

by Jonathan Puc

乔纳森·普克(Jonathan Puc)

为什么记录您的旅程将导致开发人员成功 (Why documenting your journey will lead to success as a developer)

I recently wrote an article on how I landed my first job as a self-taught developer. One of the points I made was to build a personal brand by creating content and putting yourself out there.

最近,我写了一篇文章, 介绍了我如何成为一名自学成才的开发人员 。 我提出的观点之一是通过创建内容并将自己放到自己那里来建立个人品牌。

I’m here to expand on that point and explain why documenting your journey will bring positive benefits.


Before I even wrote my first line of code, I knew I was going to start a blog and write about my journey as a self-taught developer.


At the time, I had discovered Gary Vaynerchuk and was binge watching his videos.

当时,我发现了Gary Vaynerchuk,并且疯狂地观看了他的视频。

Gary preaches documenting your journey and explains how stories are what sells. So I took the advice.

加里(Gary)讲道记录您的旅程,并解释故事如何销售。 所以我接受了建议。

I began blogging about learning code and my endeavor towards self-improvement.


It was the best thing I could have done for myself, and I’m pretty damn sure I wouldn’t be here if I had hesitated to put myself out there. Big call? I don’t think so, here’s why.

这是我本能为自己做的最好的事情,而且我非常确定如果我犹豫不决将自己摆在那儿,我不会在这里。 大电话? 我不这么认为,这就是原因。

它为社区打开了一扇门 (It opened a door to a community)

Like attracts like. By putting my projects, current circumstances, and future goals out there, I attracted like-minded people. I was able to build relationships with individuals who had the same drive and hunger for success as I did. These relationships allowed us to bounce ideas off each other and grow together.

就像吸引一样。 通过提出自己的项目,当前情况和未来目标,我吸引了志趣相投的人。 我能够与那些拥有与我同样的动力和渴望的人建立关系。 这些关系使我们能够相互交流想法并共同成长。

Furthermore, people who were new to the programming and self-development world approached me and sought guidance. As we all know, the greatest learning happens when you are teaching. By helping others, I also reinforced the fundamentals I had picked up along the way.

此外,对编程和自我发展世界陌生的人与我接触并寻求指导。 众所周知,最大的学习是在教书时发生的。 通过帮助他人,我也巩固了我在此过程中掌握的基础知识。

People sometimes asked me insightful questions that challenged me to view things from a different perspective and helped me grow. It’s often the questions that bring the most value, not the answers.

人们有时会问我一些有见地的问题,这些问题挑战了我从不同的角度看待事物并帮助我成长。 带来最大价值的通常是问题,而不是答案。

My absolute favorite is when I’m in a slump, and somebody asks me for advice. I’m reminded of why I started in the first place, and soon I’m back on track.

我绝对喜欢的是当我不景气时,有人问我建议。 我想起了为什么我要从头开始,很快我又回到了正轨。

它给了我责任感 (It gave me a sense of responsibility)

I told the world who I aspired to be and what I had set out to achieve. Blog posts, Facebook posts, and Instagram photos with lengthy captions. There was no way I was going to quit now, I had people following and supporting me. Most importantly, I wasn’t going to let myself down after putting myself out there.

我告诉全世界我渴望成为谁以及我打算实现的目标。 带长标题的博客文章,Facebook文章和Instagram照片。 我现在没有办法退出,我有很多人跟随并支持我。 最重要的是,在离开自己之后,我不会让自己失望。

我培养了创作者的心态 (I developed the mindset of a creator)

Whether you’re writing blog posts, shooting videos, or recording podcasts, you are a content creator, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if you have a following of 100 or 1000.

无论您是撰写博客文章,拍摄视频还是录制播客,您都是内容创建者,简单明了。 跟随100或1000无关紧要。

With consistency, it starts to feel natural and you soon start to think and act like a creator, which is a valuable mindset to have.


Creators don’t just mindlessly consume.


Creators continuously give back to others by creating valuable content.


Creators strive to improve themselves as a way to improve their own work.


The mindset of a creator is one that thrives in any field.


这是一种很好的反思 (It’s a great form of reflection)

Learning code isn’t easy, especially if you’re taking the self-taught route. Sure you have things like Stack Overflow, but sometimes the answers you seek aren’t there and you have to just grind it out until it works. Sometimes that grind can be hours, and all motivation flies out the window.

学习代码并不容易,特别是如果您采用自学的方法。 当然,您会遇到类似Stack Overflow之类的问题,但是有时候您找不到想要的答案,因此您必须将其磨碎,直到它起作用为止。 有时,这种磨牙可能要花费数小时,而所有的动力都无法实现。

This often happened to me.


By documenting my journey, I had something to look back to and reflect on — my past struggles and how I was able to overcome them. Believe me, there is nothing more motivating than reading your own success stories.

通过记录我的旅程,我可以回顾和反思-我过去的挣扎以及如何克服这些挣扎。 相信我,没有什么比阅读自己的成功故事更有动力了。

It became a lot harder for negative thoughts to kick in and have me questioning myself again as I had success stories to remind me of how much I had progressed.


它使您能够与其他候选人区分开 (It allows you to differentiate yourself from other candidates)

When you start looking for that developer job, you need to stand out from the rest.


A career in tech is hot right now, and you’ll be up against a crazy amount of candidates. I don’t believe a CV and cover letter will cut it anymore. They may draw initial attention, but you’ve still got a whole lot more to sell.

目前,科技行业很热门,您将面对大量的求职者。 我不相信简历和求职信会减少它。 他们可能会引起最初的关注,但是您还有很多要卖的。

Having a place where employers can go and learn more about you, beyond what your CV and cover letter show, is a big plus:


  • It shows them you are willing to go the extra mile.

  • By documenting your journey, you show you have a sense of self-awareness, which is really attractive to employers.

  • You give employers the opportunity to connect with you and relate to you. If they’ve already gotten to know you through your content before the interview, you’re already ahead of others.

    您使雇主有机会与您建立联系并与您建立联系。 如果他们在面试之前已经通过您的内容认识您,那么您已经领先于其他人。
  • Your journey is a story. Who knows? They may be intrigued by what comes in the next chapter of your story and want to invest in you.

    您的旅程是一个故事。 谁知道? 他们可能会对您的故事的下一章中的内容感兴趣,并希望投资于您。

结论 (Conclusion)

People often tell me they’re afraid to start documenting because they don‘t think they’ll be able to produce interesting or entertaining content.


The key word here is document. You are simply keeping track of your progression and experiences. Some people may find it valuable, and some may not. The most important thing is that you remain consistent and not get too caught up in trying to please others.

这里的关键词是文件 您只是跟踪自己的进度和经历。 有些人可能会发现它很有价值,有些则没有。 最重要的是,您要保持一贯的态度,不要太着急于取悦他人。

Here is a great post by Gary Vaynerchuk about documenting.

这是Gary Vaynerchuk撰写的有关记录的精彩文章

Done reading? Well what are you waiting for?!

看完了吗? 那么,你还等什么呢?!

Draft up some ideas, pick a channel/platform, start creating, and reap the benefits!


Here’s to wishing you luck on your journey! As always, my inbox is open to anybody in need of further advice or have questions.

祝您旅途顺利! 与往常一样,我的收件箱向所有需要进一步建议或有疑问的人开放。

Feel free to connect with me on any of the platforms below!


Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter

Instagram | 领英 推特

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-documenting-your-journey-will-lead-to-success-as-a-developer-38aa9fa4bac8/






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