

I find it very easy to forget the world we live in. I grew up in North Atlanta, near the Chattahoochee, and spent a huge portion of it riding bikes to the river, going to some park on the river, or otherwise being around it.  I’ve lived intown now as an adult for some years, and kind of forgot it was there, to be totally honest.  Our bridges are too wide to see it even when you drive over it.  We pull 180 million gallons of water out of it every day to bathe, drink, and cook but don’t think about it all that much.

我发现忘记我们生活的世界非常容易。我在查塔胡奇附近的北亚特兰大长大,花了很大一部分骑自行车去河边,去河边的一些公园,或者以其他方式在周围。 我现在已经成年居住在城里几年了,老实说,我忘记了在那里。 我们的桥太宽了,即使您驶过它也看不到它。 每天我们从中抽出1.8亿加仑的水来洗澡,喝水和做饭,但不要那么想。

It recently came to my attention that the water treatment plant I ride my bike past most weeks has a park in the middle of it, sorta. It’s got a strange, unwelcoming gate, lined with barbed wire and fronted with a keypad. It seems a whole lot like its not a park, but sure enough, that’s where Standing Peachtree Park is.

最近引起我注意的是,我过去几周骑自行车的水处理厂中间有一处公园。 它有一个奇怪的,不受欢迎的大门,里面排满了带刺的铁丝网和一个小键盘。 看起来好像不是公园,但可以肯定的是,那儿就是立桃树公园。

It sits at the confluence of Peachtree Creek and the Chattahoochee, on the former grounds of Fort Peachtree, and before that of a Creek Indian trading post: Standing Peachtree. The Creeks made the two mistakes of being native american and siding with the British in the war of 1812, which inspired the idea to tear down their trading post, make a fort to control them, and connect it to Fort Daniel (near Hog Mountain) with what is now Old Peachtree Road (and a shitload of other Peachtree-something roads).

它位于桃树溪和查塔胡奇河的交汇处,位于桃树堡的前场,而在克里克印度贸易站的前身:常备桃树。 The Creeks犯了两个错误:在1812年的战争中成为美洲原住民和与英国人为伴,这激发了这个想法,他们拆除了贸易站,建立了堡垒以控制他们,并将其连接到Fort Daniel(靠近霍格山)与现在的旧桃树路(以及其他许多桃树路)相连。

It’s an interesting park, but I wouldn’t call it great. It’s mostly a weird kind of trail or dirt road that snakes between a water treatment facility and Peachtree Creek. It’s kind of overgrown so it’s hard to see the creek, but you can hear it. The trail isn’t marked all that well, so if you see a sign that says no cars past this point, that’s the trail.  Once you get past the government-y field of fencing and wire, you drop into a wooded area that does start to feel like nature for a moment.

这是一个有趣的公园,但我不会说它很棒。 这主要是一条怪异的小路或土路,蜿蜒在水处理设施和桃树溪之间。 它有点长满了,所以很难看到小溪,但您可以听到。 这条小道的标记并不十分理想,因此,如果您看到一个指示没有汽车驶过这一点的标志,那就是小径。 一旦您走过政府控制的栅栏和铁丝网领域,您便会进入一个树木繁茂的区域,此片刻确实开始像大自然一样。

Eventually you get to a clearing with another barbed wire fence and a sign that simultaneously pulls you out of the forest into some strange industrial trespassing vibe, and reminds you that you may, in fact, be in a public space (a public space with many specific rules). I have to wonder why a parking sign is posted in the farthest possible place you can be in the park from a parking space.  Left of frame there is for some reason a pull-up bar, and nothing else. No benches, other signs, or anything like that.

最终,您进入了另一个带刺的铁丝网围栏的清理工作,同时看到一个标牌,同时将您从森林中带入某种奇怪的工业侵入氛围,并提醒您实际上您可能在公共场所(一个公共场所,具体规则)。 我想知道为什么在停车位上可能会出现的最远的地方张贴停车标志。 出于某种原因,在框架的左侧有一个上拉杆,仅此而已。 没有长椅,其他标志或类似的东西。

Once you get past the vague feeling of trespassing, you can look past the sign and see the thing we were looking for in the first damn place, the river. As far as I know this is the closest in-town view of the river there is. Certainly not as nice as up around Sope Creek and the Palisades, but closer the capital, for whatever that’s worth.

一旦您越过模糊的侵入感觉,您就可以越过路标,在第一个该死的地方,即河流,看到我们想要的东西。 据我所知,这是那里最接近的河景。 当然,这不如Sope Creek和Palisades周围的风景那么好,但无论价值多少,都可以靠近首都。

With a little bit more courage, you can make out a little whisper of a path through the brush, in the middle of that photo. If you take that past the tree line, and then down a steep, slippery embankment, you find yourself on the bank of the Chattahoochee, and the bank of Peachtree Creek, right in the apex of the confluence itself.  Downstream in the foreground you can see the CSX rail line proposed to be refitted to connect the Silver Comet Trail to the Beltline (more info here). Behind that is the Atlanta Rd. bridge, from which you see none of this if you’re just driving along.

有了更多的勇气,您可以在这张照片的中间略微刷出一条穿过画笔的路径。 如果沿林线越过,然后沿着陡峭的湿滑路堤下去,您会发现自己位于查塔胡奇河岸和桃树溪河岸,就在汇合处的顶点。 在前景的下游,您可以看到提议进行改装的CSX铁路线,以将Silver Comet Trail和Beltline连接起来( 更多信息,请参见此处 )。 后面是亚特兰大路。 桥,如果您只是沿着车道行驶,则看不到任何东西。

To your left, you can look up Peachtree Creek. At this point I feel like it’d be irresponsible not to mention: it’s kinda stinky here. I mean there are treatment facilities basically all around you at this point, and you are, without a doubt in nature, but its not like full on nature. There’s some trash on the beach.  Go with open eyes, is what I’m saying, this is where we get a ton of our drinking water and it’s a pretty nice place, warts and all.

在您的左侧,您可以查找Peachtree Creek。 在这一点上,我觉得不负责任是不负责任的:这里有点臭。 我的意思是,到现在为止,您周围基本上都设有治疗设施,您毫无疑问是自然的,但它并不像自然的那样。 海滩上有一些垃圾。 我要说的是睁开眼睛,这是我们获得大量饮用水的地方,这是一个非常不错的地方,有疣和所有。

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翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2017/11/standing-peachtree-park/






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