


An IT administrator installing a rack-mounted server in a data center.
Arjuna Kodisinghe/Shutterstock.com Arjuna Kodisinghe / Shutterstock.com

A headless server is a computer without a monitor, keyboard, mouse, or other peripherals. Headless computers are normally controlled over the network. For example, picture the computers sitting on racks in data centers while powering websites. Those are headless servers.

无头服务器是没有监视器,键盘,鼠标或其他外围设备的计算机。 无头计算机通常通过网络进行控制。 例如,给网站供电时,想象一下坐在数据中心机架上的计算机。 这些是无头服务器。

“无头”是什么意思? (What Does “Headless” Mean?)

A “headless” computer system is just one without a local interface. There’s no monitor (“head”) plugged into it. There’s also no keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, or other local interface for controlling it.

“无头”计算机系统就是没有本地接口的计算机系统。 没有显示器(“头”)插入其中。 也没有键盘,鼠标,触摸屏或其他本地界面来控制它。

These systems aren’t computers you sit down and use like a desktop computer. They don’t have a graphical interface set up. You access and administer them remotely—generally over a network. For example, you might control a headless server through a web-based control panel or via SSH, which gives you a secure command-line shell you can access over a network. You could even access a graphical desktop over the network with a solution like Remote Desktop or VNC.

这些系统不是您坐下来使用的计算机,而是台式计算机。 他们没有设置图形界面。 您通常通过网络远程访问和管理它们。 例如,您可能通过基于Web的控制面板或SSH控制无头服务器,这为您提供了可通过网络访问的安全命令行外壳。 您甚至可以使用诸如远程桌面VNC之类的解决方案通过网络访问图形桌面。

You’ll see the term “headless” pop up in a variety of different contexts, but it always means the same thing. “Headless Linux” refers to a Linux system without a monitor and keyboard. A “headless Minecraft server” is a computer without a monitor and keyboard running a Minecraft server. You connect to the server over the network.

您会在各种不同的上下文中看到“无头”一词,但这始终意味着同一件事。 “无头Linux”是指没有监视器和键盘Linux系统。 “无头Minecraft服务器”是没有运行Minecraft服务器的显示器和键盘的计算机。 您通过网络连接到服务器。

无头服务器的重点是什么? (What’s the Point of a Headless Server?)

Not every computer system needs a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Many computers are servers designed for remote access. Data centers are full of “rack-mounted” computers, packing as much computing powers into as small a space as possible. They’ll save space, electricity, and money by not connecting each server computer to a separate monitor.

并非每个计算机系统都需要监视器,键盘和鼠标。 许多计算机都是为远程访问而设计的服务器。 数据中心到处都是“机架式”计算机,将尽可能多的计算能力打包到尽可能小的空间中。 通过不将每台服务器计算机连接到单独的显示器,它们将节省空间,电力和金钱。

Headless systems aren’t just for data centers. For example, you might choose to host a media server on an old computer you have lying around, letting you stream media from any device on your local network. Once you have, you might decide that you can just remove the media server computer’s monitor, keyboard, and mouse—after all, you just access it over the network. You can keep your server PC in a closet somewhere and control it without sitting down in front of it. You now have a headless server.

无头系统不仅适用于数据中心。 例如,您可以选择将媒体服务器托管在周围的旧计算机上,从而使您可以从本地网络上的任何设备流式传输媒体。 拥有之后,您可能会决定只删除媒体服务器计算机的监视器,键盘和鼠标,毕竟,您可以通过网络对其进行访问。 您可以将服务器PC放在壁橱中的某个位置并对其进行控制,而不必坐在前面。 您现在有了无头服务器。

These systems can be controlled and managed remotely without the peripherals getting in the way. If there is a reason you need a monitor and keyboard with a headless server—perhaps for troubleshooting a problem—you can always connect those peripherals when you need them.

这些系统可以远程控制和管理,而不会影响外围设备。 如果出于某种原因需要带无头服务器的显示器和键盘(可能是为了解决问题),则始终可以在需要时连接这些外围设备。

For example, Gartner estimated Google had around 2.5 million servers in its data centers around the world back in July 2016. Those are largely going to be headless servers—Google doesn’t need 2.5 million monitors and keyboards, too.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/660841/what-is-a-headless-server/






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