
Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The world is a stressful place right now. If you feel like you need a holiday, you should pick up Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch. Here’s why I and many other people love Animal Crossing.

目前,世界是一个充满压力的地方。 如果您觉得需要休假,则应该选择《动物穿越:任天堂开关的新视野》。 这就是为什么我和其他许多人喜欢Animal Crossin g的原因

Now is the perfect time to get into Animal Crossing. Fans have been eagerly awaiting a new release for almost a decade. Nintendo released Animal Crossing: New Horizons on March 20, 2020.

现在是进入动物穿越的最佳时机。 粉丝们一直在热切等待新版本发布近十年。 任天堂于2020年3月20日发布了《动物穿越:新视野》。

人们为什么喜欢动物穿越(Why Do People Love Animal Crossing?)

Animal Crossing is a life simulator. Each game has you move to a new town inhabited by adorable anthropomorphic animals. The latest entry in the series, New Horizons, has you sailing to a deserted island after purchasing a holiday package from a raccoon called Tom Nook.

动物穿越是一个生活模拟器。 每个游戏都将您带到一个居住着可爱的拟人化动物的新城镇。 该系列的最新作品《新视野》( New Horizo​​ns )让您在从一只名为Tom Nook的浣熊那里购买了度假套餐后,驶向了一个荒岛。

If you’ve never played an Animal Crossing game before, don’t be put off. There’s no story or homework to catch up on to enjoy this outing. I’m envious of anyone who hasn’t already dipped their toes in. There’s so much to discover and fall in love with on your first outing.

如果您以前从未玩过动物穿越游戏,请别犹豫。 没有故事或功课可以赶上这次郊游。 我羡慕尚未浸入脚趾的任何人。第一次踏足时,有太多东西可以发现和爱上。

The series began life on the GameCube in 2001, which established many of the franchise’s long-running characteristics. The most notable of these is a real-time clock and calendar that mirrors the real-life passage of time. The seasons change as they do in real life. Playing at different times of day provides different things to see and do, too.

该系列游戏于2001年在GameCube上开始使用,确立了该系列游戏的许多长期特性。 其中最引人注目的是实时时钟和日历,反映了真实的时间流逝。 季节在现实生活中会发生变化。 在一天的不同时间玩游戏也提供了不同的观察和做的事情。

While the game offers many things to explore, the core gameplay loop is simple. When you start, you’ll be given a basic dwelling and a loan from Tom Nook. You earn currency (known as bells) to pay off your loan, which in turn upgrades your dwelling. You’ll then be given a new loan to work off until you’ve got the biggest house in the village.

尽管游戏提供了许多探索的内容,但核心游戏循环却很简单。 开始时,您将获得汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)的基本住房和贷款。 您将赚取货币(称为钟声)以偿还贷款,这反过来又会升级您的住房。 然后,您将获得一笔新的贷款,以偿还债务,直到您拥有村里最大的房子。

But there are plenty of other things to do along the way. There’s a museum to fill with bugs, fossils, paintings, and more. You can collect shells, fruit, and seashells to sell for a profit. You can spend time socializing and sending letters or gifts to residents and real-life friends.

但是,在此过程中还有很多其他事情要做。 有一个博物馆,里面堆满了虫子,化石,油画等等。 您可以收集贝壳,水果和贝壳以牟利。 您可以花时间进行社交,并向居民和现实生活中的朋友发送信件或礼物。


Although this might not sound compelling on paper, the way Nintendo presents Animal Crossing elicits a sense of calm and serenity that few other games can match. The naive art style, soft yet vibrant color palette, and lullaby-like music is good for the soul.

尽管在纸面上听起来并不引人注目,但任天堂介绍《动物穿越》的方式让人产生一种其他游戏无法比拟的平静和安宁感。 天真的艺术风格,柔和而充满活力的调色板以及催眠曲般的音乐对灵魂有益。

Perhaps it’s the pace that’s most calming, though. While you’ll face pressures to pay off your loan and keep up with the busy social lives of your neighbors, you’re free to tackle the game at your own pace. There’s no game over screen, no ticking clock, and very few mistakes to be made.

