
Your cell phone will receive a national alert today, October 3, at around 2:18 pm ET. It’s only a test, so there’s nothing to worry about. Here’s what you need to know about these “presidential” alerts.

您的手机将在美国东部时间10月3日下午2:18左右收到国家警报。 这只是一个测试,因此无需担心。 您需要了解这些“总统”警报。

什么是无线紧急警报? (What are Wireless Emergency Alerts?)

This is the US government we’re talking about here, so get ready for some acronyms. We’ll try to keep them to a minimum, though.

这是我们在这里谈论的美国政府,因此请准备一些首字母缩写词。 但是,我们将尽量减少它们。

The Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system proper was created in 2012, but it’s actually been around longer than that. The FCC proposed and created the alert network in 2007 in response to an act passed by Congress in 2006—the Warning, Alert, and Response Network (WARN) Act. It was originally named the Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN), was later renamed the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS), and is now finally the WEA.

适当的无线紧急警报(WEA)系统创建于2012年,但实际上比这更长。 FCC在2007年根据国会在2006年通过的一项法案(《警告,警报和响应网络(WARN)法案》)提出并创建了警报网络。 它最初被称为个人本地警报网络(PLAN),后来被更名为商业移动警报系统(CMAS),现在终于成为WEA。

The idea behind the WEA is to be able to deliver alerts of different kinds to people all over the US but to also be able to target them to specific geographic regions when necessary. Right now, in cooperation with major wireless carriers, FEMA can deliver alerts nationally or to an area as small as a single county. They do this using a system known as the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). IPAWS is designed as a way to coordinate public safety alerts at the national level, whether those alerts are intended for the entire nation or a more targeted local area.

WEA背后的想法是能够向美国各地的人们传递不同类型的警报,还可以在必要时将其定位到特定的地理区域。 目前,FEMA与主要的无线运营商合作,可以在全国范围内或仅一个县的区域内发送警报。 他们使用称为综合公共警报和警告系统(IPAWS)的系统来执行此操作。 IPAWS被设计为在国家一级协调公共安全警报的一种方式,无论这些警报是针对整个国家还是针对性更强的区域。

Through IPAWS, FEMA and other agencies (like NOAA and the White House) can issue public safety alerts through a number of different systems:


  • WEA: The WEA delivers alerts to cell phones.

    WEA: WEA向手机发送警报。

  • EAS: The Emergency Alert System delivers alerts via radio and television.


  • IPAWS-NOAA Gateway: This is used to deliver alerts to weather radios.


  • IPAWS News Feed: This is used to deliver alerts to internet applications and websites.


It’s a robust system that helps ensure public safety alerts can reach a large percentage of the population.


好吧,那么什么是总统警报? (Okay, So What is a Presidential Alert?)

IPAWS allows for three basic types of alerts:


  • Presidential Alerts: These alerts are (by law) only used to alert the public of national emergencies—think terrorist attacks or widespread natural disasters. The alerts are issued at the direction of the President (or an appointee) and are activated by FEMA representatives.

    总统警报:(根据法律)这些警报仅用于向公众发出国家紧急情况的警报,例如恐怖袭击或广泛的自然灾害。 警报在总裁(或被任命者)的指示下发出,并由FEMA代表激活。

  • Extreme and Severe Threats: These alerts are used to alert the public to imminent safety threats, and are mostly used for weather warnings. Alerts of this type are typically sent to targeted geographic regions.

    极端和严重威胁:这些警报用于向公众发出即将来临的安全威胁警报,并且主要用于天气警报。 通常将此类警报发送到目标地理区域。

  • AMBER Alerts: These alerts notify the public about child abduction. They are also typically sent to targeted geographic regions.

    琥珀警报这些警报通知公众有关绑架儿童的信息。 它们通常也被发送到目标地理区域。

Though the Presidential alert system was established in 2006, this is its first nationwide test.


我今天能期待什么? (What Can I Expect Today?)

The test today is a joint WEA and EAS test. At 2:18 pm ET (or shortly after), you should see a text-based notification similar to a weather or AMBER alert. The text “Presidential Alert” will appear at the top and the message itself will read:

今天的测试是WEA和EAS的联合测试。 在美国东部时间下午2:18(或之后不久),您应该看到类似于天气或琥珀色警报的基于文本的通知。 文本“ Presidential Alert”将显示在顶部,消息本身将显示为:

“THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

“这是国家无线紧急警报系统的一项测试。 无需采取任何措施。”

If you happen to be watching television or listening to the radio around that time, you’ll also see this alert broadcast out over the Emergency Alert System (EAS). According to FEMA, that message will read:

如果您在那段时间碰巧正在看电视或收听广播,则还会在紧急警报系统(EAS)中看到此警报的广播。 根据FEMA的说法,该消息将显示为:

“THIS IS A TEST of the National Emergency Alert System. This system was developed by broadcast and cable operators in voluntary cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, and local authorities to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency an official message would have followed the tone alert you heard at the start of this message. A similar wireless emergency alert test message has been sent to all cell phones nationwide. Some cell phones will receive the message; others will not. No action is required.”

“这是国家紧​​急警报系统的一项测试。 该系统是由广播和有线电视运营商与联邦紧急事务管理局,联邦通信委员会和地方当局自愿合作开发的,目的是在发生紧急情况时及时通知您。 如果这是实际的紧急情况,则官方消息会跟随您在此消息开始时听到的提示音发出。 类似的无线紧急警报测试消息已发送到全国所有手机。 某些手机​​会收到该消息。 别人不会。 无需采取任何措施。”

If your phone is turned off or if you are on an active call at the time of the alert, you won’t receive the alert until you turn your phone on again or end your call. It’s also possible that if you leave your phone off or have a call that lasts for more than 30 minutes, you might not receive the alert at all. That’s one of the things they are testing. You also have to be within range of an active cell tower to receive the alert.

如果您的手机处于关闭状态或在发出警报时正在进行通话,则只有重新打开电话或结束通话后,您才会收到警报。 如果您不打听电话或通话时间超过30分钟,也可能根本不会收到警报。 这是他们正在测试的内容之一。 您还必须处于活动基站的范围内,才能接收警报。

我可以阻止这些警报吗? (Can I Block These Alerts?)

In accordance with the WARN act, you are allowed to block imminent safety and AMBER alerts, but not Presidential alerts. You can turn your phone off (and leave it off for about half an hour) if you don’t want to receive the alert. You can also set your phone to vibrate.

根据警告法案,您可以阻止即将发生的安全和琥珀色警报,但不能阻止总统警报。 如果您不想收到警报,可以关闭手机(并将其关闭约半小时)。 您还可以将手机设置为振动。

想了解更多? (Want to Learn More?)

If you want to know more about any of this stuff, check out the following sites:


Image Credit: Justin Singer/FEMA

图片来源:贾斯汀·辛格/ FEMA

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368281/what-is-the-“presidential-alert”-popup-on-your-phone-today/





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