询问HTG:Phantom HDMI声音问题,安装Stock Android键盘和网络范围的URL记录


Each week we dip into our reader mailbag and answer your pressing tech questions. This week we’re looking at an HDMI connection with phantom sound issues, how to install the stock Android keyboard, and how to log URLS visited from your network.

每周我们都会浸入阅读器邮袋,并回答您紧迫的技术问题。 本周,我们将探讨存在幻像声音问题的HDMI连接,如何安装普通的Android键盘以及如何记录从网络访问的URL。

(Fixing Phantom HDMI Sound Problems)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’m hoping you can help solve a very weird tech issue I’m having. I feel like there is a ghost living in my media center. When my wife uses the media center there is never any sound until she reboots the system—every time she goes to watch a movie or TV show the sound is always missing. Whenever I use the system the sound works just fine. I cannot figure it out. I’ve looked at all the settings, I’ve updated drivers, I just cannot figure it out.

我希望您能帮助解决我遇到的一个非常奇怪的技术问题。 我感觉我的媒体中心里有鬼。 当我的妻子使用媒体中心时,直到她重新启动系统后才发出任何声音-每当她去看电影或电视节目时,声音总是会消失的。 每当使用系统时,声音都很好。 我想不明白。 我已经查看了所有设置,更新了驱动程序,但无法弄清楚。

The system is a hand built PC with a micro ATX board that has a built in HDMI port, running XBMC, connected to an HDTV by an HDMI cable from the motherboard. I’ve done everything I can think of including swapping the HDMI cable. What gives? It’s driving me crazy!

该系统是一个带有微型ATX板的手动PC,该板具有一个内置的HDMI端口,运行XBMC,并通过主板上的HDMI电缆连接到HDTV。 我已经做了可以想到的一切,包括更换HDMI电缆。 是什么赋予了? 这让我疯狂!



HDMI Tripping in Houston


Dear HDMI Tripping,

尊敬的HDMI Tripping,

You’ll laugh (or cry) when you hear what the issue is with your setup. We’re not the gambling sort but if we were, we’d bet a large sum of money on this scenario: when your wife goes to use the media center she turns on the media center first then the HDTV and when you use the media center you turn the HDTV on first then the media center.

听到您的设置存在问题时,您会笑(或哭)。 我们不是赌博类型,但如果是的话,我们会在这种情况下下大笔赌注:当您的妻子去使用媒体中心时,她先打开媒体中心,然后再打开HDTV,然后再使用媒体居中,首先打开HDTV,然后再打开媒体中心。

We’ve seen the issue with enough different HDMI devices (especially motherboards with HDMI ports) that we’d almost guarantee that’s the issue. Some device/televisions combinations have a very odd quirk with HDMI cables/ports in that the sound and/or video (but almost always just the sound) fails to initialize when the device is turned on before the television. Since it seems to effect primarily HTPCs our theory is that the hardware switches to other audio devices when there is no signal response on the HDMI port for sound. Perhaps updating your BIOS on the HTPC might help?

我们已经看到足够多的不同HDMI设备(尤其是带有HDMI端口的主板)存在的问题,几乎可以保证这是问题所在。 某些设备/电视组合对HDMI电缆/端口有一个很奇怪的怪癖,因为在电视之前打开设备时,声音和/或视频(但几乎总是声音)无法初始化。 由于它似乎主要影响HTPC,因此我们的理论是,当HDMI端口上没有声音信号响应时,硬件会切换到其他音频设备。 也许在HTPC上更新BIOS可能会有所帮助?

In short, turn the HDTV on first, then the media center, and your haunting problems will vanish.


(Changing the HTC Keyboard to the Default Android Keyboard)

Dear How-To Geek

亲爱的How-To Geek

Last week you shared a sweet tip about swiping up to expand the Android keyboard. I tried it on my Sprint HTC Evo and nothing happened. According to the phone it’s running 2.3.3 which is higher than the 2.2 you said it required. What gives? Am I doing something wrong?

上周,您分享了有关向上滑动以扩展Android键盘的贴心提示。 我在Sprint HTC Evo上尝试了一下,但没有任何React。 根据电话,它正在运行2.3.3,高于您所说的要求2.2。 是什么赋予了? 难道我做错了什么?



Keyboard Longing in Connecticut


Dear Keyboard,


You’re not doing anything wrong. The HTC Evo ships with the HTC custom keyboard (not the default Android keyboard the trick applies to). What you need to do is install the default keyboard so you can enjoy the swipe-up-to-extend trick. You can visit this XDA Developers thread to grab a copy of the keyboard and install it on your phone. Once installed you’ll just need to set it as the default the first time it prompts you. If you end up disliking the new keyboard, check out our guide to switching the default application for Android tasks to re-enable the HTC keyboard.