不过,也许这是最令人平静的步伐。 虽然您将面临还清贷款和跟上邻居繁忙的社交生活的压力,但您可以按照自己的步调自由地应对这场比赛。 屏幕上没有游戏,时钟没有滴答作响,几乎没有犯错误。

Sitting on the beach watching the sun go down while fish nuzzle your line is a genuinely soothing experience. Your animated fellow residents are almost always happy to see you, and they make meaningful changes to your interactions the better you get to know them.

坐在沙滩上看着太阳落山,而鱼则使您的钓线更加舒缓。 您的动画同伴居民几乎总是很高兴见到您,并且他们对您的互动进行了有意义的更改,从而更好地了解了他们。

There’s much more beneath the surface that I’m holding back on, but I’m determined not to give too much away. You’ll have to play the game to get a real sense of what makes Animal Crossing feel so unique.

我要坚持做的事情很多,但我决心不付出太多。 您必须玩游戏才能真正了解什么使Animal Crossing如此独特。

新视野假期 (New Horizons is a Holiday)

The whole premise of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is that you’re heading to a deserted island for a holiday. To begin, all you have available to you is a tent, and it’s up to you to get to know your neighbors and take advantage of the world around you to move up in the world.

Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns的整个前提是您要前往荒凉的岛屿度假。 首先,您所拥有的只是一个帐篷,这取决于您了解邻居并利用周围的世界来向世界前进。

New Horizons introduces a few long-awaited features, including a robust crafting system. You can use basic resources like wood to craft items, then use items you have crafted to craft even more items. In previous titles, you could only decorate your house, but New Horizons lets you put furniture and decorative items anywhere on the island.

New Horizo​​ns引入了一些期待已久的功能,包括强大的制作系统。 您可以使用木材等基本资源来制作商品,然后使用自己制作的商品制作更多商品。 在以前的标题中,您只能装饰房屋,但是New Horizo​​ns允许您在岛上的任何位置放置家具和装饰物品。


The game also introduces a new currency, known as Nook Miles, that you earn by completing various tasks around the island. You can use your Nook Miles to buy unique items not available through other means. A deeper social system allows you to influence how other residents behave, including where they should build their homes.

游戏还引入了一种新货币,称为Nook Miles,您可以通过在岛上完成各种任务来赚取收益。 您可以使用Nook Miles购买其他方式无法获得的独特商品。 更深层次的社会体系使您能够影响其他居民的行为,包括他们应该在哪里建房。

The game’s other systems have also been expanded. There’s now an option to select between northern and southern hemispheres so that the seasons are correct wherever you’re playing. There are new types of weather, an expanded character customization system, and for the first time ever the game is in full HD.

游戏的其他系统也得到了扩展。 现在,您可以在北半球和南半球之间进行选择,这样无论您在哪里玩,季节都正确。 有新的天气类型,扩展的角色自定义系统,并且游戏首次以全高清播放。

While “HD graphics” might sound a bit 2010, the last Animal Crossing game on a home console was City Folk for the Wii, released in 2008. This level of detail, combined with the series’ charming art style, really is a feast for the eyes. From the way the leaves rustle in the trees, to the bobbing of a fishing lure, to the joyful animation of your character catching a rare fish—it all looks so good.

虽然“高清图形”可能在2010年听起来有点像,但家用游戏机上的最后一个《动物穿越》游戏是2008年发布的Wii版《城市民谣》。这种详细的水平,加上该系列迷人的艺术风格,确实是一场盛宴。眼睛。 从树叶在树丛中沙沙作响的方式,到鱼饵的晃动,到角色捕捉稀有鱼类的欢乐动画,一切看起来都很棒


And so, while New Horizons is a holiday for your in-game character, so too is it a holiday from the stresses of modern life. While the world hunkers down and prepares to ride out a once-in-a-century global pandemic, New Horizons is a vacation you can enjoy from home.

