创建可启动的Ubuntu 9.10 USB闪存盘

The Ubuntu Live CD isn’t just useful for trying out Ubuntu before you install it, you can also use it to maintain and repair your Windows PC. Even if you have no intention of installing Linux, every Windows user should have a bootable Ubuntu USB drive on hand in case something goes wrong in Windows.

Ubuntu Live CD不仅对在安装Ubuntu之前试用Ubuntu有用,还可以用于维护和修复Windows PC。 即使您无意安装Linux,每个Windows用户都应准备一个可引导的Ubuntu USB驱动器,以防Windows中出现问题。

Creating a bootable USB flash drive is surprisingly easy with a small self-contained application called UNetbootin. It will even download Ubuntu for you!

使用一个名为UNetbootin的小型独立应用程序,创建可启动USB闪存驱动器非常容易。 它甚至会为您下载Ubuntu!

Note: Ubuntu will take up approximately 700 MB on your flash drive, so choose a flash drive with at least 1 GB of free space, formatted as FAT32. This process should not remove any existing files on the flash drive, but to be safe you should backup the files on your flash drive.

注意:Ubuntu将在您的闪存驱动器上占用约700 MB,因此请选择至少具有1 GB可用空间的闪存驱动器,格式为FAT32。 此过程不应删除闪存驱动器上的任何现有文件,但为了安全起见,应备份闪存驱动器上的文件。

Put Ubuntu on your flash drive


UNetbootin doesn’t require installation; just download the application and run it.

UNetbootin不需要安装。 只需下载并运行该应用程序即可。


Select Ubuntu from the Distribution drop-down box, then 9.10_Live from the Version drop-down box. If you have a 64-bit machine, then select 9.10_Live_x64 for the Version.

从“分发”下拉框中选择Ubuntu,然后从“版本”下拉框中选择9.10_Live。 如果您使用的是64位计算机,则选择9.10_Live_x64作为版本。


At the bottom of the screen, select the drive letter that corresponds to the USB drive that you want to put Ubuntu on. If you select USB Drive in the Type drop-down box, the only drive letters available will be USB flash drives.

在屏幕底部,选择与要放入Ubuntu的USB驱动器相对应的驱动器号。 如果在“类型”下拉框中选择“ USB驱动器”,则唯一可用的驱动器号将是USB闪存驱动器。


Click OK and UNetbootin will start doing its thing. First it will download the Ubuntu Live CD.

单击“确定”,UNetbootin将开始执行其操作。 首先,它将下载Ubuntu Live CD。


Then, it will copy the files from the Ubuntu Live CD to your flash drive.

然后,它将文件从Ubuntu Live CD复制到您的闪存驱动器。


The amount of time it takes will vary depending on your Internet speed, an when it’s done, click on Exit. You’re not planning on installing Ubuntu right now, so there’s no need to reboot.

时间的长短取决于您的Internet速度,完成后,请单击“退出”。 您现在不打算安装Ubuntu,因此无需重新启动。


If you look at the USB drive now, you should see a bunch of new files and folders. If you had files on the drive before, they should still be present.

如果现在查看USB驱动器,应该会看到一堆新文件和文件夹。 如果您以前在驱动器上有文件,它们应该仍然存在。


You’re now ready to boot your computer into Ubuntu 9.10!

现在您可以将计算机引导到Ubuntu 9.10了!

How to boot into Ubuntu


When the time comes that you have to boot into Ubuntu, or if you just want to test and make sure that your flash drive works properly, you will have to set your computer to boot off of the flash drive.


The steps to do this will vary depending on your BIOS – which varies depending on your motherboard. To get detailed instructions on changing how your computer boots, search for your motherboard’s manual (or your laptop’s manual for a laptop).

具体操作取决于您的BIOS,具体取决于您的主板。 要获取有关更改计算机启动方式的详细说明,请搜索主板手册(或笔记本电脑的笔记本电脑手册)。

For general instructions, which will suffice for 99% of you, read on.


