
Location History visualization and map in iPhone
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If you’ve ever wondered where you were last week, you can use your iPhone or iPad to view your location history. And if you use Google Maps, you can find very detailed information about your whereabouts.

如果您想知道上周在哪里,可以使用iPhone或iPad查看位置记录。 而且,如果您使用Google地图,则可以找到有关行踪的非常详细的信息。

位置记录和隐私 (Location History and Privacy)

All major tech companies and apps have some form of location tracking feature. Everyone from Apple, Google, Facebook, to Twitter does it. Each company uses the data in different ways.

所有主要的科技公司和应用程序都具有某种形式的位置跟踪功能。 从Apple,Google,Facebook到Twitter,每个人都可以做到。 每个公司以不同的方式使用数据。

Apple, for example, only collects a pool of significant locations that you have visited in the past and claims it doesn’t share this data with anyone. Google, on the other hand, keeps a detailed track of all your activity, especially if you use Google Maps.

例如,Apple仅收集您过去访问过的重要地点的资源池,并声称不与任何人共享此数据。 另一方面,Google会详细记录您的所有活动,尤其是在您使用Google Maps的情况下

If you open Google Maps’ Timeline view, you’ll be able to see exactly where you traveled on a given day—even if you didn’t use Google Maps for navigation—thanks to background location tracking.

如果您打开Goog​​le Maps的“时间轴”视图,由于后台位置跟踪,即使您没有使用Google Maps进行导航,您也可以确切地看到该天的去向

Both these services opt you in by default, but you can disable location tracking if needed.


查找您的iPhone或iPad的位置记录 (Find Your Location History of Your iPhone or iPad)

First, let’s talk about finding the location history on your iPhone or iPad. Open the Settings app and tap on “Privacy.”

首先,让我们谈谈在iPhone或iPad上查找位置记录。 打开“设置”应用,然后点击“隐私”。

Tap on Privacy from Settings app

From here, select “Location Services.”


Tap on Location Services from Privacy app

Scroll down in this screen and tap on “System Services.”


Tap on System Services from Privacy section

From the next screen, tap on “Significant Locations.”


Tap on Significant Location to see location tracking details

Here, locate the History section, which collects and groups places based on how often you’ve visited them.


If you wish to clear the history, you can scroll down and tap on “Clear History.” If you want to stop location tracking on your iPhone or iPad, go to the top of the screen and tap on the toggle next to “Significant Locations.”

如果您想清除历史记录,可以向下滚动并点击“清除历史记录”。 如果要停止在iPhone或iPad上进行位置跟踪,请转到屏幕顶部,然后点击“重要位置”旁边的切换按钮。

Click on Significant Locations toggle to turn it off

When you tap on a location collection from the “History” section, it will show you a visual breakdown in the next screen. You’ll see the map of all locations at the top of the display.

当您点击“历史记录”部分中的位置信息集时,它将在下一个屏幕中向您显示视觉细分。 您将在显示屏顶部看到所有位置的地图。

Tap on a location collection to view details

Tap on one of the visits to see a detailed view of the area you visited. The detailed view will also show the time of your visit and the mode of transport along with the date.

点击其中一个访问,即可查看您所访问区域的详细视图。 详细视图还将显示您的访问时间,运输方式以及日期。

在Google地图中查找您的位置记录 (Find Your Location History in Google Maps)

Apple stores a limited amount of location history data and doesn’t let you browse through the data in a timeline view. Google, on the other hand, has a detailed Timeline view that lets you browse through the roads you traveled through and the places you visited on a given day.

Apple存储的位置历史记录数据数量有限,并且不允许您在时间轴视图中浏览这些数据。 Google另一方面具有详细的“时间轴”视图,可让您浏览所经过的道路和特定日期的访问地点。

If you use the Google Maps app on your iPhone or iPad for navigation, you can use Google Maps’ Timeline feature to access your location history.

如果您使用iPhone或iPad上的Google Maps应用进行导航,则可以使用Google Maps的时间轴功能来访问您的位置记录。

Google Maps’ ability to track your location depends on your privacy settings. You can choose to allow Google to track your location only when you’re using the app or to always track your location in the background. You can change this setting on your iPhone or iPad by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Google Maps.

Google Maps跟踪您的位置的能力取决于您的隐私设置。 您可以选择仅在使用应用程序时允许Google跟踪您的位置,或者始终在后台跟踪您的位置。 您可以转到设置>隐私>位置服务> Google地图,在iPhone或iPad上更改此设置。

If you want, you can also disable the Location History feature from your Google account settings (we’ve outlined the steps below).


The Google Maps Timeline page can be accessed on the web on your iPhone, iPad, or computer. For the best viewing experience, try to use a laptop or a desktop computer. You’ll see the map of the world with some places highlighted. Here, you can pan around and click on a location to see the available data points.

您可以通过iPhone,iPad或计算机上的网络访问Google Maps时间轴页面。 为了获得最佳观看体验,请尝试使用便携式计算机或台式计算机。 您会看到突出显示某些地方的世界地图。 在这里,您可以平移并单击某个位置以查看可用的数据点。

Google Maps Timeline view for your account showing the map of your country

In the top-left corner, you’ll see the timeline interface. From here, you can pick any date to see the detailed breakdown of your travel data. On the right, you’ll see the route you took in the map view.

在左上角,您将看到时间线界面。 在这里,您可以选择任何日期以查看您的旅行数据的详细分类。 在右侧,您将在地图视图中看到您选择的路线。

On the left, you’ll see the timeline view with details of the places you visited, the time of the visit, and how long you stayed at a location. If you use Google Photos, you’ll also see all your images from your trip here.

在左侧,您将看到时间轴视图,其中包含您所访问的地点,访问时间以及您在一个位置停留多长时间的详细信息。 如果您使用Google相册,您还将在这里看到旅途中的所有图像。

Take a look at your location history data from a given day in Google Maps Timeline view

If you don’t want Google to collect and store this data (it helps to improve Google’s suggestions and search results in Maps), you can disable the Location History feature altogether.


In the Google Maps Timeline page, you’ll see a location history section in the bottom row. It will say “Location History Is On.” From this section, click on the “Manage Location History” button.

Google地图时间轴页面,您将在底行看到位置记录部分。 它将显示“位置记录已开启”。 在此部分中,单击“管理位置记录”按钮。

Click on Manage Location History button from Google Maps Timeline page

From the next screen, turn off the toggle next to “Location History” to turn off location tracking.


Turn off Location History for Google Maps

While this stops the Google Maps app on your devices from tracking your location, some Google apps will still store time-stamped location data. You can disable this activity by turning off Web & App Activity in settings.

尽管这可以阻止您设备上的Google Maps应用跟踪您的位置,但某些Google应用仍会存储带时间戳的位置数据。 您可以通过在设置中关闭“网络与应用活动”来禁用此活动。

Now that you know how to look up location history on your iPhone and iPad, remember to bring it up next time you’re wondering where you went and what you did on your last vacation. While Apple might not have precise data, rest assured, Google Maps will.

既然您知道如何在iPhone和iPad上查找位置记录,那么下次您想知道自己去过的地方以及上次度假时的操作时,记得记住。 尽管Apple可能没有准确的数据,但请放心,Google Maps会提供。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437871/how-to-find-your-location-history-on-iphone-or-ipad/





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