因此,尽管《新视野》是您游戏角色的假期,但现代生活的压力也是一个假期。 尽管世界处于困境之中,并准备摆脱百年一遇的全球性流行病,但新视野却是您可以在家享受的假期。

The game was supposed to launch in late 2019, but Nintendo delayed it to apply a final layer of polish. In the end, the timing couldn’t have been better.

该游戏原定于2019年末推出,但任天堂推迟了其应用最后一层抛光的步骤。 最后,时机再好不过了。

与朋友聚会的地方 (A Place to Hang Out with Friends)

In addition to anthropomorphic NPCs, including several longstanding series favorites, New Horizons offers several ways to play with your real-world friends. To start, each Nintendo Switch system will have a single island available to all users of that console.

除了拟人化的NPC(包括几个长期的系列收藏)外, New Horizo​​ns还提供了几种与现实世界中的朋友一起玩的方式。 首先,每个Nintendo Switch系统将为该控制台的所有用户提供一个可用的孤岛。

This means that if you’re sharing a Switch with your partner, housemates, or children, up to four of you will have a house on the same island. You will all be able to contribute items to the same museum, maintain and beautify the island as a group, and interact with the same residents. The first person on an island becomes the “Resident Representative.” You can play online with up to seven other friends via Nintendo Switch Online.

这意味着,如果您与伴侣,室友或孩子共享Switch,则多达四个人将在同一岛上拥有一所房子。 你们所有人都可以向同一个博物馆捐款,作为一个整体维护和美化该岛,并与同一个居民互动。 岛上的第一个人成为“居民代表”。 您可以通过Nintendo Switch Online与最多七个其他朋友在线玩。


The Resident Representative is charged with building much of the major structures and advancements in the game. Only they can build ramps and bridges, customize the flag, and make changes to other core aspects of village life.

驻地代表负责构建游戏的许多主要结构和改进功能。 只有他们才能建造坡道和桥梁,自定义旗帜并改变乡村生活的其他核心方面。

But you can still hang out with your friends, even if you’re on different systems and different islands. This can be done remotely via Nintendo Switch Online, or locally via local wireless play. It’s possible to visit each other’s islands, socialize with the residents, go fishing together, and more.

但是,即使您位于不同的系统和不同的岛屿上,您仍然可以与朋友一起出去玩。 可以通过Nintendo Switch Online远程完成,也可以通过本地无线播放在本地完成。 可以参观彼此的岛屿,与居民交往,一起钓鱼,等等。

At a time when we are being told to stay away from one another, New Horizons offers an opportunity to just hang out and embrace the mundane.

当我们被告知要彼此远离时, “新视野”提供了一个闲逛并拥抱世俗的机会。

世代头衔 (A Once in a Generation Title)

You’ll need a Nintendo Switch to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You can buy a physical copy of the game online or download it from the eShop on your Switch. The previous game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, is available for the Nintendo 3DS.

您需要Nintendo Switch才能玩Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns。 您可以购买游戏的实体副本 在线Switch的eShop下载。 任天堂3DS可以使用以前的游戏《动物穿越:新叶子》

A Nintendo Switch Online membership ($20 for a year) is required to interact with other people online.

与在线其他人互动需要Nintendo Switch Online会员资格(每年20美元)。

Nintendo released the game on March 20, 2020. Prior to its release, it already enjoyed critical acclaim from a wide variety of outlets including Polygon, Kotaku, IGN, VG247 and Game Informer.

Nintendo于2020年3月20日发布了这款游戏。在发布之前,它已经获得PolygonKotakuIGNVG247Game Informer等各种发行机构的好评

New Horizons offers a chance to escape stress, if only for a few hours a day. Seasoned Animal Crossing fans and newcomers alike can take solace in one of the most relaxing gaming experiences ever.

如果每天仅几个小时, New Horizo​​ns就有机会摆脱压力。 经验丰富的Animal Crossing爱好者和新手都可以从有史以来最轻松的游戏体验中解脱

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/663363/why-animal-crossing-is-great-and-why-you-should-play-it/

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