psa name_PSA:确保您有备份两因素身份验证

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Two factor authentication (2FA) is generally a great security tool. But if you have it enabled on your Apple or Google accounts, this could really come back to bite you in the worst way. Here’s what you need to know.

通常,两因素身份验证(2FA)是一个很好的安全工具。 但是,如果您在Apple或Google帐户上启用了此功能,这可能会以最糟糕的方式再次咬住您。 这是您需要知道的。

什么是两因素身份验证? (What is Two Factor Authentication?)

Put simply, 2FA gives you additional security for an account over just using your password. The two factors that the name refer to are generally identified as something you know and something you have. The something you know is your password or passcode. The something you have is a physical thing you own. While that can be something like a smart card or USB key, for most people it’s their smart phone.

简而言之,2FA不仅可以使用密码为您提供帐户的额外安全性。 该名称所指的两个因素通常被标识为您知道拥有的东西。 您知道的是您的密码或密码。 您拥有的东西是您拥有的物质东西。 尽管这可以像智能卡或USB钥匙一样,但对于大多数人来说,这是他们的智能手机。

Generally, 2FA works as follows. When you sign into a site or app, it asks for your password. After you enter a password, you’re asked to enter a code that shows up on your phone. That code might come from an app like Google Authenticator or Authy, or it might come from a text message that the service sends you.

通常,2FA的工作原理如下。 当您登录网站或应用程序时,它会要求您输入密码。 输入密码后,系统会要求您输入显示在手机上的密码。 该代码可能来自Google Authenticator或Authy之类的应用,也可能来自该服务向您发送的短信。

That second layer of security is what makes using 2FA a really good idea. For the most part, additional layers of security are a good thing. Of course, there’s a cloud for every silver lining and, in the case of 2FA, that cloud comes in the form of what happens if you lose your phone. More specifically, what happens if you lose the phone you use for 2FA and then you can’t sign in to the very tools you might use to find your phone because…you know…you don’t have your phone.

第二层安全性使使用2FA成为一个真正的好主意。 在大多数情况下,增加安全性是一件好事。 当然,每条希望线都有一个阴云,对于2FA,该阴云的形式就是丢失手机会发生的情况。 更具体地说,如果丢失了用于2FA的电话,然后又无法登录用于查找电话的工具,将会发生什么情况,因为……您知道……您没有电话。

两因素身份验证何时出现问题? (When is Two Factor Authentication a Problem?)

Here’s the scenario: you have one phone and it gets stolen or lost. Regardless of whether it’s an Android phone or iPhone, you can use the available tracking tools to attempt to locate your lost or stolen phone.

情况如下:您只有一部手机,但手机被盗或丢失。 无论是Android手机还是iPhone,您都可以使用可用的跟踪工具来查找丢失或被盗的手机。

But if it has been turned off, these services won’t be able to locate it. In a panic, you realize that you’ll need to remotely wipe the device. Then it happens: a request for the 2FA code that was sent to your phone. You know, the one you no longer have.

但是,如果已将其关闭,则这些服务将无法找到它。 惊慌失措时,您意识到需要远程擦除设备。 然后它发生了:发送到您的手机的2FA代码请求。 你知道的,你不再拥有的那个。

At this point, you’re in trouble. You have no way to input the code, because you can’t get the code. Ergo, you have no way to wipe your device. Just the thought of my private data being out there—even on an encrypted phone with a secured lock screen—is gut churning.

此时,您遇到了麻烦。 您无法输入代码,因为无法获取代码。 太好了,您无法擦除设备。 只是想到我的私人数据在那里—甚至是在带有安全锁定屏幕的加密电话上—都在搅动。

And of course, there’s also the fact that you can no longer use the device to authorize your sign in to other apps and sites.


That’s why it’s important that you take some steps to prevent this situation from every happening in the first place. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

这就是为什么您必须采取一些措施以防止这种情况首先发生的原因很重要。 不要等到为时已晚。

您现在可以采取哪些措施来保护自己的帐户 (What You Can Do to Protect Your Accounts Right Now)

If you want to make sure you never end up in this situation (and really, you should), there are ways to be ready in case this ever happens. Here’s how to do it for both Google and Apple accounts.

如果您想确保自己永远不会遇到这种情况(确实应该这样做),那么可以采取一些措施以防万一。 这是针对Google和Apple帐户的操作方法。

对于Google帐户:保存您的备用验证码 (For Google Accounts: Save Your Backup Codes)

When you set up 2FA on your Google account, it gives you an option to print off backup codes. Do it. If anything happens to your phone and you need to get into your Google account, these codes will be your lifeline.

当您在Google帐户上设置2FA时,它会为您提供打印备用代码的选项。 做吧如果您的手机有任何问题,并且您需要进入Google帐户,那么这些密码将是您的生命线。

If you already have 2FA set up on your Google account (which is very likely), you can do this after the fact. First, sign in to your Google Account, and then choose “Signing in to Google” under the Sign in & Security column.

如果您已经在自己的Google帐户上设置了2FA(很有可能),那么事后可以这样做。 首先,登录到您的Google帐户,然后在“登录和安全性”列下选择“登录到Google”。

On the next page, click the “2-Step Verification” option. It should re-prompt for your password here.

在下一页上,单击“两步验证”选项。 它应该在这里重新提示您输入密码。

Scroll to the bottom and find the “Backup Codes” section. Click the “Show Codes” link, and then download and/or print them—just make sure you keep them in a safe place. Seriously, these are important to have on-hand, but you also don’t want to lose them or have the wrong people find them.

滚动到底部,然后找到“备份代码”部分。 点击“显示代码”链接,然后下载和/或打印它们-只要确保将它们放在安全的地方即可。 认真地讲,这些对于手头很重要,但是您也不想丢失它们或让错误的人找到它们。

If you ever get in a situation where you need to get into your account and you don’t have access to your main 2FA device, you can use those backup codes.


When you sign in and Google requests your code, click the “Having Trouble” link instead.


From there, choose the “Enter One of Your 8-Digit Backup Codes” option.


Enter one of the backup codes, and you’ll be logged in.


对于Apple帐户:添加第二个电话号码 (For Apple Accounts: Add a Second Phone Number)

Apple doesn’t offer backup codes for your account, so the best thing you can do here is add a second phone number to your account—a work phone, spouse’s phone, sibling’s phone…just make it someone you trust and who’s phone you can access in a pinch.


To set it up, go ahead and log in to your Apple account—if you already have 2FA enabled, you’ll need to verify here. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you have a backup system in place.

要进行设置,请继续并登录到您的Apple帐户-如果您已经启用了2FA,则需要在此处进行验证。 这就是为什么确保拥有适当的备份系统如此重要。

From there, click the “Edit” button beside Trusted Phone Numbers under the Security section.


Click the “Add a Trusted Phone Number” link


Type the number, choose your method of verification (text message or phone call), and then click the “Continue” button.


Apple will send a code to that device. Once you get the code, type it into the site to add the new number. Done.

苹果将​​向该设备发送代码。 收到代码后,将其输入网站以添加新号码。 做完了

Should you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to use this second phone number, you’ll need to click the “Didn’t Get A Verification Code” link, and then select the “Use Phone Number” option.


It will show the last two digits of each phone number here—just choose the one where you need the code sent.


Done and done.


Being locked out of your account during a crucial time like having a missing phone is gut wrenching. By taking a few minutes to save your backup codes or add a second phone number, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and heartache.

在关键时刻(例如丢失手机)被拒之门外,这真是令人发指。 通过花几分钟来保存您的备用验证码或添加第二个电话号码,您可以节省很多挫败感和痛苦。


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