scrum敏捷开发职责_什么是Scrum Master? 敏捷角色和职责解释


I've been working as a Scrum Master since 2010. The most common questions I hear are:

自2010年以来,我一直担任Scrum Master。我听到的最常见问题是:

  • What exactly does a Scrum Master do?

    Scrum Master到底做什么?
  • Do you really need the role?

  • Is Scrum Master a full time job?

    Scrum Master是全职工作吗?

In this article I will answer these questions.


Scrum Master到底做什么? (What exactly does a Scrum Master do?)

The Scrum Guide describes the roles, events, and artifacts of Scrum.Everyone who practices Scrum should read the Scrum Guide. It's the normative reference for Scrum. It's only about 20 pages, and it's free to download.

Scrum指南》描述了Scrum的角色,事件和工件,所有练习Scrum的人都应阅读《 Scrum指南》。 这是Scrum的规范参考。 它只有大约20页,可以免费下载。

According to the Scrum Guide, the Scrum Master is a Servant Leader. So they're a leader who supports their colleagues in their activities. But not someone who just assigns tasks or bosses other people around.

根据Scrum指南,Scrum Master是Servant Leader 。 因此,他们是支持同事开展活动的领导者。 但不是一个只分配任务的人或老板周围的其他人。

The Scrum Master supports the Product Owner, the development team, and the rest of the organization.

Scrum Master支持产品负责人,开发团队和组织的其他成员。

Scrum Master对产品负责人的支持 (The Scrum Master's support for the Product Owner)

The main task of the Product Owner is to maintain and rank the Product Backlog to maximize the value of the product.


The Scrum Master supports the Product Owner methodically. For example, they help with the documentation of requirements, with prioritization techniques, and in communicating with the rest of the team and organization.

Scrum Master有条不紊地支持产品负责人。 例如,他们可以帮助记录需求,确定优先次序,并与团队和组织的其他成员进行沟通。

Everyone in the Scrum Team should share a clear vision and understand the direction in which the product will evolve. The team should also have a common understanding of the Product Backlog. The Scrum Master helps with that.

Scrum团队中的每个人都应该拥有清晰的愿景,并了解产品发展的方向。 团队还应该对产品待办事项有一个共识。 Scrum Master可以帮助您。

Scrum Master对开发团队的支持 (The Scrum Master's support for the Development Team)

The Scrum Master supports the development team in delivering high quality products.

Scrum Master支持开发团队提供高质量的产品。

For example, they make sure that the team can deliver a working, integrated and automatically tested software at least once a Sprint. So for a 2-week Sprint, that's at least every 2 weeks, or more often.

例如,他们确保团队至少可以在一次Sprint中交付一个运行,集成且经过自动测试的软件。 因此,对于2周的Sprint,至少每2周或更频繁。

If the team can't deliver, the Scrum Master has to take action.

如果团队无法交付,则Scrum Master必须采取行动。

In the Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Master ensures that the team discusses how to improve delivery. Not theoretically, but practically. Step by step, in each Sprint.

在Sprint回顾中,Scrum Master确保团队讨论如何改善交付。 不是理论上的,而是实践上的。 在每个Sprint中逐步进行。

If the developers can't remove an impediment, the Scrum Master helps. For example if tools need to be purchased for test automation and continuous integration. Or the team needs training courses for its developers.

如果开发人员无法消除障碍,Scrum Master会提供帮助。 例如,是否需要购买工具以进行测试自动化和持续集成。 或者团队需要为其开发人员提供培训课程。

Also, the Scrum Master supports the team in self-organization. In Scrum there is nobody who assigns tasks to the developers. Instead, the team members perform the tasks that are their own responsibility.

另外,Scrum Master支持团队的自组织。 在Scrum中,没有人将任务分配给开发人员。 相反,团队成员执行自己的任务。

The Scrum Master supports the developers in making this happen, especially if they are not used to it.

Scrum Master支持开发人员实现这一目标,特别是如果他们不习惯的话。

Self-organization also includes dealing with conflicts. The Scrum Master teaches the team decision-making techniques and communication techniques, like non-violent communication.

自组织还包括处理冲突。 Scrum Master教授团队决策技术和沟通技术,例如非暴力沟通

The Scrum Master also hosts the Scrum Events.

Scrum Master还主持Scrum活动。

Scrum Master对组织的支持 (The Scrum Master's support for the organization)

The work of a Scrum Master is not limited to the team. They must also teach the organization how to interact with the teams.

Scrum Master的工作不仅限于团队。 他们还必须教会组织如何与团队互动。

For example, let's say that an important stakeholder approaches developers and makes them implement a feature that hasn't been agreed on with the Product Owner. Then the Scrum Master has to talk to the stakeholder and explain the influence of their behavior on the productivity and effectiveness of the whole team.

例如,假设有一个重要的利益相关者与开发人员接洽,并使他们实施尚未与产品所有者达成共识的功能。 然后,Scrum Master必须与利益相关者交谈,并解释他们的行为对整个团队的生产力和有效性的影响。

Furthermore, a Scrum Master helps with spreading Scrum in the organization,and makes sure that everyone understands how it works.

此外,Scrum Master有助于在组织中传播Scrum,并确保每个人都了解它的工作方式。

Scrum is not a process that is just rolled out once and everything's fine. Scrum is about continuous improvement based on continuously observing what is going on.

Scrum不是一个只推出一次就可以的程序。 Scrum是基于不断观察正在发生的事情而进行的持续改进。

该角色是否必要? 这是全职工作吗? (Is the role necessary? Is it a full-time job?)

The short answer is yes. I haven't seen a team that that's able to manage all the above mentioned tasks themselves, while at the same time focusing sufficiently on development.

简短的答案是肯定的。 我还没有看到一个能够自己管理所有上述任务,同时又将精力集中在开发上的团队。

But my experience is limited. It's quite possible that such teams exist, especially in smaller organizations and start-ups.

但是我的经验是有限的。 这样的团队很可能存在,尤其是在较小的组织和初创企业中。

My experience as a Scrum Master is that I can usually take care of at most 2 teams. And then it's a full time job. It's not something that a developer does on the side.

我作为Scrum Master的经验是,我通常最多可以照顾2个团队。 然后是全职工作。 开发人员不会这样做。

In many organizations, this is seen differently. But they likely don't understood that a Scrum Master is a leadership position. And that has an impact on the effectiveness of the teams.

在许多组织中,这是不同的看法。 但是他们可能不理解Scrum Master是领导职位。 这会影响团队的效率。

I believe that a lot of frustration that comes from sloppy Scrum implementations could be avoided. And one factor is to have an experienced Scrum Master.

我相信可以避免因草率的Scrum实现而产生的许多挫败感。 一个因素是拥有经验丰富的Scrum Master。

To be a good Scrum Master, it's not enough to attend a certification course that just takes several days. Those courses are fine, but they only teach the basics. The real challenges come with practice.

要成为一名优秀的Scrum Master,仅参加几天的认证课程是不够的。 这些课程很好,但它们只讲基础知识。 真正的挑战来自实践。



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