
Signing into a Facebook account on a phone.
Nopparat Khokthong/Shutterstock.com Nopparat Khokthong / Shutterstock.com

Are you still creating user accounts everywhere? Maybe you should stop and sign in with your Google, Facebook, or Apple account instead. It might just be more secure—and it’s definitely more secure if you’re not currently using a password manager.

您还在各处创建用户帐户吗? 也许您应该停止并使用您的Google,Facebook或Apple帐户登录。 它可能会更安全-如果您当前不使用密码管理器,那么它绝对会更安全。

一个强密码,无密码重复使用 (One Strong Password With No Password Reuse)

If you’re creating user accounts for each service you use, there’s a good chance you’re reusing passwords or using simpler passwords that are easy to remember. Then, when a website is breached and leaks your password, an attacker could use those email and password combinations to get access to your accounts. DoorDash losing 5 million logins was just the most recent example, but such breaches happen frequently.

如果要为所使用的每种服务创建用户帐户,则很有可能会重用密码或使用易于记忆的简单密码。 然后,当网站被破坏并泄露您的密码时,攻击者可以使用这些电子邮件和密码组合来访问您的帐户。 DoorDash丢失了500万次登录只是最近的一个例子,但是这种破坏经常发生。

That’s why we recommend using a password manager: You can create strong, unique passwords for each service you use and store them in your password manager’s secure vault. But, unfortunately, most people don’t use password managers.

这就是为什么我们建议使用密码管理器的原因:您可以为使用的每个服务创建强大的唯一密码,并将其存储在密码管理器的安全保管库中。 但是,不幸的是,大多数人不使用密码管理器。

If you sign in with Google, Facebook, or Apple, you can create a strong, unique password and remember it. You just have to remember that one password for your main account. It’s kind of like using a password manager, but it’s a little easier for the average person to get started with.

如果您使用Google,Facebook或Apple登录,则可以创建一个强大的唯一密码并记住该密码。 您只需要记住主帐户的一个密码即可。 有点像使用密码管理器,但对于普通人来说,入门起来要容易一些。

There’s another significant advantage to signing in with Google, Facebook, or Apple, too: Two-factory security.


物理安全密钥和其他两要素技巧 (Physical Security Keys and Other Two-Factor Tricks)

Google Titan security keys
Cameron Summerson
卡梅伦·萨默森(Cameron Summerson)

You have many more options for locking down your Google, Facebook, and Apple accounts. For example, you can require a YubiKey or a Google Titan Security Key when signing into your Google or Facebook account. Other options like a code-generator app, app-based authentication, and SMS-based authentication are also available.

您还有更多选择可以锁定您的Google,Facebook和Apple帐户。 例如,登录到您的Google或Facebook帐户时,您可能需要YubiKeyGoogle Titan安全密钥。 还可以使用其他选项,例如代码生成器应用程序,基于应用程序的身份验证和基于SMS的身份验证。

If you sign into other services with a Google or Facebook account, your two-factor authentication method is effectively securing that other account, too. Other services don’t generally have such a wide variety of two-factor options and support for hardware security keys—in fact, they may not offer two-factor authentication options at all.

如果您使用Google或Facebook帐户登录其他服务,则两因素身份验证方法也可以有效地保护该其他帐户。 其他服务通常没有如此多种多样的两因素身份验证选项,并且不支持硬件安全密钥-实际上,它们可能根本不提供两因素身份验证选项

Apple doesn’t offer support for physical security keys like this. But, when you use Sign in With Apple and sign in on another device, you’ll be prompted to enter a verification code sent to your trusted Apple device or phone number. Your Apple account and its two-factor authentication becomes the security key to your other accounts.

Apple不提供对此类物理安全密钥的支持。 但是,当您使用“用Apple登录”并在另一台设备上登录时,系统将提示您输入发送到您信任的Apple设备或电话号码的验证码。 您的Apple帐户及其两因素身份验证成为其他帐户的安全密钥。

那么隐私呢? (What About Privacy?)

You might be concerned about this because of privacy. Do you really want Facebook or Google knowing about every other site you have an account with? And do you really want every app you’re using seeing all your Facebook information?

您可能会因为隐私而对此感到担心。 您是否真的想要Facebook或Google知道您拥有帐户的其他每个网站? 您是否真的要使用的每个应用程序都查看您的所有Facebook信息?

Well, Facebook and Google perform some tracking anyway, and there’s a good chance they have an idea of what apps and services you use. And don’t worry: Services you’re signing into can’t see all the information in your Facebook or Google accounts. The service uses OAuth and gets only the information you choose to give it about your account.

好吧,Facebook和Google无论如何都会执行一些跟踪,因此他们很有可能对您使用的应用程序和服务有所了解。 不必担心:您登录的服务无法在您的Facebook或Google帐户中看到所有信息。 该服务使用OAuth并仅获取您选择提供的有关您帐户的信息。

Sure, if you sign in via Facebook or Google, the app gets access to your email address—but you’d have to provide that email address if you were signing up for a separate account with that service.


If you’re really concerned about privacy, you should take a look at Sign in With Apple. Apple’s been talking a lot about privacy, but it’s not just talk. Sign in With Apple lets you hide your email address—it will automatically generate a unique, random email address that forwards to your regular email address. Services actually get less information about you than if you created a separate account with your regular email address. It’d be nice to see Google or Facebook offer something like this, too.

如果您真的很担心隐私,则应该看看Sign with Apple 。 苹果公司一直在谈论隐私问题,但不仅仅是讨论。 使用Apple登录可以隐藏您的电子邮件地址-它会自动生成一个唯一的随机电子邮件地址,该地址会转发到您的常规电子邮件地址。 与使用常规电子邮件地址创建一个单独帐户相比,服务实际上获得的有关您的信息更少。 很高兴看到Google或Facebook也提供类似的东西。

就像一个更人性化的密码管理器 (It’s Like a More User-Friendly Password Manager)

Creating an account using Sign In With Apple.

Even if you don’t want to use a Google, Facebook, or Apple account to sign in everywhere, we hope you’ll take the most important advice and use a password manager. Your password manager can generate and store strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts. Don’t reuse passwords or you’re putting yourself at risk.

即使您不想使用Google,Facebook或Apple帐户在任何地方登录,我们也希望您能获得最重要的建议并使用密码管理器。 您的密码管理器可以为您的所有在线帐户生成并存储强大的唯一密码。 请勿重复使用密码,否则您将面临风险。

For people who don’t want to use a password manager—well, that’s why SIgn in With Google, Facebook, and Apple are so convenient. If you know someone that absolutely won’t use a password manager, it’s a lot better to have them signing in with a secure main Google, Facebook, or Apple account rather than reusing the same passwords on different websites.

对于不想使用密码管理器的人来说,这就是使用Google,Facebook和Apple的SIgn如此方便的原因。 如果您知道绝对不会使用密码管理器的人,那么最好让他们使用安全的主要Google,Facebook或Apple帐户登录,而不要在不同的网站上重复使用相同的密码。

Signing in with other types of accounts would also be fine, but other such services are less widespread. For example, some services like your sign in with a Twitter account, but many more services support Facebook and Google accounts.

使用其他类型的帐户登录也可以,但是其他此类服务的普及程度较低。 例如,某些服务(例如,您使用Twitter帐户登录),但更多服务支持Facebook和Google帐户。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442146/why-you-should-sign-in-with-google-facebook-or-apple/





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