无缝同步邮件,日历,提醒,Safari数据,备份等。 使用其他任何云服务,您将无法在所有Apple设备上执行此操作。 其价格可与Dropbox和Google云端硬盘相媲美,其中1 TB的价格为每月9.99美元。

That said, if you use Android, iCloud isn’t an option, and while you can use it on Windows machine, it’s real power is only accessible behind Apple’s walled garden.


So, to sum up, if you primarily use Android, go with Google Drive. If you’re a Windows household, OneDrive is for you. Apple households should defer to iCloud, and if you use a combination of all these devices, then Dropbox is still a sound, logical choice.

因此,总而言之,如果您主要使用Android,请搭配Google云端硬盘。 如果您是Windows家庭,OneDrive就是您的理想选择。 苹果家庭应该遵循iCloud,如果您将所有这些设备组合使用,那么Dropbox仍然是合理的选择。

We hope that you found this article helpful. If you have anything you would like to add to the discussion, such as a comment or question, we urge you to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

希望本文对您有所帮助。 如果您有任何想添加到讨论中的内容,例如评论或问题,我们敦促您将反馈留在我们的讨论论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/231374/how-to-pick-the-best-cloud-service-for-your-needs-and-devices/






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