Find the important keyboard keys


When your computer boots up, a bunch of words and numbers flash across the screen, usually to be ignored. This time, you need to scan the boot-up screen for a few key words with some associated keys: Boot menu and Setup. Typically, these will show up at the bottom of the screen.

当您的计算机启动时,屏幕上会闪烁出许多单词和数字,通常可以忽略不计。 这次,您需要在启动屏幕上扫描一些关键词以及一些相关的键:引导菜单和设置。 通常,这些内容将显示在屏幕底部。


If your BIOS has a Boot Menu, then read on. Otherwise, skip to the Hard: Using Setup section.

如果您的BIOS具有引导菜单,请继续阅读。 否则,请跳至“困难:使用安装程序”部分。

Easy: Using the Boot Menu


If your BIOS offers a Boot Menu, then during the boot-up process, press the button associated with the Boot Menu. In our case, this is ESC.

如果您的BIOS提供了引导菜单,则在引导过程中,按与引导菜单相关的按钮。 在我们的例子中,这是ESC。


Our example Boot Menu doesn’t have the ability to boot from USB, but your Boot Menu should have some options, such as USB-CDROM, USB-HDD, USB-FLOPPY, and others. Try the options that start with USB until you find one that works.

我们的示例启动菜单无法从USB启动,但是您的启动菜单应具有某些选项,例如USB-CDROM,USB-HDD,USB-FLOPPY等。 尝试以USB开头的选项,直到找到可行的选项。

Don’t worry if it doesn’t work – you can just restart and try again.


Using the Boot Menu does not change the normal boot order on your system, so the next time you start up your computer it will boot from the hard drive as normal.


Hard: Using Setup


If your BIOS doesn’t offer a Boot Menu, then you will have to change the boot order in Setup.


Note: There are some options in BIOS Setup that can affect the stability of your machine. Take care to only change the boot order options.

注意:BIOS Setup中有一些选项可能会影响计算机的稳定性。 注意仅更改引导顺序选项。

Press the button associated with Setup. In our case, this is F2.

按下与设置相关的按钮。 在我们的例子中,这是F2。


If your BIOS Setup has a Boot tab, then switch to it and change the order such that one of the USB options occurs first. There may be several USB options, such as USB-CDROM, USB-HDD, USB-FLOPPY, and others; try them out to see which one works for you.

如果您的BIOS设置具有“引导”选项卡,请切换至该选项卡并更改顺序,以使USB选项之一首先出现。 可能有几种USB选项,例如USB-CDROM,USB-HDD,USB-FLOPPY等。 试试看,看看哪一种适合您。

If your BIOS does not have a boot tab, boot order is commonly found in Advanced CMOS Options.


Note that this changes the boot order permanently until you change it back. If you plan on only plugging in a bootable flash drive when you want to boot from it, then you could leave the boot order as it is, but you may find it easier to switch the order back to the previous order when you reboot from Ubuntu.

请注意,这将永久更改引导顺序,直到您将其更改回为止。 如果您只想在要从可启动闪存驱动器启动时插入可启动闪存驱动器,则可以按原样保留启动顺序,但是当您从Ubuntu重新启动时,您可能会发现将其切换回先前的顺序更容易。

Booting into Ubuntu


If you set the right boot option, then you should be greeted with the UNetbootin screen.



Press enter to start Ubuntu with the default options, or wait 10 seconds for this to happen automatically.


Ubuntu will start loading.



It should go straight to the desktop with no need for a username or password.



And that’s it! From this live desktop session, you can try out Ubuntu, and even install software that is not included in the live CD. Installed software will only last for the duration of your session – the next time you start up the live CD it will be back to its original state.

就是这样! 在此实时桌面会话中,您可以试用Ubuntu,甚至可以安装Live CD中未包含的软件。 安装的软件将仅在会话期间持续使用-下次启动实时CD时,它将恢复为原始状态。

Download UNetbootin from sourceforge.net


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13379/create-a-bootable-ubuntu-9.10-usb-flash-drive/

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