你没有做错任何事。 HTC Evo随附HTC自定义键盘(不是该技巧适用的默认Android键盘)。 您需要做的是安装默认键盘,以便您可以享受向上滑动的技巧。 您可以访问此XDA Developers线程以获取键盘的副本并将其安装在手机上。 安装完成后,您只需在第一次提示时将其设置为默认值即可。 如果您最终不喜欢新键盘,请查看我们的指南,以切换Android任务的默认应用程序以重新启用HTC键盘。

记录您网络上访问的每个URL (Log Every URL Visited On Your Network)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Hi there, I am running DD-WRT firmware on my router and have syslog enabled. I would like to know  if it is possible to monitor URLs that are visited on my network? If so what tools are out there for Windows and what would be the simplest one?

嗨,我在路由器上运行DD-WRT固件,并启用了系统日志。 我想知道是否可以监视在我的网络上访问的URL? 如果是这样,那么Windows可以使用哪些工具?最简单的工具是什么?



Minding My Traffic in Texas


Dear Minding,


To the best of our knowledge there is no plugin or snippet of code for a DD-WRT enabled router that would accomplish what you’re looking for. The problem is the leap from logging IP addresses to logging URLs… essentially your router would have to scan each IP request for an HTTP header and then resolve the URL. It’s not that intensive of a process (your web browser does it just fine after all) but it’s a bit much to ask of the lightweight processors you find in routers. Exporting the log into Windows and resolving all the URLs there is a possibility but it’s pain, wouldn’t be real time, and things that are a pain and not in real time are rarely maintained. That said you should check WallWatcher, a Window-based application that pulls the logs off routers and analyzes them (including IP-to-URL resolution) if you really want to work with the log files on your computer. 

据我们所知,没有支持DD-WRT的路由器的插件或代码段可以完成您要寻找的功能。 问题是从记录IP地址到记录URL的飞跃……本质上,路由器必须扫描每个IP请求以获取HTTP标头,然后解析URL。 这并不是一个过程的密集程度(毕竟您的Web浏览器可以很好地完成它),但是要问路由器中的轻量级处理器有很多问题。 将日志导出到Windows并解析所有URL是有可能的,但这很痛苦,不是实时的,很少维护而不是实时的事情。 也就是说,您应该检查WallWatcher ,这是一个基于Windows的应用程序,如果您确实想使用计算机上的日志文件,则可以从路由器中提取日志并进行分析(包括IP到URL解析)。

To avoid having to pull your own logs and toss them in an application you might want to check out OpenDNS as an alternative solution. OpenDNS has built in tools that allow you to check all the URLs visited from any device behind your router. OpenDNS also has the advantage of not cluttering up your router with log files or requiring you to transfer and resolve them. Also, you can login to your OpenDNS account from anywhere in the world and check the URLs, handy if you want to keep an eye on the sites your kids are visiting while you’re on a business trip or some such thing. You can check out how to configure DD-WRT for OpenDNS here.

为了避免不得不提取自己的日志并将其扔到应用程序中,您可能需要签出OpenDNS作为替代解决方案。 OpenDNS具有内置工具,可让您检查从路由器后面的任何设备访问的所有URL。 OpenDNS的另一个优点是不会使路由器的日志文件混乱,也不需要您传输和解决它们。 另外,您可以从世界任何地方登录您的OpenDNS帐户并检查URL,如果您想留意孩子在出差时访问的网站或其他类似的网站,此方法非常方便。 您可以在此处查看如何为OpenDNS配置DD-WRT

The only downside to using OpenDNS is that unlike logging at the router level you won’t be able to see which specific device is accessing which URL. In such a case it would be worth keeping the syslog active and if the need arose you could reverse lookup the URL in question and scan the syslog to see which device is visiting it (or dump the logs into the previously mentioned WallWatcher).

使用OpenDNS的唯一缺点是,与在路由器级别进行日志记录不同,您将无法看到哪个特定设备正在访问哪个URL。 在这种情况下,保持系统日志处于活动状态是值得的,如果需要,您可以反向查询相关URL,然后扫描系统日志以查看正在访问哪个设备(或将日志转储到前面提到的WallWatcher中)。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at
有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,电子邮件地址为 tips@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to get to the bottom of your problem. tips@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽最大努力解决您的问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/68788/ask-htg-phantom-hdmi-sound-problems-installing-the-stock-android-keyboard-and-network-wide-url-logging/

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